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How I arrived here ...

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    How I arrived here ...

    Ten weeks ago, tomorrow I had an almighty row with my partner, we're not married but were supposed to be getting married in 2014, that's most definitely on hold for the foreseeable. The fight was over a hot dog - can you believe that?

    Because we are tied financially in our house we've been putting a bit of a brave face on it and seeing what happens though to be perfectly honest there were three people in the relationship, me, him and AL. After the fight I didn't know what to do so I decided, walking round the shops looking at all the things I couldn't ever afford because AL was more important that I would dump AL and see if the situation at home improved, the jury is still out!

    My other half is 18 years younger than me, I met him about 6 months after the death of my husband of 31.5 years. At first I wasn't drinking much but after we moved in together and due to the stress of unemployment and both my grown up sons joining us AL became my new best friend. G doesn't drink, and never has so my drinking caused a massive rift, the fact my best girl friend also has drink issues hasn't helped. After our fight, G has left me to get on with it providing little or no support and the only thing keeping me going is the knowledge that if I don't win the battle with the booze, sooner or later, and probably sooner, it will really impact on my work and health.

    Not long after Christmas I found this forum which has been a massive help and support although I haven't posted much due to the odd situation in which I find myself.

    Ten years ago I had it all, loving husband, two great kids doing well in college and a fantastic life living in Brussels. We'd been back from Australia where we lived 7 years and then done 3 years near Paris so life was pretty cool.

    My husband and I had always drank too much (by a lot,) but somehow it didn't seem to be a problem - he worked, I had a ball shopping, lunches etc. Then he was diagnosed with cancer and was dead within a year. That was when I really started to drink. Couldn't cope, didn't want to go back to Brussels and ended up living in the room my brother rented out so had to start over aged 50. Didn't get paid out on my husband's life insurance (fought to the bitter end but still lost) so ended up broke and homeless and to a great extent friendless - apart from the company of Mr Gordon and Mrs Chardonnay.

    I then met the guy I'm currently living with, and one way and another I managed to claw my way back into the land of those living a seemingly normal life, my mum died and left me a considerable amount of money which funded my current home which is owned jointly with OH.

    So I find myself at a bit of a cross-roads, aged 58, in the last month I've just managed to get myself a promotion at work (I finally got a great job last summer in spite of the drinking) and life should be looking good. If only I could get my personal life back on track and stay off the sauce.

    So far I've managed it - I'm told most days by my (so-called) best friend that I am now a boring **** but so what? I'm a sober one.

    I know there's loads of gaps which I'll fill in eventually, its weird how hard it is to write it all down so thanks for reading if you got this far

    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

    How I arrived here ...

    Thank you for sharing your story and I look forward to reading the rest of it.
    So sorry for the loss of your husband, you have been through the mill, hun.:l

    I have to say well done for taking a step back from wedding plans and seeing what will happen. Oh and also well done on 10 weeks AF.

    As for your best friend..............mmmmmmmmmmmm don't think it's printable.She obviously has demons of her own and hopefully she'll find her own way out.

    For now concentrate on you and your sobriety.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      How I arrived here ...

      Hi spiderwomen, welcome to MWO. You've come to the right place. Lots of support here for everyone xx
      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
      Day by day


        How I arrived here ...

        Health is Wealth!

        Look back on all the good things.. remember you were blessed to have a good life and great husband in some of the capitals of Europe! Many don't get around like that.. You don't need to rebuild that life.. Just enjoy what you have NOW! Even if it's not as much! Health is Wealth!


          How I arrived here ...

          Thanks for sharing your story, that can be a very hard thing to do. I can't imagine how hard it must have been to lose your husband after so many years together, my condolences to you. And though you have been through so much, you sound strong in your resolve to get on the right track - good for you!
          I could relate to your stopping the AL in order to get a perspective on your relationship, I'm in a similar situation, and the jury is still out here too. :huh:

          Congratulations on your promotion! I hope your friend comes around, but if not, she may not have really been a friend, just a drinking buddy.

          Hope to see you around.
          AF since 6JUN2012

