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Very new.
Very new.
Hi, I found this site while googling. After years of drinking too much I am starting to acknowledge its out of hand, and I am quite helpless. What started as fun now has the better of me. I would love to use this forum and to meet and chat with the brave people who are aiming to have a healthy relationship with alcohol. :new:Tags: None
Very new.
Hello and welcome. How are you? Keep posting, what is your story?
I really look foward to going on this journey with you.
WELCOME!!!If drinking is interfering with your work, you're probably a heavy drinker. If work is interfering with your drinking, you're probably an alcoholic.
Very new.
:welcome: I'm new here, too. I am at the point of realising that the only healthy relationship I can have with alcohol is not to have one at all! I have tried so often to 'just drink on Fridays and Saturdays' or to 'only have half a bottle of wine' - and every time, I just have gone back to drinking a bottle of wine every night.
I wish you lots of strength and good luck on your journey!
Very new.
PaisleyG;1464115 wrote: Hi, I found this site while googling. After years of drinking too much I am starting to acknowledge its out of hand, and I am quite helpless. What started as fun now has the better of me. I would love to use this forum and to meet and chat with the brave people who are aiming to have a healthy relationship with alcohol. :new:
The fact that you recognise that you can't beat alcohol is half the battle......give up the fight, give up the alcohol and get back to living.
Hop over and join the newbies nest and get some company to start your journey.
Some people prefer to have their own ongoing thread or do both.
One thing I know is that people who read and post lots are more likely to succeed. The act of putting those day to day feelings in writing changes your mind....literally.
So buckle up, and enjoy the ride.:h
Very new.
Hi Paisley,
This is an awesome place for us. Wanted to stop in and say. :welcome:
:l:hOn My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
*If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest
Very new.
:welcome: Join us on our journey of healing!Sober since Sept. 24th 2012This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan
Very new.
Thank you people. I feel like I have new friends, with very strange names. My goal is to have alcohol free nights during the week. So far that is Sunday and Monday. This is good. I'm not ready to stop drinking altogether. I love it so much. It has so many joyful associations for me. It also has been the cause of so many horrendous things; embarrassment, shame, broken friendships, dangerous activities. I want to be able to drink sensibly, and for it not to be a problem, like I could take it or leave it. I'm not sure if this is possible. I hear your words, talisman and Ann. I suspect I might end up agreeing with you. Thanks for your kind words and I will try and find my way to the newbies nest.
Very new.
PG, this site IS a challenge to navigate (at least for me). In my signature line below, please find links to the Newbie's Nest and Tool Box. In the nest, we have folks in all stages of his/her quit. We suggest you try and do a 30 day alcohol free stent. This seemed impossible to me, but it really is necessary to give you some distance from AL and see what your relationship with it really is. The Nest is active and can help you do that. The Tool Box is a collection of 100's of tips and coping skills to help you get/remain sober! It really is a wealth of information. I'm so glad you found us...this place saves lives, and I'm one of them! Byrdie
Very new.
need a friend.........
I am just starting my sobriety journey and hope this is the place to start......amongst fellow addicts...........we all want the same destination......and i am glad i found this site..........please lend me a typing finger when i am feeling down....and i know right now there are going to be a few more downs than ups........i am needing to clean up a few messy situations....................glad you are all at my fingertips........You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......