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    Hello all, I am a long time lurker and a first time poster. I really dont know how to start, so I will tell you all about my story.

    I am a 39 yr. old guy who has been drinking for a long time and feel there is no hope. I love beer. I mean i LOVE BEER! Beer is my best friend. I was married for 15 yeas and the only time beer wasn't the love of my life was when I was on drugs. My drug of choice was pot but it soon became meth. I did meth for about 5 years but beer has always been my long lost love. My ex and I moved out of state so I could find a job and we lived together for another 10 yrs. When we moved here, I met someone who became my best friend. I lived with my ex for about 6 years before we got divorced. We were separated in 2009 and then again in 2010 for a year each before that happened. We finally got divorced in 2011, which was the best thing for us. We had two children in our marriage.

    After we separated, I started dating my best friend. Her and I have had a long history. She has been my best friend for years, she is an amazing woman! We got married this year and I could not be happier! My problem is, she doesn't care how much i drink. She drinks wine but I am putting down like 20 to 25 beers a night! I am tired. I am ready to quit but I am afraid of the withdrawals. I am afraid of having a seizure because I don't have any beer in me. It terrifies me! I don't want to die, but I know I am killing my self!

    Anyways, I never thought of my self as an alcoholic until my wife said I was. I told her "No I'm not. Alcoholics go to meetings, I'm a drunk."

    I dont want to be a drunk.

    Thanks for reading this.



    dazedandconfused;1465371 wrote: Hello all, I am a long time lurker and a first time poster. I really dont know how to start, so I will tell you all about my story.

    I am a 39 yr. old guy who has been drinking for a long time and feel there is no hope. I love beer. I mean i LOVE BEER! Beer is my best friend. I was married for 15 yeas and the only time beer wasn't the love of my life was when I was on drugs. My drug of choice was pot but it soon became meth. I did meth for about 5 years but beer has always been my long lost love. My ex and I moved out of state so I could find a job and we lived together for another 10 yrs. When we moved here, I met someone who became my best friend. I lived with my ex for about 6 years before we got divorced. We were separated in 2009 and then again in 2010 for a year each before that happened. We finally got divorced in 2011, which was the best thing for us. We had two children in our marriage.

    After we separated, I started dating my best friend. Her and I have had a long history. She has been my best friend for years, she is an amazing woman! We got married this year and I could not be happier! My problem is, she doesn't care how much i drink. She drinks wine but I am putting down like 20 to 25 beers a night! I am tired. I am ready to quit but I am afraid of the withdrawals. I am afraid of having a seizure because I don't have any beer in me. It terrifies me! I don't want to die, but I know I am killing my self!

    Anyways, I never thought of my self as an alcoholic until my wife said I was. I told her "No I'm not. Alcoholics go to meetings, I'm a drunk."

    I dont want to be a drunk.

    Thanks for reading this.
    Hi there.. Well in your situation it's not going to happen over night.. You need to prepare in advance... 25 beers is a lot of liquid intake per night. I also loved beer but moved on to vodka and whiskey. It was quicker with less amounts. I'm new here too.. But not new to this fight. I suggest you first start to clean out your system to prepare it for this.. Start taking all the liver cleaners you can.. I took them all and ornithine aspartate worked the best for me by far. Start to cut back to maybe 10 beers a night and take some melatonin to help you sleep.. then just keep cutting back until your FREE! Once free start to live a healthy life.. Eat right and get off the couch and move! Do what you like to do.. Maybe swimming or whatever.. Eat salads with lean meat.. The good protein will help you rebuild your damaged body. And drink lots of water! Maybe flavored water if you prefer.. Or maybe in your case (alcohol free beer at first).. Maybe some of the guys here will tell you to quit cold turkey. (I'm not sure), but I think it's to dangerous. Take a week to do it.. and then you will be FREE FOREVER! And keep posting and tell your progress daily. It really helps!



      DimensionDrifter;1465377 wrote: Hi there.. Well in your situation it's not going to happen over night.. You need to prepare in advance... 25 beers is a lot of liquid intake per night. I also loved beer but moved on to vodka and whiskey. It was quicker with less amounts. I'm new here too.. But not new to this fight. I suggest you first start to clean out your system to prepare it for this.. Start taking all the liver cleaners you can.. I took them all and ornithine aspartate worked the best for me by far. Start to cut back to maybe 10 beers a night and take some melatonin to help you sleep.. then just keep cutting back until your FREE! Once free start to live a healthy life.. Eat right and get off the couch and move! Do what you like to do.. Maybe swimming or whatever.. Eat salads with lean meat.. The good protein will help you rebuild your damaged body. And drink lots of water! Maybe flavored water if you prefer.. Or maybe in your case (alcohol free beer at first).. Maybe some of the guys here will tell you to quit cold turkey. (I'm not sure), but I think it's to dangerous. Take a week to do it.. and then you will be FREE FOREVER! And keep posting and tell your progress daily. It really helps!

      Agree with all this. Take your time - I would taper off say 3 beers per night & yes take something to help you sleep. Even if you have to get prescription med for sleep - being able to look forward to a good sleep is half the battle in the beginning.
      You will be tired but your system will miss the beer.
      Good luck & keep us updated on how it's going ?
      You are on your way - it will only get better from here.
      It will never again be as bad as it is today
      . Keep that in mind.



        Hi Dazed! :welcome:

        There is some good advice on this site about how to properly taper off alcohol. The best advice is to do it slooowly. Keep a log book and record how many beers you drink each night. 25 beers is a lot each night, so you might to plan on taking a couple of weeks to taper. I would encourage you to speak to a doctor about this and get his opinion on the severity of withdrawal you are likely to encounter. If you get a prescription for sleep meds, make sure you tell your doctor to make them ones that are not addicting.

        As you taper, space your beers out. Drink a glass of water in between each one. Make sure you eat well and keep yourself full of healthy food. It really does help with quitting.

        Lastly, read all you can on here about supplements to help you on your journey. Your body has been malnourished and toxic for years now. Getting some quality supplements will assist your brain and liver (all organs, really) to repair themselves more quickly.

        Come on over to the Newbie's Nest - it's a great place for loving support and comfort. There are lots of us just starting out or just starting over on the battle and lots of long timers who are there to cheer us on and challenge our alcoholic brains.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.



          welcome dazed, IMO you do need to be concerned about severe withdrawal and you need to do this safely. You can taper off using beer, or you can see your doctor and get them to prescribe some medications for you. I'd suggest you have a read of the info at this link below about tapering off, of course you could do it slower than they recommend too, you don't have to rush it, but if you quit cold turkey you really could be at risk because your body and nervous system may just freak out from the sudden withdrawal because of the amount you drink.
          How To Taper Off Alcohol

