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Today I am starting at day on

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    Today I am starting at day on

    I hate my life with alcohol in it. I hate what is has done to relationships in my life.
    And I pretty much hate myself right now.
    I need to get off and stay off the Alcohol. I am trying to remember how good I felt with 16 days AF.

    Going to need all the help I can get to make it through today....

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Today I am starting at day on

    Hating alcohol is a very powerful strategy. He is the friend who
    robs u of your money. He makes an ass out of you, deliberately
    puts you in harms way for the purpose of harming you and
    using you to harm others. He makes u cheat on your spouse and
    You get the jist. Alc hates you with a passion. If you had a friend
    like that wouldn't you distance yourself from them?
    Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1


      Today I am starting at day on

      You have really been struggling haven't you Red....

      Good on you for not giving up on quitting. :l

      Maybe for today you can start a list of "How I felt AF"

      Go back and read your posts...find the positives in them and buid from there.

      At least it will give you something to do

      Will check in with you later work willing....PPQP


        Today I am starting at day on

        rednose;1465419 wrote: I hate my life with alcohol in it. I hate what is has done to relationships in my life.
        And I pretty much hate myself right now.
        I need to get off and stay off the Alcohol. I am trying to remember how good I felt with 16 days AF.

        Going to need all the help I can get to make it through today....

        Never quit quitting. You can get and stay SOBER! I know you can. :l
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


          Today I am starting at day on

          Wishing you strength to get back to where you want to be Rednose. I found it really horrible and difficult around the 2 to3 week bit but it does get better. If it didn't I would never have msde it to this point xxx
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            Today I am starting at day on

            Red......we're here for you. Remember to fast forward where the end of taking that first drink will lead you to. Keep your eye on the prize of feeling sooooo much better and healthier without AL


              Today I am starting at day on

              Hi, Red

              Last night I felt like giving up the whole thing and although I knew I would be so regretful, I just could not stop The Voice. I got on here and just typed and typed. People responded and really helped me. Sometimes I think you've just got to get out of your own head. Perhaps later today if you are struggling with day 1, you could just come hang out in this thread or the newbies nest. Read and post, read and post...

              You did 16 days one day at a time. You can do it again and just keep on going.

              All the best to you, Red. Let's do this and in 6 months and a year and forever be so so glad we did!


                Today I am starting at day on

                NoSugar;1465477 wrote: Hi, Red

                Last night I felt like giving up the whole thing and although I knew I would be so regretful, I just could not stop The Voice. I got on here and just typed and typed. People responded and really helped me. Sometimes I think you've just got to get out of your own head. Perhaps later today if you are struggling with day 1, you could just come hang out in this thread or the newbies nest. Read and post, read and post...

                You did 16 days one day at a time. You can do it again and just keep on going.

                All the best to you, Red. Let's do this and in 6 months and a year and forever be so so glad we did!
                :applaud: Please accept these flowers! :thumbsup:heartsnflowers: :goodjob:
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
       Newbies Nest
       Tool Box
       How to get a sobriety plan


                  Today I am starting at day on

                  rednose;1465419 wrote: I hate my life with alcohol in it. I hate what is has done to relationships in my life.
                  And I pretty much hate myself right now.
                  I need to get off and stay off the Alcohol. I am trying to remember how good I felt with 16 days AF.

                  Going to need all the help I can get to make it through today....

                  Yeah Red, could pretty much say the same RE. hating alc and what its done to my life and relationships, particularly the relationship with myself.

                  You have done it before and can do it again:l


                    Today I am starting at day on

                    Thanks for your support everyone.

                    This day started early for me woke up at three am
                    and started crying. What a way to wake up.... I am so sad I don't think I could get any lower.
                    Wrote a pathetic email to my ex begging her to take me back even though she has said she can't.
                    Her words are I can forgive but not forget. God I hate myself and life right now.

                    Sorry for being such a downer

                    All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                      Today I am starting at day on

                      Go on and have that cry....get it out.

                      I have been exactly where you are now. Hating everything about me and life in general.

                      Maybe the relationship you need to work on right now is the one with yourself.

                      I know I can't be happy in any relationship if I'm not happy with me.

                      Don't sit and stew. Post, go for a walk, Post, eat something, Post, read around MWO, Post.

                      Will check back later....PPQP


                        Today I am starting at day on

                        Hippyman;1465479 wrote: :applaud: Please accept these flowers! :thumbsup:heartsnflowers: :goodjob:
                        Thank you, Hippyman. I love them!

                        RED: we would like to give you some tomorrow when you make it through til then AF!!!


                          Today I am starting at day on

                          I have faith in you Red. Sometimes crappy situations can be the best motivators. Good things WILL come.


                            Today I am starting at day on

                            Thanks. Just checking in. I feel like crap along with hating myself and my life.

                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Today I am starting at day on

                              Red, I think we're in the same place. Stuck. Miserable. Inconsolable.

                              I'm not sure what else to tell you except I know what you're feeling and I'm not giving up. I don't think you should either.
                              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

