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Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

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    Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books


    I have read Allan Carr's book (twice) and although it was helpful, my success was limited until I found MWO and now have been AF for 4 wk. (Thanks for all the help, especially to those in the Newbies Nest).

    I have read several references to Jason Vales' book and it sounds like his approach is similar to that of Carr's. I was curious as to whether there is benefit to reading both (the Vale book is not in my public library so I would need to buy it). If it is the same message, I would rather not spend the money. But, if several of you think it is superior to the Carr book, or provides different information, I might take the plunge.

    Thanks for your input,


    Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

    NoSugar;1466096 wrote: Hello,

    I have read Allan Carr's book (twice) and although it was helpful, my success was limited until I found MWO and now have been AF for 4 wk. (Thanks for all the help, especially to those in the Newbies Nest).

    I have read several references to Jason Vales' book and it sounds like his approach is similar to that of Carr's. I was curious as to whether there is benefit to reading both (the Vale book is not in my public library so I would need to buy it). If it is the same message, I would rather not spend the money. But, if several of you think it is superior to the Carr book, or provides different information, I might take the plunge.

    Thanks for your input,

    As I've said before here Jason Vale copied the concept from Allen Carr book imo. Don't know how he got away with it
    Having said that you should buy it - it's a good story of his fight with alcohol plus the more you read the more you will probably come across something that resonates with you.

    I quit smoking years back using Allen's Carr's book :goodjob:


      Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

      I read both, one after the other in fact (Carr's first then Vale's) and as much as Jason Vale's book is clearly re-worked from the content of Allan Carr's, I found Jason Vale's to be much more 'easy' to read and it connected with me better overall.

      I personally would recommend that it's worthwhile reading both


        Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

        what jinglejo and satz said. :-) I found that I could relate a little more to vale's even thought the concept was the same. :-)

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

          Thanks to all of you for your responses. It sounds like I should go ahead and get the Vale book, also.

          Have a great day/evening! - NS


            Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

            Just to put my tuppence worth in - I really prefer the Carr book - but I read it first. It really resonates with me and when I am having a hard time with AL, I go back and pick up my (very worn) copy and read again - all the underlined bits and the bits that I have marked "important". I did not like the fact the Vale worked with Carr and then wrote his own book. Anyway - whatever floats your boat and if either of them help with the AL, then I say it doesn't really matter.

            Hugs, sun XXX
            How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


              Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

              sunshinedaisies;1466229 wrote: Just to put my tuppence worth in - I really prefer the Carr book - but I read it first. It really resonates with me and when I am having a hard time with AL, I go back and pick up my (very worn) copy and read again - all the underlined bits and the bits that I have marked "important". I did not like the fact the Vale worked with Carr and then wrote his own book. Anyway - whatever floats your boat and if either of them help with the AL, then I say it doesn't really matter.

              Hugs, sun XXX
              Thanks, Sunshinedaisies. I still have the Carr book on a Kindle reader. That is ok but it is harder to find those little 'nuggets of wisdom' as easily. I know there are ways to highlight and all of that but I haven't taken the time to figure it all out. And, there is nothing like a ragged-edged, well-worn copy of a beloved or useful book.

              I did not know that Vale worked with Carr before writing his book. Did he do that after Carr died? He likely is fortunate that Carr himself or his estate did not sue him. I will read the Vale book with that in mind. Thanks for the tidbit of information!


                Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

                Hi Nosugar - yes, carr wrote the book first - then vale (who worked with carr) brought his out - I THINK, after carr died - I am not sure about that though - BUT I prefer the original version - and yes, that is one book that I want the hard copy of - I have a spare and am happy to send it to you if you would like - PM me - okay? I have given it to a few folk as I think it is so good.

                Vale is okay - but having read the original first I suppose I am biased. I also quit smoking with the Carr book on that (although started again when a friend died - AL related) but know that if I read it again I can do it again.

                As I said, whatever works for you is great - it doesn't matter as long as it works - good luck !!

                hugs, Sun XXX
                How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                  Jason Vale vs Allan Carr books

                  I prefer Vale's book, even though the ideas appear to be a rip off of Carr's. I found Carr's book to be a drier read, while I could identify more with Vale.

