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Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

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    Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

    Hi everyone
    I've being visiting this site now for around a year. I've tried to quit several times and thought about it most of the time, occasioally I've made posts when I thought I could finally quit, but never made it past day two. I've then disappeared into the background thinking I'm not worthy to make any comments.
    Something clicked on Monday, I don't know what - but I knew I was ready. I am now on day four, I can't believe it!
    I joined a gym. Employed a personal trainer, which the only way I can afford her is with the money I'm saving from not buying the wine. When that dreaded 4.00 - 5-00pm time arrives when the pangs start, I take the kudaz and remind myself I can't, so forget it!
    I really think I can do it this time, and I know this is the first time I've really felt so sure.
    All of you have inspired me so much.
    Thanks Guys

    Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

    Hey Alison,

    The gyms the best place to be. Your story is pretty much a replica of mine. Shame I have'nt got a personnal trainer!!! Hey stay with it. Sounds like you are ready this time round. Look forward to chatting to you here again.
    A BushBaby with Attitude


      Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

      Hi Alison & :welcome:

      Read and post is the best advice I can give, there are lots of lovely people here to help and support you.

      Love & hugs :h :l :h


        Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

        Thanks - How was Friday Doo Doo

        Thanks for your support Elizabeth and Betty. It always feels like coming home when I visit this site.
        I was wondering, if you read this Doo Doo, did you survive Friday night, when you thought you might have a drink or two?
        Alison x


          Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

          Hello overit, Congratulations on the 4 days AF...Never, ever think you aren't worthy to make any comments on here... You are just as worthy and IMPORTANT as anybody else.. Please keep on reading and posting on here no matter what.. We are all here for each other, not just during the good times, but, more importantly during the bad ones as well..

          Take care, Louise xxx
          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

            Hi overit, I was going to say exactly what Irish just said. Do not ever think you are not worthy to post here. We have all made our mistakes, ups and downs; we are all in this together. Glad you are doing so well!!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Day 4 (first time in 7 years)


              You are very welcome!! I am new here too and no matter what you post however trivial or irrelevant you feel it to be someone will relate to it and respond to you.

              What a feeling !! Congrats on day 4 - when I came here something clicked for me too , I had tried for years to stop with limited success - now I feel as if I have let the fight go, I'm not fighting the alcohol anymore cos it just is not important anymore.

              wish you well - do come back!!

              Love S


                Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

                Hi there alison and :welcome:

                you sound sooooo positive! look forward to hearing more from you!



                  Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

                  Hi A,

                  Cool username!

                  Yep - it is strange, somehow I just "knew" when it was time to sort myself out too.

                  Glad you are here - keep coming back and we will help all we can!

                  take care

                  "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                    Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

                    You can do it - you can do it!

                    That's so cool!
                    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


                      Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

                      Funny how something can click in your head.

                      When i started out i got a personal trainer too. Boy, she is expensive, but I think that gaining physical health and strength is part of increasing and improving emotional health and is a great help in this fight.

                      I'm fitter now than I've been in my life and still sober.

                      I think I sweat out a lot of crap in the gym and the endorphins last much longer than the chemicals of alcohol.

                      Good luck.



                        Day 4 (first time in 7 years)

                        :goodjob: keep on goin alison your sounding so positive keep on visiting the site with people like theese and your personal trainer your well on the road to recovery its hard work and shear determination we are all with you:l
                        Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

