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Wanting to drink right now

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    Wanting to drink right now

    Ok I know this is screwed up in the head but My heart has been broken by this woman. I ran into her with her new Boyfriend and I have to say the pain was just to much to deal with.
    All I want to do is get a bottle and drink it until I pass out.
    How can someone who once said they loved you move on so fast?
    I am screwed. Drinking sounds better than feeling this pain over and over and over.

    Has anyone on here had this same thing happen to them?

    I swear it is like she stuck a knife in my heart.

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free

    Wanting to drink right now

    Get yourself another WOMAN not another BOTTLE!

    rednose;1466793 wrote: Ok I know this is screwed up in the head but My heart has been broken by this woman. I ran into her with her new Boyfriend and I have to say the pain was just to much to deal with.
    All I want to do is get a bottle and drink it until I pass out.
    How can someone who once said they loved you move on so fast?
    I am screwed. Drinking sounds better than feeling this pain over and over and over.

    Has anyone on here had this same thing happen to them?

    I swear it is like she stuck a knife in my heart.

    Get yourself another WOMAN not another BOTTLE!


      Wanting to drink right now

      Don't throw a pity party over this Red.

      There are many here, including me, who have been cheated on BEFORE they left.

      The relationship was over, you knew that, you have drunk over it, drunk AT it. It changes nothing. You know that.

      Now is the time to man up, not drink and feel strong in at least that area.

      If she moved on that fast she DEFINITELY WAS NOT FOR YOU !


        Wanting to drink right now

        DimensionDrifter;1466795 wrote: Get yourself another WOMAN not another BOTTLE!
        NOTHING IS SO BAD THAT A DRINK WON"T MAKE IT WORSE! Why would you waste energy wanting someone who doesn't want you? Get yourself sober and start rebuilding a life that will someday include a partner who wants you as much as you want them. Sobriety has to come first.
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


          Wanting to drink right now

          rednose;1466793 wrote: Ok I know this is screwed up in the head but My heart has been broken by this woman. I ran into her with her new Boyfriend and I have to say the pain was just to much to deal with.
          All I want to do is get a bottle and drink it until I pass out.
          How can someone who once said they loved you move on so fast?
          I am screwed. Drinking sounds better than feeling this pain over and over and over.

          Has anyone on here had this same thing happen to them?

          I swear it is like she stuck a knife in my heart.

          Drinking will NOT take away your pain Red, it will not mend a broken-heart, believe me if anything you will hurt more and the situation will be no different.

          I agree with Kuya and Hippy, its time to NOT DRINK and BE Strong:l

          Think through how you will feel in the morning if you do drink tonight, its not worth it man. No way :no:


            Wanting to drink right now

            It is just not that easy. Just don't drink. Let her go, She was not worth it,
            It hurts like a son of a b---h.

            I hate this; I hate this small damn town I hate where I am at in my life. I am pathetic :upset:
            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Wanting to drink right now

              The Positive Choice!

              Rednose.. I just wanted to get to the point "Get yourself another woman, not another bottle" Because that is the point! That is the eventual (Positive) outcome of your situation. The (Negative) outcome of your situation is NOT that you make yourself feel better with booze! But that she and her new bf see you at the local shopping mart stumbling around drunk and disheveled! How superior she will feel! But you won't feel superior at all! So make the positive choice!


                Wanting to drink right now

                rednose;1466801 wrote: It is just not that easy. Just don't drink. Let her go, She was not worth it,
                It hurts like a son of a b---h.

                I hate this; I hate this small damn town I hate where I am at in my life. I am pathetic :upset:
                All I am hearing right now is the drink talking.......this is what alcohol does, turns a grown competent man back into a boy.

                This is NOT YOU Red, this is not the YOU of a week ago.......look at what is doing to you. Can you really think swallowing MORE of it is going to make you in LESS pain.


                  Wanting to drink right now

                  rednose;1466793 wrote: Ok I know this is screwed up in the head but My heart has been broken by this woman. I ran into her with her new Boyfriend and I have to say the pain was just to much to deal with.
                  All I want to do is get a bottle and drink it until I pass out.
                  How can someone who once said they loved you move on so fast?
                  I am screwed. Drinking sounds better than feeling this pain over and over and over.

                  Has anyone on here had this same thing happen to them?

                  I swear it is like she stuck a knife in my heart.

                  G'day Red. Yes, i have been through this. It hurts big time, and my dwelling on something i could not change hurt me for a few years. I drank through it, stopped drinking, drank again, stopped, then drank again and tried my best to somehow move on, but i couldn't. It is devastating and it is a hard thing to experience. Eventually though, with the help of time, and slowly getting back my self care and self respect and love for myself back, i have been able to move on. You may have to take measures to avoid them both for awhile until you are stronger. At least i did.

                  What i noticed about drinking through all of this, is that getting plastered ALWAYS played back the same damaging broken record of....'what if?' 'why wont she come back when she says she still has feelings for me?' 'She said she loved me like no other' etc, etc....I could not move on and move through this stuff as quickly and as healthily as i could have if i was sober and if was talking to someone about how i was feeling regularly (a good friend or counsellor of some sort). I would dwell on what had been and what was actually now gone when drinking, and ring her, yell and scream to the sky, wondering why, why. Ringing her drunk in extreme emotional pain asking why, was out of order on my part, and i'm lucky she was patient with me. The broken record, and same extreme and excruciating emotional pain lasted with me until i finally took control and decided to stop drinking. I was doing far too much emotional damage to myself by putting myself through the pain and a situation i had no control over every day for 4 years. I had to somehow get logical and accept it. She was no longer with me for her own reasons. Reasons i may not understand, but i had to respect her choice in the end, and i did.

                  It's a very hard road you are on Red. Just take care of yourself friend as best you can, and know that you are a good person and you have a hugely big and bright future.

                  Booze will keep us trapped in the past mate. Just do your best for today, and then do your best tomorrow, and the next day and the next.

                  Best wishes, G bloke.

                  'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                  Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                    Wanting to drink right now

                    Red...:h....hang in there.

                    I have had that knife stuck in my heart and then twisted! :l It IS a bitch, I know. It will get better. (like you needed to hear that)

                    Let me introduce you to the thread. (Just click on it.) I think you could use it right about now.

                    Just Don't Drink - when non alcoholics say it I get pissed off because they don't understand.

                    Just Don't Drink - when we MWO'ers say it we're putting the brakes on for you because we do understand and we care.

                    I hate this...and look, here you are doing the right things to change "this".

                    I hate this small damn town
                    ...and that's easily enough solved by moving. Not right now mind you, but could be a future plan.

                    I hate where I am at in my life
                    ...see "I hate this"

                    I am pathetic
                    ...wrong, period. You are going through some tough times right now and we're all right here with you.



                      Wanting to drink right now

                      I am so sorry for your pain, but everyone here is right
                      be well
                      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                      Live in the Solution....not the problem


                        Wanting to drink right now

                        rednose;1466793 wrote: Ok I know this is screwed up in the head but My heart has been broken by this woman. I ran into her with her new Boyfriend and I have to say the pain was just to much to deal with.
                        All I want to do is get a bottle and drink it until I pass out.
                        How can someone who once said they loved you move on so fast?
                        I am screwed. Drinking sounds better than feeling this pain over and over and over.

                        Has anyone on here had this same thing happen to them?

                        I swear it is like she stuck a knife in my heart.

                        Like the other night, Red, you posted here. That means you want to stop in spite of how much pain you are in. You did the right thing to help yourself --- you are letting people who can relate know about the pain and help you. Stay here and keep posting. You can't open a bottle while you are typing. Hang in there, buddy. You can get past this emotional crisis without booze which you know will only make it that much worse.


                          Wanting to drink right now

                          Hi Red,

                          We love you here :h :l

                          What do you do for a living if I may ask?

                          Here's another hug, :l

                          PS- ice cream and Net flix, I'm telling you..cures ALOT...
                          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                 tool box
                 newbie nest


                            Wanting to drink right now

                            Just checking up on you Red...been 2 hours and no post....

                            You ok? Or should I be looking for you on the #(%@$ thread?

                            :l PPQP


                              Wanting to drink right now

                              rednose;1466801 wrote: It is just not that easy. Just don't drink. Let her go, She was not worth it,
                              It hurts like a son of a b---h.

                              I hate this; I hate this small damn town I hate where I am at in my life. I am pathetic :upset:
                              Red....nope it's not that easy. It's much easier to hold onto anger and hate because then you don't have to deal with the hurt and begin the journey to healing. Hate is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. If you have enough time and energy to hate anything in your life then you have the time and energy to change your life, but only you can do it. I know this because I WAS the queen of hate, anger and insanity.
                              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                              ~Author Unknown
                              AF since February 4, 2013

