Hi, I am in the same boat - I see people who seem to manage to quit on their first or second try - and I am sure I am on my 50th try - I just keep trying and I look back on two years ago and realise that I am so much better off than I was. I have had some wine on 8 days out of last 53, and I am going to decide that this is MY success - it is not where I need to be, but it is working for me - it is a huge improvement from 2 years ago where I would have had some wine 53 out of the 53 days. I am also not drinking as much when I do, and I am very aware of it when I do.
I like the quotes in my signature - it works for me - not everyone has patience when I slip/choose to drink, and I have gone away from MWO from time to time - but that doesn't work for me either.
So Red - this journey is all about you - do what you need to do to keep moving forward, and never give up...
Happy to travel along this road with you :l :l SL