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Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

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    Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

    Hiya Milky Way
    I have the same ugly monster
    she makes me mean to my family, spend money I don't have, hide bottles, drive drunk, name it
    Welcome to the family!!
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

      there's an Oz thread too
      peeps from Australia and might like that
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

        MWK, You are not alone.Most of us don,t like who we are when we drink. Thats why we are here. Don,t be to hard on yourself. We are GOOD people,just alcoholics who can,t drink al. So hang around and share your thoughts with us!:welcome:


          Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

          Hoda and Kathie Lee on NBC

          OK -- now some outrage!!!

          I am away from home and there is 'daytime tv' on here. (I am realizing why I don't watch this stuff...).

          Anyway, it is ~ 10 AM here, ~11 AM on the US east coast, where I suppose the Today show originates.

          They have Big, Full glasses of red wine sitting in front of them while they chat and laugh.
          I'm not sure if they ever drink any of it but it sure is sending out a clear message. I am told the wine is there everyday!!! One person said it would be ok if the show were on in the late afternoon instead of the morning...

          NO! THIS IS NOT OK!!!! It looks awful to me right now but what if I was having a bad day, what if I taped this and turned it on ~ 4 pm ... what if the wanting to Be like Hoda and Kathie Lee, or the wanting to feel part of a group and have them as 'friends', or just the sight of those full glasses triggered something that on this day I wasn't able to stop.

          This is ridiculous.


            Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

            Why Does Society Think I'm Some Kind of Freak for Abstaining From Alcohol?

            This is an article I ran across this morning; it is a very clear presentation of the social challenges facing people who choose not to drink alcohol.

            Why Does Society Think I'm Some Kind of Freak for Abstaining From Alcohol? | Alternet

            One line really struck my as to why it can be awkward to be the nondrinker and also to the incredible power of advertising:

            A large percentage, if not the majority, of alcohol advertisements are aimed at subtly normalizing unhealthy drinking behavior.

            Those ads making drinking look normal and like TONS OF FUN!
            We receive so many of those messages, the normalcy of drinking takes on a mask of truth.

            The author's conclusion is good but doesn't suggest ways to change the situation:

            But it's time we paid a little more attention to our attitudes about alcohol and start to classify it as a drug rather than innocent entertainment.

            What can be changed??


              Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

              Have you walked through a liquor store lately and looked at all of the really beautiful bottles they have come up with in recent years? There are ceramic bottles for champagne, exquisitly shaped bottles for lemongello, painted bottles for sake, frosted bottles for premixed cosmos. It looks like your in an art studio that sells sculpture and art glass vases. Not to mention all of those vodka bottles with the illusion effect on the inside of the bottle like Grey Goose and Chopin. Don't even get me started on the promotional gifts and special bottles they come up with during Christmas season.

              They really have done their market research. The prettier or more unique the bottle, the more intriguing. It's the same with perfumes, shampoos, etc. we go for the packaging. It's all a big brainwashing technique to make us feel special and buy, buy, buy.

              Thanks for this thread. Good reminder.


                Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                what i can't stand is the constant posts people have about their drinking behavior on facebook. I can tell when a person has a drinking problem....they constantly talk about it!! Why am I on facebook anyway?

                Last weekend I was in a furniture store with my husband and there on a dining room table for sale was a couple of wine glasses. They were trying to make the dining room table more glamorous. It totally annoyed me!!

                this kind of ranting makes me feel better.....
                I just won't anymore


                  Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                  Someone at one point mentioned the TV show "how I met your mother".....out of curiosity, I started watching it.

                  OMG....It not only glamorizes alcohol (even in the intro piece) but it completely perpetuates exploitation of women and the jokes are ridiculous. This is the kind of stupid humor that dumbs people down.
                  I just won't anymore


                    Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                    Even in old B & W movies, AL plays a part in the seduction scenes. Not to mention old (US) westerns. It is no wonder we grow up thinking drinking is "normal" or admired.
                    Even John Wayne!

                    ?Alcohol removes inhibitions - like that scared little mouse who got drunk and shook his whiskers and shouted: "Now bring on that damn cat!"-Eleanor Early


                      Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                      Still laughing....a great thread. I really hate some TV shows. I don't get how they are drinking.....and next scene all bushy tailed the next morning. I really have to check out the Kathy Gifford show....really! How in anyway would having glasses of wine in front of you for a morning anyway acceptable?

                      If I was at work (which they are).....with a glass of wine sitting on my desk at 9am....I am sure I would be shipped to rehab real fast And I am not even on TV!


                        Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                        BHOG;1478084 wrote: Even in old B & W movies, AL plays a part in the seduction scenes. Not to mention old (US) westerns. It is no wonder we grow up thinking drinking is "normal" or admired.
                        Even John Wayne!
                        If you look at all the old movies - they are glamorizing Alcohol AND tobacco. Remember they used to be walking around with long cigarettes in their hands and blowing smoke everywhere? Society totally woke up to that one and you never see that anymore. I wish they would "get it" about Alcohol as well. I'm surprised as so many of the clebrities in those shows are recovering alcoholics....

                        Jenni - I completely agree with you that most TV shows on right now are primarily aimed at dumbing us down.


                          Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                          TV and Facebook - both dumbing us down
                          I just won't anymore


                            Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                            This thread helped me to realise how hooked I was on the pretty shiny bottle and pretty glass.
                            I bought sparking non alcoholic cider which comes in a champagne bottle and I almost piddled myself with excitement when I saw it in the fridge waiting for me.


                              Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                              Blossoms;1479142 wrote: This thread helped me to realise how hooked I was on the pretty shiny bottle and pretty glass.
                              I bought sparking non alcoholic cider which comes in a champagne bottle and I almost piddled myself with excitement when I saw it in the fridge waiting for me.
                              You make me laugh, Blossoms!!! Hate to say it but you are an advertiser's Dream Girl :H !

                              You are doing so well - I hope you are as proud of yourself as we are for you. Stay strong!


                                Debunking the Myth: Why the glamorization of alcohol is a LIE

                                NoSugar;1479153 wrote: You make me laugh, Blossoms!!! Hate to say it but you are an advertiser's Dream Girl :H !

                                You are doing so well - I hope you are as proud of yourself as we are for you. Stay strong!
                                Thank you

                                Haha "an advertisers dream girl" .... Sheesh and why doesn't that sound so dreamy Here I was thinking I was strong minded and independent thinking - ahh isn't it wonderful how we delude ourselves.

