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    just wanted to start a new thread on triggers and potential trigger points we all have them wether its work, relationships,debt etc etc it as an excuse to use the bottle i have many issues and can relate to most but mine stems from depression to anxiety then stress(relationship) however most people think alcohol is a stimulant but its not its a depressant it gives you a false sense of confidence thats why your reduced to tears and feeling low when comeing off:upset: anyhow please post on the thread and you will be suprised at the ammount of people that can relate to each other:l 4 months abs well kind of lol:H a wee few technical mishaps:H (nothing major tho)i sleep,eat and drink(tea)well.....over the last 8years whilst drinking id sleep in a drunken state and wake up more tired than when i crashed out and when i came off my anxiety levels were so high i couldnt sleep for 5 days not to handy if your on an oilrig in the middle of the north sea.... but enough of me just now and please post on your own triggers you will find we all relate to each other all the best from scotland and davy mitch god bless ya all
    Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


    Great topic!

    Anxiety here... money or business issues don't cause much anxiety in me. It's always the source of a relationship issue that causes anxiety in me ie Ex husband being horrible. I'm learning to see his words and actions for what they are (his words and actions, which are a reflection on him, and not me) and therefore not taking it on board as an insult, and these days I'm not reaching for the bottle to soothe the anxiety, but rather, reflecting on what drives him and why... and then equally importantly, letting it go.

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



      :thanks: doo can relate to that myself the road we choose or chose was 2 hit the bottle to soothe the anxiety or as we say to chill first of all it helps then before you know it it spiralls out of control so thanks for shareing your trigger take care be gud from mitch
      Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.



        Depression and anxiety here - mostly from work. I know I have them without the drinking, but the drinking just makes them all much worse - even though I drink to try to drive them away. Drinking makes them worse - then I have to drink more to chase them away more. A death spiral.

        I hope I am breaking that spiral. Nothing but hell at the bottom.

        You guys are a great help.

        Take care Mitch and all of you.
        Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



          Good thread

          Very good to recognize these triggers, and to realize that alcohol is not going to help our problems. Of course depression and guilt are always big ones. Loneliness is up there. Anger is usually what would drive me off the wagon in the past. Also, I've noticed that sometimes when I feel good about something, like I get some good news, or just having a good day, I think of celebrating. Strange how sometimes I can feel so high, and I'll think of drinking. I just think we always want to feel better than better. Anybody else relate to that one?
          where does this go?



            :thanks: for the info returns on the trigger subject it is interesting in what actually makes us tick and how we go off on one i cant actually relate to the celebrating thing but other people posting might be able to over the last few years all ive had is doom and gloom really and when celebrating comes up ie weddings,birthdays,xmas and new year i have managed to swerve them somehow its like....when other people are celebrating i seem to be sober weird but true can anyone relate to that????
            Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.



              Yes Morrison I can relate to that. I actually am much more of a "I am having a great day so let's drink" kind of a person. When I am down I do not tend to drink. Odd.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



                Depression and stress and if I'm bored.
                Colorado Chick!
                Your support means the world to me...:h



                  Triggers...good subject Mitch. Driving home from work tonight I thought "hey...I've been good for "almost" 2 about "just one." (Thought it thru and didn't do it) So Morrison & Lush I can relate to drinking when I feel good. But I also drink when I feel figure huh. Crazy disease. Guess I just drank all the time, good or bad.

                  When I was off work for one year I was sober & very happy the last six months before returning to work. One month at work and I was out partying with the "gang" after work. I used working at a new and stressful job as an excuse but truly I wanted so badly to "fit in." For me wanting to be part of the party was/is a trigger. People pleasing and then getting resentful...saying yes to everyone and completely having no regard or thought to my own actions or my very own being. No more trying to please everyone...nope...not worth it. Huge trigger for me which only leads back to the bottle.

                  Nice to be able to come here and talk with you all. This is the kind of party I want to be a part of now!




                    For me it's somewhat boredom, not having enough friends to talk to ( having driven them away with my drinking (and evil tongue that appears with the drunk) and somewhat stress. I was unbelievably stressed about 2 years ago, almost fell off the deep end and started the habit of feeling the buzz after work and the temporary happy. Very short lived. Now pretty unstressed in life having changed jobs and having a much better outlook, but after years of drinking to feel better, I have the cravings that won't go away. Yikes. that's my challenge.
                    aloha, whalewatcher
                    Great thread, it hits to the soul of what makes us tick (drink).



                      Triggers? hmmm life in general---work, family---trying to be the best person I can be and feeling not so great about it...thank you for sharing--I am trying so hard to bury my triggers and move on. some days are better than others :-)



                        triggers are a good subject arent they :thanks: all for posting back its all rock and roll wether your :H or:upset: what people see on the outside of me is not what goes on inside only someone that shares the same circumstances could understand like if you went to a doctor or the proffesional people they could only tell you what you know anyway they live out of text books but if you went to an alcoholic doctor he would hit the nail on the head and know what we go through so we should either(1)bring back alcoholic doctors or(2)train them up:H lol on a serious note tho its deffinetly depression for me when im not at work or drinking im a full time mother and father(she doesnt get out of bed)im a father of 3 children and work away from home in different countries and offshore and when at home do the housework,washing,cooking,cleaning,ironing,kids etc etc i work usually 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off i work 12-16 hours aday and its hard graff theres no 50/50 in my relationship so thats my main trigger( by the way my kids have never seen me drink or drunk and neverseen alcohol in the house ive had a few sneakys in the shed)theyve seeen me as rough as a badgers tadger tho anyway keep them triggers going from dave mitch
                        Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.



                          hey Mitch, I'm with Mags on the depression/drunk/anxious cycles. Then the last one was misplaced guilt associated with work that pushed me over the edge. Drinking has been my only real coping skill so it "comes to the rescue" when anything out of the ordinary has happened. There are probably a lot of semi-conscious triggers that take place we hardly even notice....I'm starting to keep a notebook with me wherever I go to make notes.
                          Good thread and posts!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)



                            No need for a trigger..

                            I have no need for one - I can tell you about some but that would just be looking for excuses - for me the trigger is alcohol - I always want to drink - Good times, sad times, bad times, sunset, sunrise, family, work - well life - As I have said in a previous post " If you don?t have an excuse I will provide) I always had one - call it a trigger or an excuse for me it was an excuse - I am talking in the past tense I have no idea why, I could have a drink right now if I was not on this site - So thank you for all being here for me. Got to keep the mind and the hands busy, have not figured out how to drink with out using the hands to lift it to my mouth - a straw is just not a big enough sip.

                            6 Days AF - Stress seems less, and all the normal excuses are no longer need right now - How about this one - have not had in days think I deserve a break. I think not!!!!
                            Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending



                              I drink more when I am the happiest for some reason... I don't know why. I always want to celebrate with a glass (or 5) of something. I'm trying to replace it with something else...

