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    What a great thread! :-)
    It's the same for me: Whenever really happy there's the urge to drink. It almost feels like rather then enjoying the moment clear headed I long for an enhancement which works well as long as it lasts but the morning after is just dreadful. It also kept me from realizing that I have a problem since I am a "happy" drinker - no need to beat myself up about it, right? WRONG! Abuse is abuse - happy or not! Thanks for the food for thought.



      hi there. This is a good post. Triggers.....umm... Going to the pub, very desperate one here, and the only reason i keep off it is because my husband is with me, keeping me from falling into it. Not very good, as i am keeping off it for his sake instead of mine. Being on my own for an evening is a very big trigger; i feel like perhaps i can sneakily drink as no one will know. Social occassions make me dive for the bottle, as drink loosens me up and makes me feel fun to be with and less caring. So far at these trigger moments i have been strong but i have a hen night coming up and i know already i am going to drink. My friend said i can only come if i get trashed! nice one!!



        Any excuse for a drink with me. Its a lovely sunny eveing might as well sit out on the patio and enjoy the last rays of sunshine with a nice coo cider. And in the winter its a misrable day I'll cheer my self up with a nice pint or 10 of cider. Now I keep waking up at 5 in the morning with a throbbing head and thinking shall I just nip downstairs and get a drink to help me back to sleep. Am have my first AA meeting tonight and hope I get of downhill spiral!



          Bella;110310 wrote: My friend said i can only come if i get trashed! nice one!!
          Bella, why don't you say to her 'It's ok honey. I'll be the sober one who holds your hair back while you throw up' :H Bella, I think you're much stronger than you realise. Last weekend was proof of that!

          I really hope you stay sober on that hens night! As some of the others have said, it's the first drink that is hardest to refuse. They'll be smashed and messy before you know it and it might give you extra incentive to keep on this great course you're on now. You're doing so well! :l

          :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:



            thanks Doodoo but its funny... its like i'm in a safe coocoon at the moment but i'm also going to a festival in Aug. lots of drinking, drinking and more drinking all day long. i feel like a boring old square bear sipping on juice at a festival! But like you said, Perhaps i can hold my friends hair up while she vomits into the toilet!!!! I like that one alot. He he.



              August - girl before then you are going to the pro and holding the hair back - the girls are going to come to you instead of the hair dresser.
              Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending



                Good thread.

                i don't have triggers that I'm aware of. I just want the next drink after I've had the first one.

                Make sense?

                I pretend I want the taste of the wine, but actually I want the "comfortably numb" feeling. It could be anything (and often has been, lets be honest here folks!)


                Do you think I might have a 'problem'?



                  Hi, I've always liked a drink but it became a huge problem due to depression and anxiety, but then caused depression and anxiety, vicious circle xx



                    With me it was often (perceived) anxiety due to work stress that made me head for the beers as soon as i could after work.

                    But the truth of the matter is I was underperforming at work DUE to the fact that I was drinking.

                    I would drink to excess, wake up feeling like s**t, struggle through an unproductive day - buoyed up with a "crapload" of coffee (tm Determinator!).
                    The cofee increased the anxiety, the anxiety made me even more stressed / unproductive and I went home at night stressed out and wanting to self medicate all over again.
                    Viscious circle or what?

                    Since I have stopped drinking, I can see this clearly.
                    I now come to work rested from a good night's sleep, so am able to perform right from the start of the day, I dont need the coffee to get me through the day and go home feeling happy I have achieved what I wanted to.
                    So I feel much less like I need to drink.

                    Why didn't I see this years ago???

                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"



                      I wonder what it's like holding the hair, instead of having your face in the lou.. i can't wait for that day to be the one going "ohhh gross, I hope you didn't get that on my shoes"



                        The anxiety of my hubby's family knowing I'm an alcohlic is a huge trigger-there - got that off my chest. I don't like them-they are all a bunch of phonies. A a little cult I call them. It's a huge battle to not have "something" when I have to see them. Luckily last time I saw them I was sick with an aweful ear infection but before that -yup-had a drinky poo-which they may/may not have suspected. Will see them end of April and luckily will have over 100 AF days. Better start listening to those cd's!
                        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic



                          I have to agree with kate7173. Anything is a trigger for me. Good mood, bad mood, giddy mood, sad mood. PMS, DMS, Late MS... yikes. Rain, Sun, Cold, Hot. Party time, lonely time, social time, alone time. What the heck time, Why not just one time, Oh I need one time, and Might as well have another time.

                          For me - I haven't ever really identified any specific triggers that make one day different from the next.
                          :rays: mdb :rays:

                          Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                          Lots of work yet to do!



                            yep i agree with kate also, anything triggers it off for me be it happy or sad and anything inbetween get me in the mood for a drink



                              I pretend I want the taste of the wine, but actually I want the "comfortably numb" feeling

                              Kate that is it with me too.I buy wine by the price or percentage!Just to get that warm feeling you described when you know it's hit the spot.

                              I don't have a trigger at all.I think about drink at least every hour.
                              If i don't have an excuse il make one up!



                                tiggers, Pooh, Kanga and that Damn Eore can really get me going! Oh just put on my glasses Triggers
                                1. In laws- If you knew them you would too.
                                2 rude people-cuts me to the quick
                                3 certain songs (usually from my Heyday)
                                4 painful memories
                                That is why I focus at the moment in hand; but God knows I am an emotional feeder and fail. But I keep trying

