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I didn't pop the cork!

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    I didn't pop the cork!

    1 day gone! I have a little girl so I got her all dressed up and we went outside and played, she kicked the ball around and I chashed after her. It was so cute and I completely forgot about it..

    You all are so wonderful, :h :h :h

    I didn't pop the cork!

    GG, that is so good to hear. I bet your little girl loved it as much as you did

    :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


      I didn't pop the cork!

      She did! We always play during the day. I usually don't start drinking till 4-5pm.. but she has just turned 1 and she is walking everywhere and she was so excited and happy, clapping her hands and smiling kicking the ball and running after it. Looking at her little happy face, that was all I could think about.


        I didn't pop the cork!

        How adorable!

        I reckon kids are the greatest motivator to stay away from the 'hangover in a bottle'
        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          I didn't pop the cork!

          CG..Keep 2 here you go......

          My father was an alcoholic and i only remember him as a drunk... he never played with us 4 kids. always hunover or off to get another drink.

          i am am mom and a grandmother and i can tell you the last thing i wanted was for my kids to have the same experience...thankfully they escaped that as in their young days i wasnt a problem fact i drank more when they left home for various reasons that I,m working on,

          Enjoy your little girl and you sound like you want to do the best you can for her..go feed the ducks with her she will be off to school before you know it.

          Childhood experiences are so important and you have the support from us all to give your self and your little one something special. We moms have our imperections but hope
          for today you dont need to reach for the bottle!!!Good luck and well done too

          regards Cassy


            I didn't pop the cork!

            She is the light of my life, I only want her to have happy good thoughts and memories. I am off to the grocery store today and this is normally when I will do a big liquor run as well, so this time...nothing but good things are going in the cart. I hope I can stick by what I just said. It's hard being a mom at times, but I love her more than my own problems. It does not help either that I am living in a foreign country seperated from all my family, and my husband works a lot. I am alone pretty much all the time looking after us, our two dogs and trying to keep it all together..sometimes it just seems to much and I just never get a break. I know it's no excuse to drink to excess,, but sometimes it seems like it's the only way for me to relax... I wish I could just stop at a couple and that's it.


              I didn't pop the cork!


              Glad you playing with your girl helped. So sound like we have a bit in common, I also have a little girl aged two. I too didn't start drinking till the afternoon. As soon as "Deal or no Deal" strarted at 4.15pm that was me time. Only it wasn't it was my jailer the drinks time. This is only day two off the drink for me and I have spent all night awake staring at the ceiling but am hoping to be strong, and to take my girl to the park instead of putting her in front of tellytubbies becouse mummies head hurts.


                I didn't pop the cork!

                Hey GG you are doing really well! It is hard being a mum and quite lonely. I have a 4year old son and at the end of the day i am driven to the wine to get some relief from it all but i have been 36 days AF now i feel mentally stronger to resist. My sons behaviour has improved so much since i stopped drinking! I can cope better. You will be like that too. Keep up the good work and really enjoy your little 1 yr old. B x


                  I didn't pop the cork!



                  You will be fine - just keep coming back here - I have only been here for a short time and you know what it was the best thing to come my way - I have a huge yard and I have always kept my kids inside because I was scared that they would hurt themselves outside and then I would have to get up and see to them - seemed easier to drink inside and have them there so that It was safer - but what was I doing showing them just how not to be - 6 days AF and you know what they can go outside, I am now having fun with them only after 6 days - what will I be doing after 30 days - I will be the one in the tree calling to them.

                  Good luck Buttercup and GG well leave that cork where it is -
                  Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                    I didn't pop the cork!

                    You moms are really amazing...youcan be such a support to each other.
                    when you get to your "rewards time or the bewitching time" and the urge to pop the cork comes why not plan something else to do.Once the kids go to bed plan some fun stuff, get exercising, start waxing and plucking, do a mini facial , shave your legs, clear out your clothes, sort out the knicker drawer, read a magazine, cook something healthy, put photos in albums, ring friens, get on this site for an hour, go take a bubble bath.

                    These are some of the things I,ve had to put in place in my drinking zone time...9 -11pm

                    my pattern ahs been a few drinks most evenings and a bottle full on a friday and saturday eve if i am out with friend or even at home..not something i am proud of .

                    it causes me to be moody, emotional, cranky and irrational with my hubby...the poor chap is watching tv and I start on and on and on about something trivial when I,ve had tooo much to drink.

                    then I go to bed with a full face of makeup and go into an alcohol induced sleep, no doubt snoring and farting!!!

                    not a good luck is it and oesnt make for any meaningful intimacy just a lot of shame the next day as i arise dehydrated with yuesterdays mascara all over my face and pillow.

                    Well for 32 days the good news is i,ve been AF..i am plucked, waxed, at at exercise class and out walking . I feel good in the mornings and eating well and sleeping well. All is calm at home.

                    i hope you young moms can find some ways to reward yourself at the end of a day that doesnt have to be in alcohol!good felt strange at first and I was restless and a bit grumpy..but its getting better. I reached fot the left over chocs from Xmas at first and ate 2 tons but thtas not the way I need to go!!

                    Well done you moms.. and how great for your children too.

                    regards Cassy


                      I didn't pop the cork!

                      thanks for that cassy, you are an inspiration.


                        I didn't pop the cork!

                        Cassy - thank you so much that was great still Laughing - the intimacy thing - boy that sounds good - have not been in close on 2 years now - but you know what been 6 Days AF and the feelings are already coming back - obviously my hubby/BF was not a 2 drink man (you know what they say after 2 drinks any one looks good) but he is a no drink man - looks better with sober eyes man (you know what they say after 2 drinks any one looks good) but he is a no drink man - looks better with sober eyes.

                        When I was drinking Intimacy just interfered in drinking time.
                        Though no one can go back and make a brand-new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand-new ending


                          I didn't pop the cork!

                          GG and others

                          I have found that the best reward of being AF is how much better a parent you become. it is a virtuous circle of love between you and your child(ren) that grows every day.




                            I didn't pop the cork!

                            Thanks Kimmy and to Cassy for your kind words.
                            I wouldn't worry about scoffing the choccy's Cassy I've been advised to eat chocolate and put suger in my tea and coffee becouse alcohol is so high in suger sweet things will help with cravings.
                            And I agree my poor hubbie been yelled at over trivia things.


                              I didn't pop the cork!

                              It's so nice to come back from grocery shopping and see all the support from everyone, to everybody!!! I love it! And, no beer or wine touched my cart, or my stroller, or my hands. I stocked up on natural fruit juices and things for me and my babe. I wanted to though, very badly.

