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    hi all

    i was in work this morning and served a number of people at 8am onwards with alcohol which i do most mornings and what ive started to notice more and more theses last few days is how they look! their faces are all swollen and puffy so are their hands come to think of it, they are shaking from head to toe and what a mess they look ,its making me realise if i carried on the way i was going with the drinking i could end up like them ,my face was begining to look puffy ,i never before looked at theses people in this way im soooooooo proud of the fact i am trying to sort this problem out and for the 3rd day running i have walked out of the shop where i work with out any wine ,ive certainly thought about buying a bottle but refrained from doing so up untill now ,i keep chanting in my mind to myself i do not need a drink im doing fine without it (which i think i am)

    i was in two armed robberies last sept and oct 8 weeks apart, my drinking went from bad to worse up untill 3 weeks ago when i turned violent everything just came to ahead and i knew deep inside i had to sort this out and help myself.
    anyone else destroying their looks with the demon drink?

    have a nice af day everyone

    hi all

    Sadly, Seahorse, yes. Although, I was was just thinking, hey, I'm 49, what can you expect?!! But I have been learning recently, that alcohol does damage to all of the body. The skin simply shows the state of the insides. My insides must be puffy and saggy too:egad: BUT-the more I am cutting down, and the more af days I have, the better it seems to get. BTY-:goodjob: on 3 af days!
    Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


      hi all

      I admire you a great deal. I have put the drink away and I don't have to look it in the face every day. You do at work and yet still you are able to walk away without. Good for you!

      It is hard to tell if my looks are going bad due to age, too much sun, alcohol, poor diet, or a combination of all. But now that I am cleaning up my act, perhaps I will start to look better. That would be nice.
      :rays: mdb :rays:

      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

      Lots of work yet to do!


        hi all

        I agree with Must, I have a hard ime goign to the grocery store and passing it up, so I can only imagine if I worked with it right there all day. BRAVO to you!


          hi all

          my body inside must be bad also im on the supps and im forever going for a wee and now ive constipated most days so giving me stomach cramps so ive cut the supps down to one each per day apart from the vit b which i know i need plus im eating loads of fibre but its not helping but on the whole apart from being tired all the time im feeling better
          plus this morning i stocked up the wine shelves and never gave it a thought so i must be doing well


            hi all

            Well Done, having that temptation there must make it really difficult.

            I'm really proud of you


              hi all

              hi seahorse..well on the looks score i am very average.

              Red hair , white skin, celtic looking put reasonable.

              Its really awful what alcohol can do;

              blood shot eyes

              dry skin

              stinky breath

              broken veins on the nose and cheeks

              dry lips

              it tempts you not to bother with your looks or do the opposite and try and cover the signs

              i figure it must be worse for a man as make up is not usually used...mind you if i was male i would you concealer!!!

              then when i used to get sloshed..couldnt be bothered to take make up off st night

              Oh and then there ths snoring and in an dout of bed all night to pee and get a drink of water. you get poor sleeep patterns so wake up knackered !!

              showing off now i know...put day 32 AF finds me just back from hairdressers, going for a walk in a bit.

              Then out with the wok for healthy meal

              I,m not overweiight but could do with half a stone off. and have lost several pounds already

              digressing the hairdressers i was chatting to a lady 40 ish fresh back from abroad...Tenerife for a girlie weekend. She was proudly telling me how drunk she has been and how she did 2 "all nighters". I asked her waht else she did in Tenerife and basically drank day and night and didnt see outside of the bar and one beach......funny that doesnt appeal to me at these days(it never did really) that was not my kind of drinking pattern. all the hairdressers and customers joine din telling me how drunk they get every weekend.

              for a conversation stoppe ror what i told them i have given up alcohol for Lent (which I have,,day 32 yipee) They looked at me and questioned me like i was the insane one!!!!!!!!!!

              On the looking good score...keep positive, you get more confident the less you booze and i now feel smiley about my achiewemnent so fat ...BUT NOT SMUG as i know this is the tip of the iceberg and i have a long way to journey..for today its fab and i feel and look to get the walk in before hubby goes out for evening

              good luck

              regards Cassy


                hi all

                Hi Seahorse - I love your name (avatar?). When I was drinking heavily I looked like absolute hell - swollen face, double chin, bloodshot eyes, crappy hair, etc. I've been off the juice for almost two years (about 90% at least) and my looks have improved so much. I go to the gym and lift weights and do cardio at least twice a week. Plus I ride my bike a lot and go skiing a lot. The brain chemicals released by exercise give you a really nice healthy natural high. Excercise is a great way to overcome the bad effects of years of alcohol and can almost become a new healthy addiction. It certainly makes you look about ten years younger than you did when you were boozing.

                Start slow - buy an exercise ball - they're great and start stretching with it a little every day. Then maybe get a cheap bike and start riding a mile or two every day or so. You'll be amazed at how much less you want to drink anything but water and will start looking great again!
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                  hi all

                  I guess, I'm different. I am apperance obsessed. I a have been since I an remember. I was always picked on in school. Usually about weight. Lost the weight was told what a pretty girl.I have had a beauty desire that is not quinched. I have an appointment today with my cosmetic surgeon to fill my laugh lines. I think I have felt like a phony at times all just superficial, which dosen't help one not to drink. But there are extremes in either directions. I am a all or nothing type; this is a hard path were on. Seahorse darling good for ypu in what you have achieved and I sure you will continue to reap the benefits. just remember your beauty sleep the most important thing. It works wonders


                    hi all

                    I have no worries on that score - I was never pretty to start with!!


                    "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                      hi all

                      Satori, I think your beautiful i've read your posts

