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a new day has begun

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    a new day has begun

    columbia;1470438 wrote: hello community...

    I am on day 1 of getting control of my life...I am sitting alone in a hotel room trying to make sense of why I have so many difficulties with my drinking . My world has started to unravel and I must keep clean and sober for the sake of my sanity , my children and my wonderful husband..

    I am a binge drinker and have had this battle for more than 20 years. My father was an alcoholic along with 4 of my brothers and my twin sister......I am looking forward to this new life of sobriety and welcome any words of encouragement

    You have been CRITICIZING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens
    You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


      a new day has begun

      Great words Columbia. Good to see you doing so well. Hang in there.

      AF since 12/26/13

      "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs


        a new day has begun

        Hi Columbia - I just wanted to drop by & say hello. :welcome: I saw you posted on One Step at a Time where I usually hang out. Jut wanted to tell you to be sure to come back over. You are doing great!!!:h
        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
        AF - 7-27-15


          a new day has begun

          thanks nora c.

          i am a little confused with all the forums and threads i am afraid.......i am just trying to figure this site out..........

          today was another good day..........however I am faced with a challenge in the next couple of weeks.......I am booked to go on a girls only cruise for 10 days........I feel i may have a difficult time to keep abstinent from AL............i am newly 6 days sober , and wont be leaving for a couple of weeks................the temptation is going to drive me crazy........

          any words of wisdom .........been thinkin about this the last few days...........

          You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


            a new day has begun

            you have some options, columbia.

            How important is going on this cruise? I know this sounds outrageous, but there is that option of canceling.
            If you do go, find out if there are any AA meetings on the ship and go to those.....
            I assume you will have internet access? (I have never been on a cruise)...if so, MWO is always here, 24/7 for support and advice.
            Would you feel comfortable telling your friends why you are not drinking? That is an option that would help you but I do see how that probably isnt in the cards....

            Other than those, you need some time under your belt before this cruise so you can strengthen your resolve and have sober reference points to give you strength when confronted with cravings.

            Have a great time o the cruise!!!
            I just won't anymore


              a new day has begun

              I hesitate to suggest that at this time this cruise would be too much too soon.

              Whilst you might be sad to cancel it would be a VERY good way of telling your psyche how committed you are to quitting.

              These messages to yourself are very important. There will be other cruises but each quit gets harder so don't fool yourself that because you have done a few weeks you can pick up where you left off.

              My first quit was 9 weeks in 2011 and it was quite easy after the first week or so. I thought I would be safe to have a night took me EIGHT long and scary months to quit again, during which I drank even heavier.


                a new day has begun

                columbia;1472851 wrote: thanks nora c.

                i am a little confused with all the forums and threads i am afraid.......i am just trying to figure this site out..........

                today was another good day..........however I am faced with a challenge in the next couple of weeks.......I am booked to go on a girls only cruise for 10 days........I feel i may have a difficult time to keep abstinent from AL............i am newly 6 days sober , and wont be leaving for a couple of weeks................the temptation is going to drive me crazy........

                any words of wisdom .........been thinkin about this the last few days...........

                Can the cruise Columbia. There will be others. Your new found sobriety is the beginning of something BIG. Protect it 'till you are stronger and have built strong foundations.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  a new day has begun

                  Hi jenniech,

                  I am afraid cancelling is out of the quesiton.............and telling the girls isn't going to work as well..............I am hoping not to drink......and will take my puter to check in with MWO............

                  wish me luck.............
                  You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                    a new day has begun

                    columbia;1473151 wrote: Hi jenniech,

                    I am afraid cancelling is out of the quesiton.............and telling the girls isn't going to work as well..............I am hoping not to drink......and will take my puter to check in with MWO............

                    wish me luck.............
                    Hi, Columbia,

                    Given the power of alcohol, 'hoping' is not enough. You need a PLAN! I haven't been on a cruise but from what I have heard, drinking is central to many activities - even as early as lunchtime.

                    Please be prepared for the challenges and I hope you still can have a really nice time with your friends.



                      a new day has begun

                      No Sugar is right, Hope is NOT a strategy. Get a plan and stick to it. If you can't cancel it, and you can't tell your looks like you are actually sabbotaging yourself. I don't know how you CAN win this to be honest. It's hard enough to do this WITH support but trying to keep this from your friends on a cruise that encourages AL...well, that's a lose-lose. You've got some big decisions to make....protect your quit at all costs...without it, everything else falls apart. Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        a new day has begun

                        yes you are all right............i must have a plan..............i am working on it this week.............this is a big deal to me........i actually have had nightmares of getting drunk and falling overboard on my scares the crap out of me............i am strong and will make a good plan .....thanks for giving me a shake up to get on it..............

                        you all ROCK..........
                        You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......


                          a new day has begun

                          Saying you are on antibiotics for a severe bladder infection is a good one to stop folks hassling you. That way you can still be seen to enjoy yourself.

                          Still fear for you though........too soon IMO


                            a new day has begun

                            Hi Columbia,

                            The bad thing about cruises is that alcohol is ever present. The good thing is that so is food. You make sure to stay full on good stuff - cruises usually have tons of fruit and veggies as well as stuff that's not so healthy. You will be depriving yourself of AL while nearly everyone around you indulges. Now is not the time to stick to a strict diet. If you want fries, get them. Dessert? Get it. Give yourself anything you want EXCEPT alcohol. It really will help. Plus a lot of cruises will make you non-AL drinks, so you can still enjoy.

                            And get some supplements and make sure to take them. Good luck!
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              a new day has begun

                              Hi, Columbia

                              I know how you must feel... so scared and tentative. Me, too. I think you and I are about on the same place on our AF, right?

                              Just so you know, on the last cruise I was on, there was a daily meeting of "Friends of Bill", which may not be to your liking if you don't do AA (I don't.) But, it might be a helping hand, in any case. It is worth looking for on your upcoming cruise. Good luck. I'm pulling for you, my friend.


                                a new day has begun

                                thanks noname.......

                                i am on day 8 ...and feeling fantastic.........been running....eatting healthy.......calmer....relax..........i know it is the first drink that will keep me i plan do eat eat and play and play..........i take supplements already......... i am a pretty fit gal..........still working on a good plan........i like the idea of the antibiotics.........great advice everyone
                                You've been CRITICISING yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try APPROVING of yourself and see what happens......

