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Welcome to all Newbies......

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    Welcome to all Newbies......

    Hi there to all,
    I just thought it might be a good idea to say a huge :welcome: to all the newbies and veiwbies who are summoning up the courage to jump on to the site.This is a great place to find advise,support and encouragement to start on the journey.There are long termers (sounds like a prison sentence :H ) who can help with all that may lay ahead and newer members who will share their journey's expierience with you too. I would like to put forward an invitation to all newbies and those who have not posted before for one reason or another,to jump on in.It's a tough battle with this beast in the bottle but we're all here to let you know "You're not alone"
    Welcome to you all! :h
    Love to all
    Victoria xxooxx

    Welcome to all Newbies......

    I'm a 'newbie' I guess, so thx for the intro


      Welcome to all Newbies......

      yes, welcome aboard the ship...or wagon


        Welcome to all Newbies......

        I'm new here. Thanky you for the welcome!


          Welcome to all Newbies......

          I'm still sailing on the ship....haven't anchored the wagon yet.


            Welcome to all Newbies......

            I am new here also and want to thank you for such a warm welcome. Everyone here is so nice, caring and supportive.

            Thank you Victoria for a lovely post. And thank you Tiredofcrying for your welcome to us newbies!



              Welcome to all Newbies......

              I guess I'm a newbie here - only been here since last Saturday. But I already feel like an oldie, thanks to many hours of reading posts and sharing so much with such wonderful caring and giving people.

              What an honor it is to join this group of extraordinary people. Thank you very much for your kind welcome.

              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                Welcome to all Newbies......

                Great idea for a thread Victoria! I welcome all of the newbies too and if you are lurking and nervous, jump on in. We are a nice group.
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Welcome to all Newbies......

                  Excellent Idea, Welcome all newbies, please come aboard, there are many many new friends to make,

                  A word of warning though, It's very addictive :H


                    Welcome to all Newbies......

                    Yes welcome to all the new members, have a look around, get comfortable and make yourself at home..

                    Love, louise xx
                    A F F L..
                    Alcohol Free For Life


                      Welcome to all Newbies......

                      Good idea

                      Welcome newcomers. It's hard for me sometimes to reply/ reach out to everybody on here because we all get busy, and there is a lot to read on the boards. Look forward to chatting with all of you in time. Just keep posting, and I'm sure you'll love the feedback, and make some great friends on the way.
                      where does this go?


                        Welcome to all Newbies......

                        I am glad that those people who need help are finding their way here! It is a safe place to come and learn, find comfort and friendship, and just hang out sometimes. Welcome to all the newbies and all those who are coming back who have been away for awhile. I look forward to hearing from you all! xo
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                          Welcome to all Newbies......

                          Wow...I am MORE inspired now than ever!!! Thanks to all of you. Thanks for helping me to stay sober today...I had to take it one minute at a time but I made it and happy for the weekend to be here.

                          Love to all,
                          (AF - Day 4 ... this is truly a miracle...I think I'll change my online name to miracle2007!)

