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weekly binging

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    weekly binging

    Hi there,

    I dont have such a clear cut problem as many here. I binge drink about once a week and have done for over 20 years, this may not sound like a problem but I know it is as after about a week I get quite strong physical cravings, I am now at day 9 and can think of nothing else.

    What has prompted this now is seeing on the news recently a liver specialist saying that liver disease does not always have early warning signs and by the time you get any symptoms it is sometimes too late. Is it dangerous being complacent at the level I drink? If a doctor said to me now that I must not have another drink I might find the strenth to go ahead wholeheartedly with the programme, which I would like to do, but how can I find that strength of will? Anyway I will get some Kudzu today from health store and see if it makes a difference.


    weekly binging

    Hi Jan..and welcome Missus/Mister.......

    If you are concerned about your level of drinking, and feel that it is something you cannot control, however often/much you drink...then this is the right place for you!
    Binge drinking is quite harmful...more harmful than having the same amount of alcohol, but spreading it evenly over a week or two, so you are really sensible to be thinking about any health issues that this may raise for you.

    Coming here and reading through the boards can help you decide how you want to approach you want to stop drinking completely, or stop the binge drinking, and just have an occasional bevvy with a meal or whatever?

    I have never tried kudzu...i was going to get some, but then seemed okay with other supps, but I understand that this can be REALLY helpful in reducing your desire to drink, so this may be a good way for you to manage your drinking. There are also other good ideas here that you can research and try .....whichever your chosen path, and however you follow it.....It is also always good to keep posting and reading on these boards...
    Ask any questions you want, and the folks here will do their darndest to offer any help they can.....

    See you round Jan..


      weekly binging

      You find that strength of will inside yourself....

      other things help also.. like following a program.. be it AA or MWO or your own, should you design your own like I did.. but the determination comes from within.

      I reckon everyone who starts out here doubts their capacity to find this strength.. and there is a huge search for a magic pill.. but there isnt one. Sure, some medications are used successfully by some people.. others have less success with them... but my take on it is that everyone has that strength. Question is do you have the determination to believe that you DO have it, and to stick with whatever program you choose.

      Melon is right.. it can help reading what others have done.. so sit back.. get a cuppa tea and read.. I'd suggest going to the FAQ portion if you want a quick start on RJ's approach.

      Listen to your heart and choose what is right for you


        weekly binging

        thx for replying weemelonhead and abouttimetoo,

        yes it is a problem because I cannot control it even though I do not drink every day, and because I dont, I can believe its fine, or even its doing me good!. The trouble is that this problem seems always to need a wake up call or to reach your rock bottom to get the motivation necessary to deal with it.



          weekly binging

          the thing is that you CAN control it.. and thats the truth.

          This problem just needs us to wake up. Not everyone hits rock bottom. I didnt. I'm not saying I was happy.. I wasnt - far from it. But I read some people's stories on my story and I thought.. boy... if i keep going this way i'll end up like... (whoevers story I was reading). And now, I find it amasing that we get to this grotty place in ourselves.. I mean we struggle to give up something that makes us so unhappy and you read our utter unhappiness in the my story section... amasing.

          Once we wake up to it we can summon up the motivation that we need.

          If we think that the problem is bigger than us, then it is. Its all in the mind. Decide that you CAN tackle it right now.. today.. this minute. Take it a day at a time and work your program each day. Simple.

          OK, I know its hard. I've done it... but I am talking the truth... change IS possible.


            weekly binging

            I can relate to your drinking habits big time Jane. My crunch is 10th day! Its not even the case of a slow build up of craving. Baff it hits me and within an hour of drinking I have consumed an incrediable amount of booze and there is absolutely NO TURNING BACK. Its inbuilt destruction mode!

            WeeMelon is right, binge drinking is more harmful than having the same amount of alcohol spread evenly over a week or two, and I don't know about you but I found that I got so wasted I was capable of doing some pretty dangerous and stupid things to myself rather than just embarrassing myself. The last bout shocked me into taking action and as I get near the time when 'I need my fix' I'm going to avoid being anywhere that can push me over the edge. Try and look out for familiar signs that trigger you off. You may not be aware of them right now but slowly analyse yourself and you will notice a pattern. Other than my '10 day fix,' emotional situations also trigger me off very quickly and I think the only way to handle this is to BLOCK these moments out instantly. We all block issues out when we want to so I'm trying to use that ability in my favour. Its the instant that a situation upsets me that I retaliate and fight wildly with booze. When the danger of binge drinking has subsided you can look back at that particular situation and access it with a clear, sober mind. Most of the time when u look back at the situation that triggered the need you'll realise that it was infact not worth the self inflicted pain. Anyway just my thoughts on the subject. Hope it helps. Like everyone else has said, the supps I think will also help. I'm getting some today. Cheers and best of luck.
            A BushBaby with Attitude


              weekly binging

              Hi Jane, and welcome,
              I'm glad you are here and posted about the binge drinking. I consider myself a binge drinker as well and it is dangerous..not only to the liver, but in the covert way we drink..the fact that we can go long periods of not drinking seems to make it easier to denie that we have a problem, but we do know better. Check the program out, read the book and try the supps. I've just come through 4.5 months of abstinence, then went back to my habits. I'll probably return to abstinence, but in the meantime, I'm preparing for the weekend when I'll be tempted to binge by taking the supps, listen to the CDs and to make sure there is not enough alcohol in the house to get drunk on. Once you are well established on the program, as other's have mentioned, you will be able to assess the situation even more clearly.

              There are some incredibly wise and wonderful people here..we look forward to getting to know you.


                weekly binging

                Thanks for the posts it really helps. Elizabeth, thats exactly my relationship with alcohol - a 'fix' every 1-2 weeks. I am on day 10 today and on a long weekend off, so need some willpower.

                The following link shows is what I saw on TV:
                BBC - Search results for adult alcohol use causes alarm


                  weekly binging

                  Thanks for the posts it really helps. Elizabeth, thats exactly my relationship with alcohol - a 'fix' every 1-2 weeks. I am on day 10 today and on a long weekend off, so need some willpower.

                  The following link shows what I saw on TV:
                  BBC - Search results for adult alcohol use causes alarm


                    weekly binging

                    Indeed, binge drinking, because of the large amount in so little time, is quite an over load on the liver and other organs.

                    If you think you have a problem with your drinking, more than likely you do. That's my philosophy. I ditto everything everyone already mentioned. Glad you found us & WELCOME!
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      weekly binging


                      Doctor Satori here - I have bad news I'm afraid.

                      Unless you stop drinking alcohol inappropriately, you will damage your liver!

                      There - How's that?

                      Seriously tho - If you are posting on here - YOU think you have a problem - and that is as sure a sign as any that you might want to look at changing.

                      You will get all the support and help here that you can handle - hope to see you around.


                      (please note - NOT a doctor!)
                      "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                        weekly binging

                        Darn Sartori....i was just going to ask you to look at this pustulating boil on my butt cheek

                        Sorry Jelly, just thought the MD was in!!!


                          weekly binging

                          Me again Jelly Fish,

                          Try and fill your long weekend and be BUSY with all the things you like doing most so you're so occupied that drinking is side swept. Easier said than done but thats what I'm going to try and do this week end!!!! 8 days of self imposed excile whilst i started this prog and I know its time to get out there I fight off the urge in public. I'll go stir crazy if I don't go out and meet some humans. Take care
                          A BushBaby with Attitude

