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I'm done

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    I'm done

    Totally done.

    I heard the words tonight that brought me to my knees. My husband said, "I can't talk to you when you've been drinking. You're different."

    And all this time, I thought I was totally normal, totally rational, totally in control. I guess not. So I told him that was it, that I wouldn't have anything else.

    And I won't. Not a drop. So I guess my abstinance started about 30 minutes ago.

    "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott

    I'm done


    Resolve is a wonderful thing, but you might want to consider utilizing all of the other MYO suggestions (like supps, Kuzdo Rescue, hypno tapes) just to fortify your plan to be done with the drink. And of course, log on a read lots and lots and lots of posts. This place, the people here have been tremendous in helping me reshape my thinking.

    Good luck!



      I'm done

      Wakingup, you have taken the most important "first step" in your life. You have reached out to an incredible group of people who will be there to support you through the inevitable ups and downs that are a part of a journey that will have a major impact on your life. We will provide unconditional love and support Welcome!


        I'm done

        Go for it Kathy,
        My husband's comments were "shut up you drunked!"
        However that was the last of many things that brought me to my senses. See my posting today titled 5 days.
        Unfortunately I know he's one of the reasons I drink, or did drink. I'm not passing the blame, but basically I thought 'I'll show you you bastard'.
        We've been together 27years and I've got my first session with a marriage guidence person in 20 minutes. He had his session this morning, he has huge anger problems, which he uses to bully with. Only his family though, mainly me and our eldest son.
        Let's hope this all works.
        Love Alison


          I'm done

          Good to see you and your bucketful of resolve girl!!
          This is definitely the frame of mind you need to stick to to see this thing as a way of life rather than a constant hardship.....remember, things will always go up and down in life, but the downs are a darn sight worse when seen through a bottle bottom.

          Use the tools on the site, but KEEP those thoughts you have right now...they are the thing that WILL get you into help you do a job, but unless you use them properly, and read the manual...the bookcase collapses......

          Sometimes it's hurtful to get comments from those we love, but you seem to have used this really positively...good on you for using this for good instead of sinking deeper into the mire (which is something I knew ALL about believe me!!!)

          See you 'round
          Weemelon x


            I'm done

            weemelonhead - i have missed you and your sagacious take on our collective issue.
            what i'd love to know is...are you still ABS? i followed your journey and got inspiration from you.
            i sincerely hope all is well in chez melon de tete a la minuet!
            you sound as crazy as me.. guess i really loved your tke on life
            mamma mia


              I'm done

              wakingup;110823 wrote:
              And all this time, I thought I was totally normal, totally rational, totally in control. .
              Yup. I thought that when I drank I'd be more socially interesting & creative and fun but instead was incoherent, indecisive, inconsistent, irrational, overly-happy, childish, always having a stupid stare, a dumb nodding smile and glossed over eyes into a lost soul.

              Welcome to a WORLD of New Beginnings.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                I'm done

                Hi waking up,

                A HUGE Betty Boop :welcome: for you.

                Keep up the good work


                  I'm done

                  I know exactly how you feel, my wife says that I am a different person when I drink. Stick to it and stay strong.

                  "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                    I'm done

                    Update: nothing to drink today. Well, sorta. On my way to work this morning, I reached into my purse. I had left a beer in there last night and of course, by this morning, it was hot. I opened it anyway (how pathetic is that?) and took a little sip because I knew it would be gross and guess what? It was! I gagged and threw it away.

                    We stayed busy today because I worked for a little while, then we went and bought me a new car. I traded in my TrailBlazer for a very cute little Chevy Cobalt SS. Big wheels and tires, a sunroof, XM radio, all sorts of cool bells and whistles. It made me feel really good and sorta like I was making a new start. I hope it works.

                    "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott


                      I'm done

                      Wakingup, welcome. nobody will tell you this is an easy path, but it's certainly the right one when we open up to ourselves. I had to have many more severe wakeup calls before I even admitted I was having trouble (darn hard-headed guys). So Bravo to your awakening. I highly recommend downloading and reading RJ's MWO book for starters...good stuff. Be well, and keep us posted.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        I'm done

                        I have the book. This is my second time here, actually. Thank you for the recommendation though because I had forgotten that I have it.

                        For those who were around this time last year, today is the one year anniversary of when my husband ran over me with the golf cart. Time flies, doesn't it?

                        "I'm not afraid of storms, for I'm learning to sail my ship." ~ Louisa May Alcott


                          I'm done

                          Waking, I applaud you for wanting to stop. i personally have had so many sobriety dates that I can't remember them all. they all usually happened after I made a fool of my self or recalled something awful I did while drunk.My dates never stuck. Not until I embraced MWO completly. I'm not saying your going to fail. I am just saying you have the tools here to build a very stong foundtion they are good to have. either way
                          good Luck


                            I'm done

                            yikes! you know that we now HAVE to hear the golf cart story!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              I'm done


