Pint of gin. I am sure on some level it was a conscious choice.
I came home and made myself a drink and drank it and thought I was off to the
Races. Made another drink and it did not taste good to me so I poured
3/4's of it down the sink.
I guess what I am getting at is I went 7 days AF and had one drink and stopped.
Which makes me start believing I can can control my drinking.
I guess the next days to come will tell.can I stay stopped for another 7 or more
Days or will the old pattern kick right back in?
I guess I will see. Starting day one again today.
Has anyone on this site gone from a full blown drinker to being to control it?
And has it worked long term?
I know I am playing with fire here. But I was drinking a fifth a day for a long
Time. Can the cycle actually be halted or is it just too dangerous a place to go?
Would love to hear other members thinking on this.
I think I am awake at 3:30 because of the sugar content in alcohol and tonic.
I don't like waking up a 3 am that is for sure.
So I guess I slipped but it was a conscious one.
Confused as always