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Starting Out

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    Starting Out

    Hi there. Just found this place. I am on day two of tapering which doesnt sound like much- to me even. But to me it is also empowering as I have finally admitted to myself what I tried to deny for so long- that I am an alchoholic. I am not at the point I have admitted this to anyone else, including my family. But I am determined to taper off my alchohol and give myself back my life for the sake of my 3 young children most of all.

    Alchoholism runs in my family. I got the occasional glass as a child as my parents were wine enthusiasts who went to wineries. My parents separated at 16 and my father moved out, my mother gave me drinks on special occasions and by the time I was 17 she occasionaly bought me alchohol and I was going out to parties and drinking. Still remember the first time I got moderately drunk..By the time I was 18 I was binge drinking. I would go to clubs and get pissed. By the time I was at uni I started drinking lots due to stress and depression...would drink most days and drink to get drunk. I am now 33, am single and have 3 kids the eldest is only 7. I never drank when I was pregnant after finding out, except for one on special occasions like christmas. But aside from that have been having trouble with binge drinking for years. The last couple of years have been the worst. The last year...beyond words. I have been studying again, have problems with my ex, my children my mother. Have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety and panic disorder. Started drinking way too much on a daily basis, first starting at five at night, then 4, then 3...then sometimes I would start drinking during the day or even morning.

    I finally went to a doc and got pills for the depression and anxiety when it came to the point I found I would just lay around in bed not wanting to move, unable to work or function beyond what I had to, the panic attacks became debilitating and I would lie there and worry each laboured breath would be the last. I had dry mouth, trouble breathing, swallowing, would be so scared I was dying, my heart rate was irregular, couldnt eat or sleep properly, couldnt focus. The alchohol was the only thing that helped.

    First day on the meds, got prescribed effexor, took them in the morning, had a few drinks that night too I'll admit. Then woke up 2am next morning feeling awful, and so strange, could barely walk and my heart was racing. Called an ambulance, then called my mother who live downstairs in a granny flat to watch the kids. Had to then admit in front of the ambos with her there that I had started taking antidepressants and had been prescribed valium as well. I apparently had a reaction to it similar to an ecstacy overdose, they prescribed more valium and told not to mix with alchohol. My mother was extremely annoyed that I was taking antidepressants and only discouraging about the whole thing rather than supportive. got prescribed another one and told to keep taking the valium. Then seeing as I suddenly stopped drinking-started going through withdrawls..felt awful...worse than I have ever felt ever and after two days called an ambulance again...and my mother again..was scared of going through dt's..was shaking so much I couldnt barely walk, was sick, hot and cold, dizzy, nauseaous etc. They gave me b12 on drip and sent me home doc said have a glass to help with I did. Then another.

    A week later I was back to drinking as I had been. Another week even more. Cut to couple months later and I am worse than I have ever been in my entire life. I know now I have crossed that 'line'. Up to 15-20 drinks a day I think (not that I was counting so could even b e more), morning cravings, shakes until the night, trembles esp in the legs, insomnia, blackouts, and still very depressed to the point of being suicidal, anxiety as bad as ever the only thing the new meds helped with was the panic disorder. Always fatigued, stressed, worrying about trying to get out to buy 'secret wine' that my mother wont know about as she has been critical of me since my hospitilsation. Going through 4 litres of wine plus other drinks on top of that in 3 days, then having to try and hide and dispose all the darn boxes. Hard to get drunk where I feel that high anymore, only occasionally have hangovers though often have headaches. Feel like crap all the time. I would go online and write things drunk, would talk to family drunk, let my kids get away with crap cause I was drunk..and next only remember half of it.

    But it made me realise I have a problem. And I am so tired of feeling unwell, unhappy, having trouble with remembering things, all the worry and stress and knowing if I keep going down this road it will be to a very dark place whether it be to an insitution, an accidental or purposeful death, hurt to my friends and family. So I have made the decision to quit but because of my kids, study, work, commitments etc I cant do medical rehab, and I know it is too dangerous for me to go cold so I am tapering.

    Day one I had 13 drinks, was 11 but I woke at 1:30 feeling very very weird and anxious, starting to have a panic attack so I read forums like these and had 2 more drinks worrying I had not had enough for a smooth taper considering how much I had been having. Today is day two and so far I have only had 6 drinks. Very determined to do this for me and my children but scared too.

    Sorry for the overlong post had to vent a little I guess have no one to talk to right now. If you read all this- thankyou. If you take time to post back I would thank you too

    Starting Out

    Hi Cleo! :welcome:

    You are not alone. Your story is more familiar than you might realize. Good job for finding this site and sharing your story.

    There is some good advice about tapering here on this site but given your recent withdrawal experience I would seriously recommend you come completely clean about your drinking with your doctor, if you haven't already. If you do decide to do taper on your own, use a log book, so you can be absolutely sure how much you had the previous day and take it slow.

    Mostly, focus on the here and now. Make a plan to get alcohol free and stick to it. Don't look back and beat yourself up about the past. Just keep focusing on the future. You CAN do this.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      Starting Out

      Thankyou Siren
      I thought I posted a reply but it dissappeared..

      I told my doc I was drinking 10 plus a day but havent seen that one for a couple months have two and that wasnt entirely truthful I know. Due for blood test again so will come clean with her when results are in. I am using a log book, and documenting in it why I need to do this, what the health risks are, how I was feeling, what willl help, reasons to quit etc and then each day writing what I drank and when and how many. Hopefully I will be able to keep this up. I am determined. I know that tapering is not for everyone I just hope it works for me cause my withdrawls were severe at two days and my addiction has gotten worse since then..
      Also making sure I get my vitamins, esp B/A/D, and have a couple supplements, plus folate/ milk thistle etc and herbal teas that are good for detoxing/calming.
      Planning to go down by one to two drinks a day if I can...will keep you guys updated.


        Starting Out

        Hi CN,
        I tapered from about 20 drinks down to 4 drinks, did it slower than you're saying but everyones different, whatever floats your boat!
        Last part seems to be the hardest and I creep up at weekends, saying to my wife I'm doing well, far less than I used to drink but no it's no good am going for zero today.
        Good luck on your tapering and you mentioned your drinking times got earlier, I tapered by increasing the drinking time. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 o'clock and seemed to work, might help you.
        It's not what you drink, it's how much!


          Starting Out

          You can do this!

          Cleo night, you really can. Just know that there are lots of us here who have been in your shoes. I will be thinking of you and sending you strong thoughts.... wish it would help more than it does. When it gets really tough, log on back here and chat.


            Starting Out

            WOW CLEO

            Sounds like you have a lot going on. I am surprised that a doctor actually told you to drink. I think I would avoid that person.

            Psychological issues go hand in hand with alcoholism, but one thing is clear--having alcohol in your system helps nothing. It only muddies the water and makes clear diagnoses impossible.

            I am no expert at all but it seems that the quantity you were drinking would require if not medical detox then tapering. I am very worried for you. BUT you have found a great place here with lots of people who know lots of stuff!

            You are among friends here for sure. All of us here have been through really bad times
            and just about anything you bring up can get a response from someone who knows whatever it is you are experiencing.

            Luckily I did not have to taper but I'm sure it would have come to that. I am not naive enough to say OH I never drank every day so it wasn't that bad. It was bad.
            And now it's better, much better. Alcohol is poison and to get to the point where you KNOW that in your heart and soul is priceless.

            Please stick around and take what you can get from this place and these terrific people


              Starting Out

              Cleo, welcome! You are in mighty good company...there is almost nothing we haven't seen/heard/done! Let me invite you over to the Newbie's Nest. There are folks there in all stages of his/ her quit. I don't think we have anyone tapering at the moment...but if you look around here you will find some older posts on the subject. You can do a search in the search box. Also be sure to check out our Tool Box. There are 100's of tips and coping skills in there to help you. Knowledge is power, and there are years of knowledge in there. The links to both places are in my signature line below. Once you get to the Newbie's nest go to the last page and that's the most current...then read back a few days to get to know us...then jump in.
              We are glad you are here...reclaiming your life is what we're here for!! We have lots of success! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Starting Out

                Cleo, I am in Australia as well. There are a few ozzies that post. Just wishing you well and hope you achieve all that you want to. There are lots of people here that can offer you really good advice. I take Effexor antideppresents as well,have done for years. It truly has been a remarkable drug for me. My drinking levels have been reduced considerably,but I am still working on being AF one day! Good Luck and post anytime!:welcome::welcome:


                  Starting Out

                  Thankyou all for the replies
                  boozer great to see an Aussie here too I'm in Qld
                  Was the effexor that had me in hospital though unfortunately I cant take it I got prescribed something else which is ok..I know it will be better when I get the drinks down though.
                  Up to day 3 of tapering..only had 9 last night though was feeling ok but then felt awful today so realised that was dropping way too fast considering I went from around 15-20 to 13 to 9 in 3 days...oops. Made it through though And resisted drinking a nything during the day cause I had to drive and on L's I need 0 bac.Just trying to lose myself in work have photo editing to finish by tomorow..


                    Starting Out

                    And thankyou Byrdlady will check out the newbie nest
                    I so appreciate any support I know if I tell my family they will not be so supportive especially my mother. And my father (separated from my mother) started chemo just last week....really dont want to worry any of my family with anything else right now they are all worried about him


                      Starting Out

                      Cleo.....hi and welcome.

                      I understand that the family is worried about your dad but YOU need to focus on you 100%.

                      You are a single mum, those young children NEED their mum alive !

                      In a while you can stay sober for you but if it helps GET SOBER FOR THEM !

                      Losing you will mess them up forever, so it is not just your life you need to save.

                      You can do this. I was drinking 15 drinks a day, every day. I am also a single mum, I know how lonely that can be.

                      If I can, you can


                        Starting Out

                        Cleo, I feel your pain mate. You can PM me if you want. Please stay close to MWO. We have all been there. I am still struggling and would love to here from another OZY . :l:l


                          Starting Out

                          kuya;1473889 wrote: Cleo.....hi and welcome.

                          I understand that the family is worried about your dad but YOU need to focus on you 100%.

                          You are a single mum, those young children NEED their mum alive !

                          In a while you can stay sober for you but if it helps GET SOBER FOR THEM !

                          Losing you will mess them up forever, so it is not just your life you need to save.

                          You can do this. I was drinking 15 drinks a day, every day. I am also a single mum, I know how lonely that can be.

                          If I can, you can
                          Thankyou Kuya and thankyou for the share, its just hard atm I have a lot going on but I know I need to stop. Trying very hard and have been going down in drinks slowly but steadily. Trouble is with me the alchohol does not cause my depression and anxiety that is something that has troubled me for many years but I did not recogise what was going on and had no help so turned to alchohol to self-medicate. But on medication now and I know it will help me more without the drinking...hopefully enough.
                          Congrats to you on what you have already achieved. I know I can do it too if I am strong enough just hard to know how strong I am without drinking I have used it as a crutch for so long.


                            Starting Out

                            boozer;1474535 wrote: Cleo, I feel your pain mate. You can PM me if you want. Please stay close to MWO. We have all been there. I am still struggling and would love to here from another OZY . :l:l
                            cheers boozer will do when I can can I ask what state are you in?


                              Starting Out

                              Exercise and nutrition are very powerful tools at this stage. You body is probably deficient in everything based upon the amount you are consuming. Deficiencies manifest in the form of depression, craving, fatigue, worry etc. Neuro transmittors like dopamine, seretonin are the worst hit by chronic alc abuse as their levels get soo low. Drinking and antidepressants are like temporary bandaids that temporarily raise the neurotransmitters levels specifically GABA. As soon as the acl wears off, the depression comes back and you feel even worse. The only way to solve the problem is to let the brain heal naturally to get neurotrmittors to pre-drinking levels..
                              Amino acids have the same function as alc in terms of brain chemistry .They both raise GABA levels. Foods rich in amino acids like chicken, eggs, fish, beef & turkey are very important.Supplements are also recommended.
                              Minerals like magnesium, folic acid, potassium and zinc are also often deficient in alcies. Green leafy vegetables are the best source preferably raw. A good multivitamin may go along way.
                              Exercises is a natural anti depressant and the BEST sleep aid. Your brain is gonna need plenty of sleep to heal. Exercise and good nutrition are vital for neuro regeneration.
                              Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1

