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Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

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    Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

    Hi everyone - I was about to post this on another thread then I thought - no, Coco, start your own. Stop hiding behind others like you normally do and step up to the mark. So here goes -

    - I have bumped up the thread that inspired me -

    HI Seahorse - hope things are going well with you. I lurk here more that I post which is probably why I am not doing very well with my own battle. Your story reminds me very much of my own situation -

    ive been drinking for god knows how many yrs now and its time to sort it out .it all started for me when my father lay dieing nearly 7 yrs ago of cancer i just blanked it out with getting legless every night as it was the only way i could cope at the time, but i carried on and on and the drinking got worse, i just had to have that drink every night no matter what and it turned in to yrs
    this morning i threw my last bottle of red down the sink and was determined to not drink tonight (which i have not )and up to now i have not had a craving or the urge to even have one
    i have been cutting down over the past 3 weeks as i was becoming violent when i had a touch to much and i actually hit my beloved hubby which i can not even remember doing! that was the turning point for me,i really thought my life with him was over as i really hurt him
    i also work in a shop which is also an off licence and walking out of there tonight was a great feeling having bought no wine to drink in to the wee hours and wake up with the bad head in the morning
    My dad died in my arms in 1998 of lung cancer and I drowned myself in booze to cope with the depression that it left me with - lots of other stuff going on at the time also dragged me further down. I did do something positive at this time - thank God I gave up smoking soon after he died (amazing how a terrible experience can focus you in to action). However, I carried on drinking, I used it as the mother of all crutches as it seemed like I had little else positive in my life (I have always had a loving family and I know it but that's depression for you, you can't see the wood for the trees - or in my case wine bottles). I also am ashamed to say that get violent when I have had too much - the last time was a couple of weeks ago when I was off my head completely on giin this time and threw a really heavy plastic storage box at hubby which just missed him and shattered against the wall, leaving a nice dent in it - son saw me do it - I was totally disgusted with myself. I actually remember that incident, usually I blank out at some point and have to be told the full extent of my drunken antics the next morning.

    I work full time in a professional capacity and hide this habit so well that some people there think I am tee total - I am now in my early 50's and have already seen a relative suffer from drink-related pancreatitis, also a friend has developed pancreatic cancer (no cure for that one) and I had an uncle die of cirrosis (sp) (all 3 were big shocks - I had no idea that they drank to excess). I see this hiding of the drinking as a symptom od addiction and denial and I can see it within myself - some people would be very shocked / surprised if they knew a tenth of what I do / consume. I don't want to be like those 3 poor people, I want to take action now to stop it before it "gets" me.

    So that is what I am doing, this is now day 1 - no excuses, hubby is going to help me (doubt he will stop himself, but he doesn't need to like I do). I am going to post every day for the first 2 weeks with my progress as I need to stay focussed.

    Wish me luck!

    Regards, Coco xx
    Fallen off the wagon so many times uch:

    Day 1 AF 23/3/07 - terrified :eeks: and need a bit of :groupluv: , but determined to do it.

    Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

    Welcome Coco and I am glad you found the gumption to post. Many aspects of this program can help with the cravings if that is a concern for you. I could relate very much to your story as my drinking spiraled out of control when my parents got sick and then died. Wine seemed to be the best medication, or so I thought. Now that I am no longer that kind of drinker anymore I can see clearly what a sad place I was in and how wine only made it worse. I am sure it is the same for you.

    There is so much support here. I know you will feel so good when you get some AF days under your belt. Look forward to hearing about your progress!!:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

      Hi Coco & :welcome:

      I can relate to your problem with the alcohol, It really does take hold. With the help of all the lovely people here you can achieve anything that you want.

      All the best and sending you :hug: :hug: :hug:


        Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

        Lush, you beat me to it AGAIN !!!!!!!


          Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

          So many people here know what you are going through, and what you have been through. Alcohol is a poison and yet we have seen it as our best friend for so many years, what a shame! So glad you are here with us now. Do this for yourself, for your child. Read as much as you can and post often. Did you get the book? The supps? There are so many tools that will help. I look forward to hearing more form you. Take care and many hugs coming your way!!!

          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

            Coco, It is nice to have you here. I check in as often as I need to. I have had some up and down days. I haven't been on here that long myself, but have found a lot of support. I don't have any of that anywhere else and it has been a blessing just to post a thread when something is bothering me or when I just need to hear from others. Another important thing is to know your not alone. I know that while I was still drinking I didn't have any support so I didn't know where to turn when a lot of time what I really need was to talk about what was bothering rather than drowning my sorrows in what I thought was to escape only to find out reality. What was bothering me then when I decided to drink made me feel even worse after.

            Take care.


              Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

              Hi Coco
              Good luck, I'll be watching for your progress. I'm now on day 6 and also feel that I want to report in daily, for the first couple of weeks, as the support here is fantastic.
              I'm looking forward to seeing how you're doing tomorrow. Day 2!!



                Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                hi Coco
                Welcome to here. Bereavement is a VERY hard issue to deal with - I can completely relate. These people her are fab & are so welcoming and helpful, and syympathic. I read more than post but that in itself has been a godesnd. It's a Friday night here in the UK, I would usually be comatose by now but I just log on & read & is a great help.
                If you can stay around you will find people who literally mirror image your life & you realise you are not alone at helps a lot.

                much love


                  Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                  Oh Coco
                  Good for you for taking the first step - you should be so proud! We are proud and we are here for you. Post as much as you want, be it 1 or 200 times a day!
                  Over 4 months AF :h


                    Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                    23/3/07 -day to remember!

                    Welcome Coco!

                    What a special day! Glad that we can share it with you and look forward to sharing the rest of your journey as it unfolds!

                    :rays: Arial

                    Last first day - 15th April 2012
                    Days 1-7 DONE
                    Days 8-14 DONE
                    Days 15-21 DONE
                    30 days DONE
                    60 days
                    100 days


                      Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                      mix the lime with the coconut! everyone here is great, very helpful. I can relate to some of your story, i used the same coping methods after my bother died. stay focused!!

                      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


                        Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                        hi coco
                        all u have to do is take the first step and belive in yourself it took me more than 7 yrs to sort this out ive been drinking for a lot longer than that but not to extent that ihave been ,3 weeks ago i began to try and ween my self off the amount i was drinking by diluting red wine and lemonade and only allowing my self half the bottle of wine per night i got use to it then on monday morn i decided to stop and go the whole way .im not saying i will give it up for good im aiming to moderate with af nights more than than drinking nights and not to the extent i was eg going for a meal once a just taking it one step at a time ,its very hard but its not as hard as i thought it would be but that could be with me taking the supps i really think they help with the cravings ,last night my hubby brought the subject of me not drinking up and do u know what it was the first time that night it had crossed my mind i hadnt even thought about drinking any alcohol
                        i do understand about the drunken antics bit as i can never remember what ive done or said and feel so ashamed of myself when i am told and throwing stuff around it certainly brings out the demons in me
                        im taking it one hour at a time not days and resorting to going to bed early and im sleeping for 10/12 hours a night and i must say my energy and concentration levels have improved
                        we are all here for you and everyone else as we are all traveling this journey just read and post vice versa and try the supps
                        we are all together in this
                        take care


                          Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                          Dear Coco

                          Just echoing what the others have said and sending you the warmest best wishes from Melbourne,



                            Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                            Hello coco,
                            I stopped smoking when my (heavily alcoholic) mother died of lung cancer.
                            I can't quite get to grips with the drinking though....but, like you, and everyone else here, I'm trying.
                            It's good to have you with us.


                              Nearly newbie needs nurturing!

                              :welcome: coco. So glad you are here with us and I'm looking forward to hearing about your progess. There's a great new life ahead for you. Keep posting!
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

