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    I have a long history of recreational drug use, I never drank- I started smoking weed when i was 12 and moved on to mdma, ketamine, heroin/opiates, coke acid, mushrooms and some other stuff. Was addicted to both coke and heroin at diff points but moderated my use, i only use drugs about three times a year now, but I have been drinking heavily for the past 3 years, now i black out fairly oftn, occasionally I piss the bed, or someones couch. I think I need to stop drinking but my friends and partner say i just need to moderate....


    Hello there, if you think you need to stop then I reckon you know you have to stop. Have a look at Newbies Nest and the Tool Box to get some more support. I doubt you've done anything that hasn't been done before by somebody here and the help you can get by reading loads and posting is brilliant :welcome:
    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:



      Hi, Shamefuldrinker,
      Welcome. I can identify with some of your post. I surrounded myself with friends who drank like me so when I decided to take baclofen and moderate my drinking one of my friends just couldn't get it. She's one of the ones who'd puke on herself, have to be carried to bed and then pee the bed. Like you, I just knew that I didn't want to keep doing what I was doing.
      I'm on the meds section here. Apparently there are different ways to moderate drinking so you may want to check that out if that's a route for you. I read The End of My Addiction by Dr Olivier Ameisen (paperback is Heal Thyself) and I've been on baclofen since 12/12/12 and have not over drank. For those that can get past possible side effects baclofen suppresses the craving for alcohol. The first studies were done with rats and cocaine addiction.
      Anyway, I'm trying to say that there are many ways to stop our behaviors around alcohol. Keep posting.




        I think the important question to ask your self is: can I see myself %100 sober and clean? Am i willing to give up the 'buzz' or 'high' or 'trip' etc. If you are willing to surrender that spirit, your battle will be half-won. You may quit alc but soon you' ll find a replacement. Thankfully my addiction was just alc that I struggled with for 10 years. I tried to moderate so many times but I would be right back in the pit.
        When I finally decided that I could see myself without alc for the rest of my life, a big load was lifted.
        Day 57 today is the longest I have gone without alc for 10 years. Iam going cold turkey as I don't want
        anything else to take me prisoner. The freedom I feel is too precious to risk it.
        Its for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm then and DO NOT let yourself be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Gal 5:1



          Hey, Shameful drinker, welcome to mwo. You will find lots of supportive friends here. Join us over in the Newbie's Nest (under "Just Starting Out"). There are lots of people over there, just starting out or starting over. You don't have to do this alone. Listen to your gut and do what you feel is best for you. There are people here from all over the world, sharing friendship, support and feedback on what is working for them. Have a good read and keep posting so we can get to know you. So glad you are here!

          P.S. To show you that you are not alone in being taken down by alcohol, have a look at "You know you are an alcoholic when.....", under General Discussion, page 2. Interesting reading. And so many are now happily sober. Every day can be a new start. Nothing is hopeless. Just don't give up.
          AF since 12/2/12



            I never used to drink, even when I used hard drugs, I would swear alcohol was the devil and try to stop my friends from even drinking casually. I dont think I want to drink at all, I used to be better...



              Shamefuldrinker;1475113 wrote: I never used to drink, even when I used hard drugs, I would swear alcohol was the devil and try to stop my friends from even drinking casually. I dont think I want to drink at all, I used to be better...
              Drinking is never casual when you are addicted to alcohol . It's a full time job. And one job you need to resign from. Yes you used to be better and you can revisit that place. Focus on a positive better you . It's a very real situation . Just focus you will be ok eventually.



                I just feel like I cant tell anyone because when I do they say just stop drinking way too much and it makes me feel pathetic, like theres this simple thin i just dont have enough self control to do..



                  Shamefuldrinker;1475125 wrote: I just feel like I cant tell anyone because when I do they say just stop drinking way too much and it makes me feel pathetic, like theres this simple thin i just dont have enough self control to do..
                  You DO have controll don't be sad pick yourself up and get better. You can do it .take a deep breath . Meditate . Think positive. It is possible to get better. Don't despair



                    Please don't feel pathetic - you're certainly not, its a nasty vile addiction and you need help and support to kick it, take yourself to the Newbies Nest and Tool Box, wanting to stop will help you loads - have a :l and good luck
                    AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:



                      Hi shamefuldrinker, welcome. None of us on this site have he self control as we are addicted to alcohol, that's why we are here. Your in the right place. Keep posting xxxx
                      AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                      Day by day

