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Hey Everyone - New Here...

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    Hey Everyone - New Here...

    Hi everyone - I am new here as the title obviously indicates. I want to quit drinking and deep inside, viscerally, I think that this program is going to help me acheive this goal. The box of stuff came in yesterday's mail and I was excited. I get 2-4 days max and then I start has become a dark world and I just want to move on.....anyway, I look forward to finding a way out.

    Hey Everyone - New Here...

    Welcome Stan,
    You will find a lot of supportive people here. Keep reading and keep posting.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Hey Everyone - New Here...

      good works stan, we can help each other
      "From now on, walking is my beer and feeling good is my hangover" .....Homer Simpson


        Hey Everyone - New Here...

        Welcome to you Stan,

        I can only say that this site is amazingly supportive. Most people with a drink problem need support from somewhere...its hard to tough it out alone.
        do the programme( i actually havent read the book or had the supplements as yet)as it works for so many.

        Here we are at a tricky time for many of us...the open the parcel and take the first big step...keep posting on here it really helps.

        i,m on day 33 but couldnt do it without .......1. this site .... 2. hubby and a friend are doing it with me.........3. keeping the discipline of praying / spiritual reading am and evening

        i have no idea where i will end up on this journey but for now i feel i have given my liver, brain a break from the booze and it feels my self respect is coming back.

        Just back from the pub!!! had a meal with hubby booze though...i,m getting happier with the idea of not having to drink wine just because I,m in a pub.

        tomorrow in the pub again..meeting friends to discuss pending holiday over Easter...Again no plan to drink

        guess what in the pub again sunday...with friends for a meal/

        i couldnt have imagined this possible when i started out on this site 5 weeks ago as I,ve not got past a few days alcohol free before for ages and ages.

        Good Luck Stan with the first are off on a journey now to a healthier place full of self respect can do it stan

        regards Cassy


          Hey Everyone - New Here...

          Welcome Stan!! Glad you are starting the program and hope it works wonders for you. Let us know how you are doing! :welcome:
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            Hey Everyone - New Here...

            Welcome Stan,
            Just like everyone is saying to you, You'll get lots of support here!
            Read and post threads..............IAD:welcome:

            "Today is yesterdays tomorrow"
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Hey Everyone - New Here...

              :welcome: Stan. This is a good place. No dark stuff here. Enjoy your box of goodies - they are very very effective. keep coming back here and reading and asking questions.



                Hey Everyone - New Here...

                I'm new,too

                and I really like it. Lot's of good friends and support .
                Reach deep, find your will power.


                  Hey Everyone - New Here...

                  Good luck and :welcome: stan. Nothing but love and understanding and most important support here - lots of it.

                  Cassy - what an incredible job you did. Going to the pub without the alkie thing. I live in the USA so probably don't even know what a proper pub is. I think all we have here is ugly bars.

                  They're all dangerous and they're all things we can continue to enjoy - without the booze - just with the good company.

                  Stan, welcome aboard, my friend!!
                  Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                    Hey Everyone - New Here...


                    and Glad you found us! Anything you need, we're here 24/7.
                    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                      Hey Everyone - New Here...

                      A big welcome to you, Stan!

                      Sounds like you're well set to start this new phase in your life so good luck to you - as everyone says we're here 24/7 to support, encourage, cheer, laugh, share - whatever you need!

                      Look forward to seeing you around
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        Hey Everyone - New Here...

                        Hi Stan,

                        And welcome,

                        I'm relatively new here too - five weeks on the MWO program, 21 days alcohol free and so far (fingers, toes an d eyes crossed) doin' it easy! The program (medication, supplements, hypnotherapy CDs) have worked wonders for me but the support and assistance provided by this site has been the secret ingredient.

                        It can be for you too, so good luck.



                          Hey Everyone - New Here...

                          Hi stan & :welcome:

                          With this place you can get out of that dark place, there is always someone here.

                          Take care


                            Hey Everyone - New Here...

                            Hi Stan, a very big welcome to you. Read, post, read, post and you will never feel alone here. all the best to you. B


                              Hey Everyone - New Here...

                              Welcome Stan, I was at the end when I found this site. It helps tremendously. Keep reading and posting, we're all here for each other.

