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My 30 day plan

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    My 30 day plan

    Stay Strong

    Just a quick check-in Free, to wish you luck on your travels - stay strong and check in when you can. You have plenty of plans to turn to and I know you can do it. Remember to work out lots and also to pamper yourself lots

    Snowflake X
    If you don't know where you are going,
    you'll end up someplace else.


      My 30 day plan

      Thanks, all, for your support. At the airport lounge, just finished second glass of fizzy water and lemon. The alcohol is so pervasive -- but I am feeling good. My plan is to meditate when I first get on the plane to help refrain from temptation when the cart with all the wines and champagne comes around. Will check in tomorrow to report progress.

      Writing everyday seems to be helping me stay on my path to sobriety. Would love to jump to day 35 but know that nothing worthwhile comes easy. Ok, one more glass of water and time to board the plane.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        My 30 day plan

        Morning all. Start of Day 7 AF for me. Made it past the international lounge, the endless supply of alcohol during the flight and now in another lounge, waiting another long flight. Made myself walk through the lounge, past the open champagne, to a spot where there was only non-alcoholic beverages. Am, I swear, at the back of the lounge, but at least no one seems to be drinking here.

        One more flight, check into hotel, meet colleagues for "drinks" -- which is really work, but no one wants to call it that. And call it a day.

        If I don't check in tonight, don't worry. Internet is not always reliable in some parts of the world.

        Best wishes to everyone for a sober Sunday.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          My 30 day plan

          Congrats on 7 days !!!! :goodjob:

          Just keep putting one foot in front the other

          Meditate and breathe


            My 30 day plan

            Congratulations on your 7 Days Free!

            Hope all is going well and that you are pouring all the gifts of wine down the sink - then it's not there to tempt you!

            Take Care

            Snow X
            If you don't know where you are going,
            you'll end up someplace else.


              My 30 day plan

              Thanks, Snowflake and Kuyu. Finished Day 7, though it was tough, with numerous moments when I considered "just one glass." Ready to start another day.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                My 30 day plan

                free at last;1479136 wrote: Thanks, Snowflake and Kuyu. Finished Day 7, though it was tough, with numerous moments when I considered "just one glass." Ready to start another day.
                Hi Free,
                Congratulations on toughness in the face of great adversity! I am so impressed with you. Whenever I worry about an upcoming business convention that looms before me, I think of you and gain strength!

                All the best to you! NS


                  My 30 day plan

                  Thanks, No Sugar. It was amazing how if I can just get started on drinking the soda water on the plane, I was ok. Even went to the counter, where the red wine, champagne, white wine was all displayed and poured myself a soda water. Didn't think twice about having wine on the plane. But I was sweating how to deal with "getting together for drinks." Almost caved in. But saying I really need to swim to shake off the plane travel gave me enough time to get a little more centered around my intentions. It was tough, as I expect the next 10 days will be. Appreciate your support.
                  Free at Last
                  "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                  Highly recommend this video

                  July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                    My 30 day plan

                    His free just checking in to give you a high five for 7 days. Well done. Traveling is hard as its so easy to drink to make it easier and take away the boredom, you are doing fantastically well x
                    AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                    Day by day


                      My 30 day plan

                      Free: great job!!! You can do it! If I can go to a family St. Patrick's Day party with a keg of craft beer and lots of alcohol and manage not to can pass by those wine stands too. Damn wine stands!!!!!

                      I must say a good thing to think of when you are really having a tough to count how many drinks you are foregoing by not drinking for just that one night ( and be honest with yourself) then do the math on a week and then a month. You will very quickly become simultaneously proud of yourself for not drinking and horrified but what has been drunk! I definitely was horrified and began feeling terrible for my liver too!

                      However you try to. You will be so happy by the end of 30 days!

                      Best of luck!

                      Day 28 AF
                      4the kids:l


                        My 30 day plan


                        Hi Free

                        You are amazing - keep it up - you are, as ususal, facing huge challenges - but you have it all worked out - and you are getting there and beating the **** each time!

                        Well Done!

                        Always thinking of you and sending you kudos today.

                        Snow X
                        If you don't know where you are going,
                        you'll end up someplace else.


                          My 30 day plan

                          Thanks all, for your encouragement. Again, tonight my colleague who is staying in my same hotel this week was going to stop by the pool for a drink after work and asked if I wanted to join her. I convinced her to join me in the pool for a swim -- after which we both felt less stressed by work.

                          I also thought if I have this "one glass of wine" it will turn into 30 glasses before the week is over. So thanks for that tip 4theKids!

                          It's still a daily struggle, but I am plodding along.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            My 30 day plan

                            Way to go, free at last! That is so great. I am going to make it to Day Nine and I could not be happier!


                              My 30 day plan

                              Isn't it crazy to just to the math on how much you actually drink?! It horrified me when I was hnest and figured it out. Not drinking for one month has saved my body from roughly 120 drinks!!!! Unbelievable!

                              Keep up the swimming and the AF days!


                              AF Day 30
                              4the kids:l


                                My 30 day plan

                                Dear 4theKids -- whay to go on 30 days. You did it girl! Thanks for the encouragement and inspiration.

                                Halfway -- yes, we are now on to day 9. I have to get through two "get together over drink" discussions this evening but am planning to have my new best friend--soda water with lime--keep my company. Plan to post later tonight that I made it through the evening AF.
                                Free at Last
                                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                                Highly recommend this video

                                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

