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My 30 day plan

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    My 30 day plan

    Thanks, all, for your encouragement. Happy to report another AF day/night. Of course, the day starts at 6am and ends sometime around 10:30pm. Just too tired to even think about a glass of wine. But, not complaining, it helps me link the consecutive days.
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      My 30 day plan

      Today marks the 3 year anniversary of when I found MWO, which I consider an incredible community of caring individuals. I have been trying to quit AL for the past three years, but have only this year begun to feel as though I am on a path that will, eventually, lead to a joyful, sober life.

      I did an analysis of my alcohol consumption during 2013. For the 51 day period of Jan 1-Feb 20, I had three days when I did not consume wine or champagne (the only AL I drink) . Basically, I had alcohol 95% of the time.

      In the second 50 day period, Feb 21-April 11, I had 36 days when I did not consume red wine or champagne. Several times during this period, I was able to link week+ of AF days but then caved in, which resulted in 3 days or so of having wine, though at signficantly reduced levels.

      So, here I am at 7 consecutive AF days (though this evening was tough. Feeling a personal commitment to report on my progress probably kept me on the straight and narrow tonight).

      If I can reach 30 consecutive days, I think I will be begin to break the "habit" of having wine in the evening to unwind after a long, good, stressful, bad, joyful, whatever is going on, kind of day.

      I will continue to post, with a goal of finishing the month of April AF. Thirty consecutive AF days would be May 4th, which seems so far away. So, for now, my goal is to post tomorrow that the day/night was AF.

      Just finished another corporate dinner, ready to call it a night. Tomorrow starts with breakfast meeting at 6:30am. Can't wait to be home to sleep in!

      Thanks to all for your support!
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        My 30 day plan

        Quick note before I board the plane for home to report that I managed to surf the intense craving to have a glass of wine in the club to celebrate the end of an intense work week. Now feeling stronger and mentally ready to ask for seltzer water and lime. Will report in tomorrow. Thanks to all for your support
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          My 30 day plan

          Hi, Free - it sounds like you've had the kind of week you were aiming for!
          Congratulations and enjoy your weekend AT HOME! If you get to go hiking in the woods again I will be totally jealous! We seem to have gone backwards to winter here .

          :h NS


            My 30 day plan

            happy to report a successful flight back to States -- success defined as saying "no thank you, just seltzer water and lime" at least six times. Now off for a walk in the woods with DH and dog. Start of day 9 consecutive AF days. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


              My 30 day plan

              9 consecutive AF days -- done. No cravings today -- what a wonderful change from previous two days!
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                My 30 day plan

                My Day 1 was Friday....which included a fundraising banquet at which cocktails and wine were free and flowing to lossen the purse strings. These kind of events have often been my downfall, as I didn't want to spoil the party, or didn't want to explain not drinking, or just wanted some social lubricant. This time, I just said "no thanks" and guess what: no one asked me why, I enjoyed many conversations, two others at my table also abstained, and I probably saved a grand or two by making a more modest donation than I might have otherwise made :-). It was a real accomplishment and an enlightening experience. Went on a golf outing the next day with drinkers, went to dinner amongst drinkers and watched the Masters, all AF,
                Then, tonight, I fou d this website which I thi k will be very helpful. It already has been, since I have never
                Made this ki d of disclosure before, even anonymously.It feels good to have done so.


                  My 30 day plan

                  :welcome: Bennett! You have come to a great place. If you haven't done so already, check out the links in my signature. The Newbies Nest is an especially good place to be at the beginning. You have already made it past some big challenges! Congratulations!


                    My 30 day plan

                    Dear Bennett,
                    Welcome and congrats on several days AF! I know about those auctions, having too much to drink, spending too much money. You are among a great community of people--many of whom have been AF for some time, others are just starting out. In addition to the newbies nest, as NS recommends, there is a also a group of people trying to be AF for the month of April. You might also post there, introduce yourself, and join us on that link as well.

                    The most important advice I can offer is to have a plan for the difficult hours when you are most tempted to drink (I try to exercise, drink lots of soda water, read posts on MWO) and the more your post, the better your chances of success with regard to adding up AF days.

                    Warm wishes and glad you found us!
                    Free at Last
                    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                    Highly recommend this video

                    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                      My 30 day plan

                      I remember running an auction like that years ago for my sons' day care. I organized the whole thing - what a pain in the a**!!
                      Of course, I got DRUNK at the event. I was never embarrassed about it until now. That is probably the only negative aspect of being really start to look back at your behaviors and get embarrassed!! I wonder how many people said something like "did you see / talk to jennie?? She had on too many ... snicker snicker.....
                      Ah, right, that is the past. What is done is done. I know. But still.....
                      I just won't anymore


                        My 30 day plan

                        Hi Jenniech, forgiveness is such a crucial part of the process, yes? I find if I look back at my behavior during too much wine consumption I get too depressed. Better for me to focus on how did I do today and what have I been doing during my AF period.

                        Happy to report I am midway through 12 consecutive AF days and have a plan for this evening. Just tallied up my travel -- in the past 12 days, I have been on four international flights (6-10 hours each) and spent 12 hours in the airport lounges of three airports. All without caving in to the "free" wine or champagne. "Free" because it really comes at an enormous cost for me.

                        Jenniech and No Sugar, you two are role models for many of us just trying to get 2-3 weeks of consecutive AF life. Thanks for your support!
                        Free at Last
                        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                        Highly recommend this video

                        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                          My 30 day plan

                          13 consecutive days AF -- and did not cave in to a several big temptations today. Today, I am joyful. Don't know what tomorrow brings, but I did not drink today and am grateful for MWO and the encouragement I receive here.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            My 30 day plan

                            Hey there, Free, I was totally channeling you today and was so glad to have a model!

                            My flights were domestic but due to weather, security issues, and American Airlines' computer problems, this day began with a schedule-destroying text message from American in the middle of last night and pretty much went downhill from there.

                            As I sat around in airports, I thought about you Not Drinking in airports all over the world. Late this evening while suffering from H, A, L, and T (!!!), I had to sit alone at the bar of a very crowded restaurant to finally get some food. My beverage order of 'soda water with lime' came straight from you - I wasn't even sure what I was going to get! (Pretty much an exceptionally good lime La Croix). Anyway, it was nice to have a plan thanks to you sharing yours.

                            Congrats on your AF time with your friend at the pool that you mentioned in a different thread - way to turn the tables on a formerly 'drinking' environment!

                            Hope the rest of your trip is great. :h NS


                              My 30 day plan

                              Hi No Sugar, congrats on getting through stressful travel and long delays in airports without caving in to the multitude of alcohol temptations. Hope you are settled into your hotel and feeling strong. Remember to eat, get some exercise, and quiet time.

                              Happy to report the end of 14 consecutive AF days for me. Onward!
                              Free at Last
                              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                              Highly recommend this video

                              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                                My 30 day plan

                                Well done you!

                                I wish I could transport you forward and just for a moment let you feel how free it is to no longer want to drink.

                                Just trust what we tell you.....the wanting really does stop.

                                YOU CAN DO THIS

