Last time I quit cold turkey was months ago for two days, it wasnt really intentional, more a in hospital on new meds and told not to drink by people who didnt know I had an alchohol problem cause I didnt really know I had such a problem. But back then I was not day drinking, not on meds I am now, and prob drinking closer to 10-15 a day. My vitamin levels were low but not sick as I am now. but two days no alchohol..never been so sick, terrible shakes as in close to convulsing and ended up in hospital.
When I got home ended up starting up drinking again and got to the point I am at now. Last couple weeks realised how sick I am. Finally realised I have been not just binge drinking but drinking daily basis half my life apart from when I was pregnant and odd few days or so. And getting worse. Realised I am an alcoholic. But scared of medical complications of cold turkey (including kindling etc) and cant do medical detox as I have kids. So I started tapering. Went from 15-20 several days ago, to now only 7-8.
But starting to struggle..and see these last few will be the worst to taper. Especially as I have been very depressed atm and have a lot going on. I get to a few and want more, been able to stop at around 7 but having trouble going down from that and still tempted to keep on after that much, determination I have to quit has stopped me so far but scared of falling into my old patterns.
So am asking advice..what is a safe level to taper off from...that will not lend complications like severe withdrawls/dts/kindling etc and leave my unable to complete what I need to do on a daily basis as I am a single mum with 3 kids? Thinking I might have to just stop as hard as I know that will be..or drop straight down to just one drink to help worst of the withdrawl symptoms. If anyone has any advice on this it would be greatly appreciated. :thanks: