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So ashamed for so long

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    So ashamed for so long

    Hi all,

    I am sure my story is so similar to so many others here. I am so tired of myself. I am 33, married with a 2 year old daughter. I don't understand how I got to this place in my life, but I guess that is neither here nor there, I am here now.

    I started drinking socially when I was 20/21.. typical drinking for that age, maybe 2 weak rum and cokes, or possibly a beer or two out with friends. Loved going out, never "passed out" but enjoyed a buzz now and then- maybe once every two weeks or so on the weekend. Fast forward to when I married my husband at 27. We moved across the country days after our honeymoon for his job. That's when it started....I knew no one, I was lonely and bored, although I worked (from home). I started buying the larger bottles of white wine secretly, I'd drink maybe a third of the bottle....then half the bottle over the course of an evening.

    It was then that I started putting wine in my plastic cup at 3 in the afternoon, thinking my husband wouldnt notice. Sometimes he'd ask, other times he didnt. I'm sure he always knew, in hindsite. I'd do this maybe 3 times a week.

    Fast forward to now- years later..... I am up to drinking 5-6 days per week, I can easily drink 1.5 to 2 bottles of wine over the course of a day.

    ROCK BOTTOM (which I will repost in the rock bottom thread as well):

    I could die, I am so disgusted with myself, but I have to get this out: On Monday, my husband dropped my daughter off at a drop in daycare place in our neighborhood. Some hours later around 4pm, I picked her up- I was buzzed. I can't believe I did that. At that, the girl at the front desk noticed, but didn't say anything. I know that she noticed, because she called my husband after we left and told him that I was drunk, stumbling, wasn't going to let me take my daughter, but by the time she tried to think of what to say to me, I had left. THANK GOD we made it home safe. I am so ashamed.

    My husband told my sister about the incident, in turn my sister told my father, all as a way to support me going forward, I guess for accountability sake.

    I should add that today is day 3 AF for me- last drink was Monday for obvious reasons. Needless to say my husband confronted me with a mix of anger, concern and bewilderment at how could I do that, and we get to get me some help. He promises to be supportive as I pursue my sobriety. Tomorrow I am going to see my doctor to talk with her about options.

    I'll be posting regularly until and after I find my own way out.
    AF since 3/12/13.

    Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
    Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

    I'm on my way.

    So ashamed for so long

    Welcome On My Way. You are indeed on your way and have come to the right place. That was a very scary place to be and I am sure you feel terrible. Remember that episode, but do not dwell on it. Use it as a learning experience. It seems like you have suppport which is awesome - and you will have support from us as well. I am a wino from way back and I totally understand where you are coming from. Please stay strong - you have a little girl who needs you (I have three girls, so I know about that!) Stay strong and stay here. We can help each other. Welcome friend.

    Love Waggy
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      So ashamed for so long

      Dear I'm On My Way,
      Welcome and please do know you are not alone. We are an extremely supportive community of people who are either enjoying their sobriety or working to attain it.

      I am on Day 4 AF -- in fact there are several of us who all quit on 3.11.13. You are welcome to join our thread for encouragement. I also recommend Company Needed for Day 1 -- Please and Thanks thread. Snowflake started it 32 days ago, not thinking she could get through day 1 and is now 32 consecutive days AF. Another good thread that I found helpful is Whose up for 30 Day Challenge started by PlanetJanet. That was almost a year ago, and she now has over 300 days AF. All of this to encourage you (and remind myself) that people are able to stop drinking, that it is a process of recovery, and that you are not alone in this effort.

      Try not to beat yourself up -- Monday is past, your daughter is fine, and you have the support of your family and your newly found community of MWO.

      Drink lots of water, eat three good meals a day, exercise, read of others accomplishments and post often. Look forward to seeing your progress.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        So ashamed for so long

        Thank you for the warm welcome Wagoneer and free at last-

        I wondered what all those 311 threads were about! lol. I will check all of the suggested threads out- I appreciate the time you both spent to respond to my post.
        AF since 3/12/13.

        Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
        Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

        I'm on my way.


          So ashamed for so long

          Welcome I'mOnMyWay!!

          We're glad to have you here. Let the past go, learn from it but move on. We all have things we are deeply ashamed of...but as you distance yourself from alcohol, the pain of those memories will dim.

          Join us over in the Newbies Nest!

          Nice to meet you!

          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            So ashamed for so long

            Hi I'monmyway and welcome, I was the same social drinker, got married at 28, drinking got worse had 2 gorgeous children. I had a similar incident to you I got very drunk one day and passed out at home, I didn't make it to pick the kids up from school. They were kept there until my husband got contacted at work, it was so horrifying but things like this can be the catalyst to put ourselves right.
            Use it to push forward and use your families support to achieve sobriety. It's a hard journey with ups and downs but this forum is a good place to start. Xxxxxx
            AF since 2nd Oct 2012
            Day by day


              So ashamed for so long

              I had forgotten until I read this thread....I remember picking up my kids at day care and I could tell they knew I had been drinking......those poor women...and my poor boys!!
              My boys are now teenagers and thank god nothing happened to them.
              Thanks for posting as this helps me a great deal in wanting to stay sober!
              I just won't anymore


                So ashamed for so long

                Welcome Iamonmyway I am new here too. Day One was Monday and here I am about to embrace Day Five.

                Posting helps me. It is like a journal only better!


                  So ashamed for so long

                  Welcome! I'm sure most of us with children have made horrible parenting choices. I often drove my children to school in the morning after heavy nights of drinking. I tried not to stand too close to the other parents and always had on my sunglasses. I do feel shame from that but I'm not that person anymore. I stand there with my head held high now. And, so can you.
                  Learn from it and put it behind you.


                    So ashamed for so long

                    Hi ImOnMyWay, and welcome. I'm glad you posted that and I know it probably took some courage. Honesty, especially self honesty is so important in recovery. The danger creeps in when we start bullshitting ourselves again. This place will help you work miracles with your life if you put in a little work of your own. You will never ever regret quitting drinking.
                    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                    AF 11/12/11


                      So ashamed for so long

                      ImOnMyWay, you're among people who understand exactly where you are now... I doubt there's a person here who hasn't done a shame-inducing, cringe-worthy thing.

                      I'm pretty new here too but recently found this thread which was tragic and sad and funny and made me realise how not alone I was:

                      I have a couple of decades of quitting and relapsing countless times and since alcoholism is progressive, I kept drinking more and more heavily, drinking in the morning when I didn't have to work, etc. Things I thought I would never do. I'm now using Campral which is very effective for me; there's a subforum here for people using baclofen, Campral and other meds to stay quit.

                      One thing I have learned: I need help to quit and STAY quit. AA helped temporarily but it really wasn't my thing (worth a try, though, seriously.) Posting here and staying in touch with fellow quitters is very valuable. There are lots of tools for quitting, I say use whatever you can!


                        So ashamed for so long


                        How are you doing today? Like Shelby mentioned, I had MANY mornings where I shouldn't have been driving because of the amounts I had drank the night before. Some days I couldn't even remember getting dressed, driving to work, or the first few hours of the day. I'd pray I wouldn't puke at lunch with my co-workers and I'd SWEAR that I wouldn't drink that night...only to feel better by 3pm and do the same thing over. When you really think about it, you realize how INSANE it is.

                        I hope you are ok today, let us know!

                        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                          So ashamed for so long

                          Hi everyone!

                          I am actually doing pretty well. This is day 5 AF, and I feel great, physically. Haven't had a craving at all- I just think about the incident with my daughter and shut any minute thought. Taking it one day at a time...

                          I went to my PCP for a referral to a counselor for therapy, which I know I would benefit from. I hope to start sessions in the next few weeks. I've also increased my vitamin intake, started exercising more, etc. K9Lover, I love the line in your siggy. I need to write that down as an affirmation.

                          Thank you all for the support ((hugs))

                          On to day 6 AF!
                          AF since 3/12/13.

                          Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
                          Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

                          I'm on my way.


                            So ashamed for so long

                            Great to hear of your progress. We are pulling for you.
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              So ashamed for so long

                              Welcome Iamonmyway.
                              We all have stories of shame on here. I think it's these incidents that eventually bring us back to reality. Well done for coming here and well done on your progress.

                              Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

