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Day 5 for the 311 gang

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    Day 5 for the 311 gang

    Hello my fellow 311 gang members, and Happy Friday! This might be a tough day for us - I've heard tell that day 5 can be rough because all the alcohol is pretty much out of our systems now and our brains are thinking "WTH!!!!!". So be prepared for AL to bombard you with all sorts of thoughts today - tough enough already as it's a Friday. Hang in there - 2 more sleeps until we get our m00ns on Sunday.

    After all the times you tried to quit and told yourself that you couldn't do it - did you ever think you'd be AF for 5 days? Well we did it!! Keep rocking it.

    Stay close to MWO today. And think about what you are going to do today to make sure you stay AF today and through the weekend. Post some of your planned activities - it may give others some ideas.

    I posted a list earlier this week that I haven't gotten through yet. So today I may tackle re-organizing the spices and pantry after work. Tomorrow I have a workout in the AM, hurry home for a quick shower, then off to a hair appointment, followed by dropping off my car and then a trip to the mall, then followed by grocery shopping.

    Doing all that on Saturday will allow me to be lazy Sunday morning.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

    Day 5 for the 311 gang

    Just checking in. Still AF. Went to meet a counselor yesterday. Going to keep an open mind but seems that the only approach they push is either Intensive Therapy 4 days a week for 3 hrs a day or AA. I have been in and out of AA for 10 years. Strung together several years AF. AA is just not for me. I get tired of the higher power concept being pushed down my through all the time. Meeting with Counselor again today. She wants me to watch a few dvds with her and then talk about them. I don't have time or money for intensive outpatient therapy. Glad I found this board....
    :new: AF 3/11/13


      Day 5 for the 311 gang

      Morning. Day Five begins. Thanks for the heads up, Siren. I will be extra careful this weekend. Everywhere I go, I will be asked if I want a drink- even the baby shower Sunday afternoon will probably push champagne punch. It is all poison to me is the only way that I can look at it.

      Glad you went to a counselor, all in. I will be interested to read about her input! Here is my input: ( bad poem alert)

      Day Five, Day Five
      and we're still alive.
      Ready to start living!


        Day 5 for the 311 gang

        all in;1477964 wrote: Just checking in. Still AF. Went to meet a counselor yesterday. Going to keep an open mind but seems that the only approach they push is either Intensive Therapy 4 days a week for 3 hrs a day or AA. I have been in and out of AA for 10 years. Strung together several years AF. AA is just not for me. I get tired of the higher power concept being pushed down my through all the time. Meeting with Counselor again today. She wants me to watch a few dvds with her and then talk about them. I don't have time or money for intensive outpatient therapy. Glad I found this board....
        All in? How sad that they only offer 2 options when there are so many! And this board is one of the best! Haven't been following all the posts - have you read the MWO book? The meditations/visualizations/hypnotherapy whatchmacallit is excellent. (I think any visualization/meditation is fantastic, but these are designed for this program). We're with you.
        10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


          Day 5 for the 311 gang

          Day 5. I'm looking forward to some sunshine (fingers crossed) and may go to the St. Paddy's Day parade. See the local bars already have their outdoor tents up - and I won't be joining them!!! Going to do some good housecleaning. You may have noticed thru my posts that I had waaaayyyyy tooo much couch time. I haven't scheduled ANY time out with friends - so I need to watch out for getting sucked into negativity/lonliness/depression/feeling sorry for myself because I'm alone. I've chosen to do stay at home stuff this weekend. Remind me!
          10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


            Day 5 for the 311 gang

            Hi all, a quick hello and to say start of Day 5 AF for me. Yesterday, I had quite a few thoughts about alcohol (not out and out cravings, but lots of thoughts). Made myself eat something, drink water, and walk the dog--took no money so I couldn't buy wine at the store. Then, by 6:30pm they were gone.

            Running a ton of errands and meetings today. I have a challenging weekend in front of me. Dinner out tonight -- my DH has agreed he will start my ordering sparkling water for the table and no alcohol for him (which is not much of a sacrifice, because he can take or leave alcohol, but I appreciate the gesture). Saturday evening I am in the airport club lounge waiting from my flight, and saying no to that free wine. Then, it's two long flights, and saying "soda water with lime, please."

            Ok, friends, let's all stay close and POST before we tempted to have a drink.

            Keeping everyone in my thoughts.
            Free at Last
            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

            Highly recommend this video

            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


              Day 5 for the 311 gang

              Best to you today, free at last. I have been anxious all week about this weekend so much that I changed the place where I am meeting my friends tonight. Why go to the place where the owner will have my top shelf margarita on the table minutes after I arrive? Yeah, we will miss the bagpipers and such, but I just didn't know if I could make it. We are now going to a quiet restaurant where nobody knows my name.
              If you pray, now is the time to do it for me!

              Oh, I took Kudzo (sp?) last night. I think it helped me. Stay strong 311 peeps!


                Day 5 for the 311 gang

                Hello 311 gang, after reading the posts I can definitely relate to the posts,l I'm with you. Last night I went out for dinner and only had sparkling water, at some point I was thinking , "Oh one glass of wine won't matter, will it" and then I quickly self corrected, Oh yes it damn well will matter, ALOT"..I am thinking I am on an ephiphany I don't ever want to nurse a hangover again, I want to feel real again and find positive ways to cope with my problems, grief, sadness, stress in a much more positive way. 311 gang, I am's to 7 days and beyond!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!:l:h
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  Day 5 for the 311 gang

                  free at last, get a great book for the plane ride, that may help! I just read an awesome inpirational memoir called Wild by Cheryl Strayed, after experiencing turmoil , the death of her mom and disintegration of her family (this happened to me as well, so I could totally relate), a marriage breakup and subsequent addiction, she decides to hike the PCT trail on the West Coast, it takes her 100 days, in the process she comes to a clearer understanding of who she is and her place in the world, the book is really inspirational.

                  STAY STRONG FREE AT LAST! :l
                  On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                    Day 5 for the 311 gang

                    We are almost to Day Six! Getting ready for the evening was so hard- missed the usual drink. Thoughts began to creep in... "I am not that bad...don't drink during the day, never miss work." But quickly I KNEW that one sip, one drink won't satisfy me. There is no way I am blowing this now. Hey, I lost four pounds this week!!!! That is reason enough to stay with the program.

                    Keep it a bay, and ride those cravings.


                      Day 5 for the 311 gang

                      free at last;1478031 wrote: Hi all, a quick hello and to say start of Day 5 AF for me. Yesterday, I had quite a few thoughts about alcohol (not out and out cravings, but lots of thoughts). Made myself eat something, drink water, and walk the dog--took no money so I couldn't buy wine at the store. Then, by 6:30pm they were gone.

                      Running a ton of errands and meetings today. I have a challenging weekend in front of me. Dinner out tonight -- my DH has agreed he will start my ordering sparkling water for the table and no alcohol for him (which is not much of a sacrifice, because he can take or leave alcohol, but I appreciate the gesture). Saturday evening I am in the airport club lounge waiting from my flight, and saying no to that free wine. Then, it's two long flights, and saying "soda water with lime, please."

                      Ok, friends, let's all stay close and POST before we tempted to have a drink.

                      Keeping everyone in my thoughts.
                      virgin mary's and no-gin tonics sound yummy on a flight.
                      10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                        Day 5 for the 311 gang

                        You all sound great! I had an almost overwhelming urge for a glass of wine today. It hit me like a ton of bricks out of nowhere. No chance I'd have one - no wine in the house. But it's amazing how AL works.

                        Looking forward to a great night's sleep tonight and another AF day tomorrow. Keep strong 311ers!
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                          Day 5 for the 311 gang

                          I am home, I didn't drink a drop of alcohol, it's after midnight so I am
                          officially a sixer. So proud, so proud! The falling rain will lull me to sleep tonight.

                          Sleep well, gang!


                            Day 5 for the 311 gang

                            Cheering you on 311-ers cos it'll be full moons tomorrow.

                            Well done (can't add smileys on this thing so imagine a massive banner here)
                            AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


                              Day 5 for the 311 gang

                              Made it through Friday night. Watched Skyfall with the DW. Went back to counselor yesterday. We watched videos on the chemical changes that AL does to the brain and how some of us are just wired different. I still feel that she is going to recommend Intensive Out/P therapy and AA. I am going to make this forum my group therapy. Starting to look for a doctor. Might give Vivitrol or Bac a try. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Thanks for being here.
                              :new: AF 3/11/13

