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Day 6 for the 311 gang

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    Day 6 for the 311 gang

    Good morning one and all! How are we doing? A lovely Saturday morning here. Actually it's still dark so I have absolutely no idea what it's like but I'm sure it will be fine. I have a busy day ahead today. I have my jiujistsu classat 8, krav at 9, have to drop off my car at the shop and then it's off to a hair appointment. From there I fly straight to some outlet stores to do some shopping with a girlfriend. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I won't have too much time to post today. I hope everyone is well and feeling fine!
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

    Day 6 for the 311 gang

    Morning. Day Six begins. Wow. I feel "normal"
    this morning. My heart isn't racing, my thoughts aren't consumed with how I am going to make it through the day. My thoughts are on my day. Normal stuff!!
    Exercise class, stressed about getting papers graded (very normal)
    worried about aging parents (very normal), kid driving back from Florida Spring Break (crazy, hate it normal). Bottom line is my life is starting to feel like my life- without the crutch of alcohol.

    Good day to all!


      Day 6 for the 311 gang

      Hi 311ers, a quick check in on Day 6 (also posted same message on Day 5). Made it through dinner last night AF. It helped that the minute we sat down, my DH ordered sparkling water. Told myself "get throught his bottle of water, and at least one glass of still water, and then see if you think about wine." I was so full, I couldn't think of drinking anything else. Whatever it takes

      All in -- I find the hynosis tapes (that I got on this website) are really helpful. When I am stressed, I listen to them and it helps me get a little more centered.

      Halfway -- you sound great. Keep going and soon you will have one week.

      Strong - I, too, need to get off the couch. But, decided to treat myself this week to a little more nurturing. I imagine with each week, we'll gain greater motivation.

      Halo -- thanks for the book recommendation. I love to walk in the woods with my dog, as it helps clear my head. Will look for the book at the airport.

      Can't remember who asked me, I have a 5 hour time zone difference this trip. For the next two weeks I will go from airports to hotels, to meetings/work, to dinners, to hotels. Will post later tonight, when the free wine becomes a temptation.
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        Day 6 for the 311 gang

        Free: glad to see that you are doing well and posting for other people. This may just be what you need to resist temptation on your next trip. We miss you on Snowflake's board. Be sure to check in with us.


        Day 27 AF
        4the kids:l


          Day 6 for the 311 gang

          I just had a huge weak moment, but I am okay. I am grading papers, watching basketball when out of the blue I head right to the liquor cabinet. Open it up and just stare at the bottles. It was weird! Whoa, but the urged passed and the sparkling water is poured.

          Hope everyone is making it through Day Six.


            Day 6 for the 311 gang

            Made it to Day 6. Technically, I'm back at Day 0 - had my annual one green beer at the St. Paddy's Day Parade. Back at home, cleaning and cooking and feeling pretty positive. I am worried that my post will give those on the edge "permission" or a "reason". Don't do it. Why test it? Wanted to say I'm not on the couch, but actually moving around. Rented another movie for tonight, bought some popcorn, and will sit in my clean, uncluttered home and watch a good flick. I did the same last night - only the house was pretty cluttered and un-clean. Something I learned accidentally during my last AF streak. I was using teeth whitening strips for about a 2 week period, and the only free time I had to use them was after dinner. It really killed the wine cravings! You wear it for about 30 minutes to an hour and can't eat/drink anything. When they come off and you rinse your mouth - the last thing you want to add to the taste is WINE! Hope all are doing well. Sorry that I blew it for the group.
            10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


              Day 6 for the 311 gang

              free at last;1478469 wrote:
              Can't remember who asked me, I have a 5 hour time zone difference this trip. For the next two weeks I will go from airports to hotels, to meetings/work, to dinners, to hotels. Will post later tonight, when the free wine becomes a temptation.
              You sound like my husband; he is so positive when he is on the road - but I know it is more difficult for you than those of us at home. Thanks so much for checking in with us and avoiding the temptation. How awful it would be to fly with a hangover - or be pissed at a client dinner. Good for you, free at last - keep inspiring us!:thanks:
              10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                Day 6 for the 311 gang

                Everyone sounds like they are doing great!!!

                No worries about mentioning that you had a green beer, I feel like everyone is on their own course, I just know that personally I can't even have one slip. I"ll always remember a girlfriend who was pregnant was asked if she would like to have a bit of a beer or half a glass with dinner, her response is why even bother because I actually want 10.

                I believe this has to be my new philosophy, I know that I will always want more than just one and the potential for disaster is always on the horizon. I don't go on a bender every time I drink, some days I can just have one or two, other days I can't stop, unfortunately I just don't know what will be the result if I start, so my path has to be never start at all. I wish that I could figure it out, and know that hypothetically speaking, Hey I just can't drink on Wednesdays, every other day you can drink like a normal person but on Wednesdays forget about it. Unfortunately, AL is not that easy to pin down, I never know when destruction and despair will occur, so the best thing is to avoid AL altogether so it doesn't get the best of me..

                I love the moniker 4thekids, that is why I am chossing this path, for me and my kids...TAKE THAT AL, this time I'm going to WIN
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  Day 6 for the 311 gang

                  Well said, Halo. We all are on different paths. Right now, for me, it is no alcohol because I want to know what it really feels like to be me. So I battle through these days wondering if I am up to this challenge and wondering if I even want to drink after the 30 days. I really don't think I do, but I got to get to 30 days first.
                  Too bad that I can't just close my eyes and have that magic number in my pocket! Well, there is another dinner tonight, and another bottle of Pellegrino in my purse.

                  Strong and In Control, you were honest about the green beer, so stay on board with us.

                  Have a great night, everyone!


                    Day 6 for the 311 gang

                    Thanks all - Pellegrino is a great choice - I don't particularly like fizzy stuff and have been running out of interesting beverages. Water, green tea, vita-coco have been my choices. Looking for more things that I want to drink. Isn't funny that I can guzzle gallons of red wine and don't get bored? Can I drink 2 glasses of water as fast as that?????!!!!
                    10/14/13: I am truly grateful for another day in this amazing life. I'm sober and mindful of every moment.


                      Day 6 for the 311 gang

                      Hi all, checking in from the airport lounge, fizzy water with lemon in hand. Going to spend the first 15 minutes on the plane meditating while everyone else is boarding. Hoping that will help when the cart with unlimted drinks rolls around.

                      Strong -- stay with us and keep on pursuing your objective.

                      4theKids -- wow, day 27. you go girl. I'll check in with Snowflake's thread, since you all were so supportive of me last road trip. Posting is helping me, though internet access will soon be more limited.

                      Stay focused (that's what I keep telling myself!)
                      Free at Last
                      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                      Highly recommend this video

                      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                        Day 6 for the 311 gang

                        ree at last: Keep up the positive thoughts, we are with you!!! Make sure to relax and avoid the temptation, one more day makes it day 7. We can do this!!!!
                        On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                          Day 6 for the 311 gang

                          Made it through day 6, now on to Day 7.

                          Strong -- I completely understand the "what to drink other than wine" issue. I never drank water -- I mean I was lucky to get two glasses down during the day. I am treating it as "this is good for my skin, my body, and my organs" which gets me a little more motivated to down the fluids.
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last

