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Very very very disappointed

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    Very very very disappointed

    I must admit I have vey high hopes for this program and when the sups and Cds arrived, I was estatic! I tot this is going to end my drinking. I'm going to be so free but I still find myself drinking everynight. Half a pint of vodka to be exact. I'm so upset. Anyone has the same experience as me? i am taking Kudzu 3 caps 3 times daily but it only helps a little. I really dun wan to feel so hung over every morning. I might as well be dead

    Very very very disappointed

    Hi there Wenzalc,
    I'm sorry things arent working out for you as you would hope but I think its a matter of really wanting to stop that makes all the tools work all that much better.I was a bottle of Vodka a day girl and I have stopped without and supp's or med's ( close to 6 months now) and there are many others here who have too.There are also countless others who swear by all extras as being a godsend...but I think underlying all of this is the stoic conviction that we must stop.
    Alcohol, for us, has it's voice in our heads and it's all too familiar and soothing.We drink because we like what it does to us its the 8 hours later that we feels sorry we ever shook hands with our little friend again. Hell if drinking had no consequences we'ld all be pissed 24/7 (well I would be, anyway) but it does.We destroy our lives and that of those around us, we rot away our insides til we no longer function properly and turn ourselves into joke to those who know us as the group drunk (did you see how legless Vic was last night.....) and the work drunk( another Vodka sick day...more like it....)
    We look like crap and we feels like crap.Thats what forces you to change.
    You have to remember how bad you feel after drinking BEFORE you pick up the next one.
    Come on here and write out how your feeling and why you think you want a drink.
    Someone will be here to support you.With all the people we have from all around the world,there's always someone here.
    Chin up hun.
    I'm here we all are
    Love to you
    Victoria xxooxx


      Very very very disappointed


      This program is not a cure-all. There has to be a lot of determination and "wanting to change" behind it. We can drink over any of this if we really want to. Have you given the CDs a listen? Don't know why but they helped me quite a bit, along with the kudzu and l-glut, but none of it made me have an aversion to wine; it just made it easier to say, "nope, think I will pass on that tonight." Keep trying. You will get there.
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Very very very disappointed

        Wenz my love...I must echo the Lushy and stollies...NOTHING is a magic cure all for alcoholism..the only thing that even comes close is THE DETERMINATION to NOT pick up another drink.....The meds, supps, cds and reading material can help a firmly implanted decision along the way..but will not do it for you if your mind is saying I WILL have a drink...

        As I say to myself...I can get the tools and the instruction manual...but if I don't actually pick them up and use them all the way they are meant to be used, my bookcase will fall apart..

        I have said that I want to stop a million times in the last 15-20 years....but I have never really meant soon as I had a celebration/boring night/trauma/work stress......hell...ANYTHING really...I would tell myself that I was allowed a drink.

        This time, I am DOING it....and it is because I have now firmly implanted in the brain that whatever happens....alcohol is not an option for ifs, no buts, no booze.
        What started this change was the posts from the long term abbers...I read through these boards until I'd covered every post, and discovered the secret I had been missing all this time.....'the mindset'....until I had that...I could shovel kudzu down my neck by the bucket, and nothing was going to change.

        I REALLY feel for you dear, as I have been through the same stuff as you describe with every approach I have tried before (and believe me there have been many)....but now I can see that ALL these approaches may have helped me, if I was just able to get the head into the right space...everything else was just assistance....I had to do the actual work for myself.

        Try again and again dear.....keep reading, and keep trying to alter your brain
        Alcohol is NOT something to be missed, for people like is hell on earth.
        Love yourself Wenny, and keep working at YOU with everything else that is on offer here.

        Keep posting chum..The melon fingers are SO firmly crossed that you find what you need to really get this off the ground
        Weemelonhead xxx


          Very very very disappointed

          Hi Wenzalc, I totally agree with everyone here, you need to WANT to do it, once that kicks in you will sail through it.

          Have you thought about decreasing the amount gradually??

          Sending cyberhugs to you,

          Love & Hugs


            Very very very disappointed

            Hi Wenz

            I feel for you and know where you are coming from

            I too have tried many "cures" for alcholism and my book shelves are groaning under self help books on the subject.

            I do some research in medical journals as part of my degree - so know my way around the biochemistry of addiction etc aswell.

            Each time I thought I'd found it but it only lasted a few weeks. But all these things added up to where I am now - only 2 weeks AF but for me that is something of a miracle. I really am determined to beat this devious addiction.

            I try to remember that I am the only one who is keeping me in this prison.

            It took me 5 yrs to get to where I am now - Some days were sober most were not but I kept battling and you can to - that is why you are here - you have to start somewhere and if you really want to you can do this. - One day a change in you will occur and that will be your time - Good luck.....

            Love S


              Very very very disappointed

              Hi Wenz~

              Don't give up. If one thing doesn't work, try another. Like Wee pointed out, there is no miracle cure.

              Sobriety is not for wimps. That's for sure. There is alot of willpower, determination, strength and support in addition to reading, posting, taking supps/medication/cds/etc.

              Hang in there. Try anything once if you're determined.

              p.s. Like Serenity~took me 4 yrs to be where I am now(mind, body & spirit)-and totally devoted in being AF
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Very very very disappointed

                The supps are thier to help with the cravings. If you want to drink, you will. I'm on supps and have sliped, but I did it because I choose to drink. Supps don't take away are will to drink, they just help our craving for a drink. I feel there is a difference.......IAD
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  Very very very disappointed

                  Hello wenzalc,
                  I can only agree with what has been said here.
                  I've tried and failed so many times.
                  I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm not going to stop trying.

                  If I have learned anything about myself and my alcoholism, it's that even when I wake up hungover and riddled with guilt, I can always start again; I can try to make today better. Sometimes I manage and sometimes I fail, but every day that I get through sober, adds another little tick to the self-esteem column in the book of my life.

                  Please don't give up trying....


                    Very very very disappointed

                    Hi Popeye,

                    What lovely words, nice to see you back on form ....

                    We've missed you love :h :l :h


                      Very very very disappointed

                      You will never know until you try. You may fall @ times but get back up and start again. The supps give you an atvantage;addiction is a chemical imbalance and it takes care of that portions of the problem. Behavior modification will be up to you. Good Luck, were in this battle together..............IAD:welcome:
                      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                      Dr. Seuss


                        Very very very disappointed

                        Hang in there and keep coming back. You obviously want to make a change because you do keep coming here and I am so happy to see that. Somehow, someway you need to convince yourself that you want to do this for youself and once you have done that you will know no bounds.
                        Best of luck to you.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Very very very disappointed

                          The main thing is wanting to change. All the supps, cd's, etc...are wonderful, but you have to make it happen. it is HARD, the hardest thing you'll probably ever have to do. It takes time, don't give up on yourself...


                            Very very very disappointed

                            hi Wenz and SfS

                            Welcome to the 24/7 hotline where we can support, laugh, cry, share experiences, share knowledge, understanding, help you pick yourself up, discuss issues, congratulate, applaud, help, joke, inspire, motivate - the list goes on and I have found all this and more from this wonderful site! What we can't do is - do it for you. As has so eloquently been said already there is something that has to come right from the depths of your being that wants to make this change - Everything else is secondary.

                            So don't be disappointed - take a reality check and start again. Look at what tools are available to you - medical doctors as well as the supps/CD - and what about Topa? There are many different combinations you can try - and it may seem a little like trial and error for a while until you find the right programme for you - but they are there to assist, not direct. Be patient, open-minded and 1000% determined and you'll get to where you want to be- and we'll be there right alongside you, cheering at every success, applauding every step forward and helping at every challenge. So :welcome: to you both and I hope things start working/kicking in very soon :h

                            BTW -Serenity, what do you mean 'only' 2 weeks - that's brilliant :happy:
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days


                              Very very very disappointed

                              Nothing will change if you yourself do not change it.
                              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic

