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restart with a new username.

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    restart with a new username.

    I posted a few times previously under the name "Draper Drinker". I like "Mad Men" and in a sick sort of way I identify with the Don Draper character( at least the drinker part). I thought that name would be "cool". I've changed my name and my thinking about my drinking.

    I don't know if complete abstinence is for me or not. I do know that I can string together several days of not drinking. My situation is that I enjoy a few drinks and seem to be able to drink moderately if I just put my mind to it. I know there are many here who don't feel they can do that. I totally understand. It's easy to become too confident in what can be managed when it comes to drinking. I'll try to post where appropriate and always be respectful of other member's challenges.

    restart with a new username.

    That's cool. I wish i could moderate, but i can't... More power to you if you can..
    One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!


      restart with a new username.

      Wish I could too, but I have no "off" switch. Not drinking is easier for me. Having to watch myself and moderate is just exhausting. I have enough things to keep track of. I am happy to get one thing off my "to do" list!
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        restart with a new username.

        My situation is that I enjoy a few drinks and seem to be able to drink moderately if I just put my mind to it

        Good luck with that, I thought the same and manged to keep it that way, but it always leads back to the same old boring BS hangovers/obsession and regret.

        Not drinking alcohell at all is liberating , free from all the crap and brainwashing that goes with it. To me you either drink or don't drink, moderating is just drinking, in fact trying to moderate is a 100 times worse than just drinking if you know what I mean, death by a 1000 cuts.

        May I recommend the Jason Vale book to you ? Explains all about the brainwashing etc.

        Good luck.
        Sober since 13th January 2012


          restart with a new username.

          199days;1479908 wrote: My situation is that I enjoy a few drinks and seem to be able to drink moderately if I just put my mind to it

          Good luck with that, I thought the same and manged to keep it that way, but it always leads back to the same old boring BS hangovers/obsession and regret.

          Not drinking alcohell at all is liberating , free from all the crap and brainwashing that goes with it. To me you either drink or don't drink, moderating is just drinking, in fact trying to moderate is a 100 times worse than just drinking if you know what I mean, death by a 1000 cuts.

          May I recommend the Jason Vale book to you ? Explains all about the brainwashing etc.

          Good luck.
          I appreciate your candor and you may be right as it concerns me. BUT, don't presume to know me better than I know myself I've had many periods in my life where I've had great amounts of discipline. Discipline is not "exhausting" to me as some members say it is for them. I think discipline and moderation is important in all areas of life.

          I do appreciate the struggle that moderation can be for some. I've never led a lifestyle where drinking was something I thought about early and often in the course of a day. But I do understand that when you let the badger loose it can be hard to get him back in the cage at times. I've spoken in another post about degrees of addiction. When you say it always "leads back to the same old boring hangovers & BS" , what's the frequency of those experiences? For me a hangover is very rare, maybe 2 or 3 in a years time. That may be unacceptable for some.

          You are right, moderation is still drinking. That's the point of moderation, right? So one can still drink if they choose to. It's ultimately about choice and responsibility.

          You used the word "obsession". I've never been obsessed with drinking. I'm from New Orleans, so, to be sure, drinking is ingrained in the culture there. I've been around it my whole life. The drinking life is a unique journey for all of us. I appreciate your comments and wish you great success in whatever goals you have for yourself. Our goals may just be somewhat different. I'm a prolific reader so I'll read Mr. Vale's book.


            restart with a new username.

            I've never been obsessed with drinking, oh ok.

            Enjoy drinking then

            Read that book, it really is worth a read. Helped me from being someone who tried to moderate so many times and thought life would not be the same without it.
            Sober since 13th January 2012


              restart with a new username.

              I have great discipline in most areas of my life. AL is not one of them. There is a huge difference between discipline and addiction.
              Do the 30 day challenge and see where you stand, that usually separates the issue pretty well. Good luck. We are here if you need us. Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                restart with a new username.

                good for you freethinker! i like the new moniker much more!


                  restart with a new username.

                  199: Despite the condescending tone, I appreciate your input. As I said, everyone's journey is different. Didn't I say I'd read the book?

                  Byrd: Is the end goal of the 30 day challenge to prove addiction ? What's the purpose of the challenge for someone who wants to moderate?

                  bettygirl: Thanks! Your sweet.


                    restart with a new username.

                    In my experience, only an alcoholic has to "put their mind to" drinking moderately. A non-alcoholic doesn't even think about it.

                    For me, not drinking is easier than trying to control my intake. I was finally able to quit when I realized that drinking is WAY harder than not drinking.
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      restart with a new username.

                      freethinker;1479920 wrote: I appreciate your candor and you may be right as it concerns me. BUT, don't presume to know me better than I know myself I've had many periods in my life where I've had great amounts of discipline. Discipline is not "exhausting" to me as some members say it is for them. I think discipline and moderation is important in all areas of life.

                      I do appreciate the struggle that moderation can be for some. I've never led a lifestyle where drinking was something I thought about early and often in the course of a day. But I do understand that when you let the badger loose it can be hard to get him back in the cage at times. I've spoken in another post about degrees of addiction. When you say it always "leads back to the same old boring hangovers & BS" , what's the frequency of those experiences? For me a hangover is very rare, maybe 2 or 3 in a years time. That may be unacceptable for some.

                      You are right, moderation is still drinking. That's the point of moderation, right? So one can still drink if they choose to. It's ultimately about choice and responsibility.

                      You used the word "obsession". I've never been obsessed with drinking. I'm from New Orleans, so, to be sure, drinking is ingrained in the culture there. I've been around it my whole life. The drinking life is a unique journey for all of us. I appreciate your comments and wish you great success in whatever goals you have for yourself. Our goals may just be somewhat different. I'm a prolific reader so I'll read Mr. Vale's book.

                      Hi FT:

                      No disrespect, truly but you sound good to go with your drinking so not entirely sure why you're here... All of us at MWO are definately
                      not 'good to go'.

                      Perhaps I have misunderstood what you need so I apologise.

                      Hugs to you on your journey,
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest


                        restart with a new username.

                        Kradle123;1479997 wrote: Hi FT:

                        No disrespect, truly but you sound good to go with your drinking so not entirely sure why you're here... All of us at MWO are definately not 'good to go'.

                        Perhaps I have misunderstood what you need so I apologise.

                        Hugs to you on your journey,

                        Maybe you do misunderstand. My assessment of this forum showed me that this was a place for anyone not comfortable with their level of alcohol consumption. Am I missing something? Why would they have forums here devoted to moderation if not for someone like me who wanted to moderate my drinking more than I already do?

                        Who said anyone
                        here is "good to go"? I didn't. I've already had a few members post in a condescending fashion towards me because they think I'm in denial of being/going down the same hard road as them. I stated in more than one post that everyone's journey is different.

                        You ask why am I even here? Are you more entitled to be here than me because your degree of alcoholism is greater than mine? I really don't get the attitude displayed by some on here.

                        I thought I drink a lot until I started reading these boards. That is also reflected in my description of myself in my early posts. Now I believe that many here have had serious life difficulties because of drinking. That is not my experience. BUT, there are some here who I'm sure drink less than I have/do.

                        I don't mean to sound harsh in any way. But, I haven't let over-indulgence cause me to lose my self-respect. So here's me sticking up for myself to those who think they already know me but DON'T.

                        I respect others journey and challenges. I simply ask the same of them.


                          restart with a new username.

                          Ok my mistake, I am sorry for coming across as condescending , really did not mean too.

                          Think Maybe I get a bit too curt with drinkers and maybe I forget I was once a person who was convinced he had it all under control and was not going to have serious life issues.

                          Wish you all the best with your drinking .

                          Good luck whatever you do.
                          Sober since 13th January 2012


                            restart with a new username.

                            199days;1480062 wrote: Ok my mistake, I am sorry for coming across as condescending , really did not mean too.

                            Think Maybe I get a bit too curt with drinkers and maybe I forget I was once a person who was convinced he had it all under control and was not going to have serious life issues.

                            Wish you all the best with your drinking .

                            Good luck whatever you do.
                            Thank you and good luck yourself. I've read some of your posts detailing some of your recent challenges moving through the 400 day mark. I do believe that "one day at a time" would be an appropriate mantra for your situation. Congrats on your ongoing progress. Hang in there.


                              restart with a new username.

                              Thanks Buddy.
                              Sober since 13th January 2012

