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My new excuses...

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    My new excuses...

    I'm working on some things I can say now for when people ask me if I would like a drink, or a glass of wine when out.. and I've come up with a few so far...

    "no thank you, I'm trying to be a bit more healthy and I've changed my lifestyle"
    "no thank you, but I will take a Perrier with some lemon"
    "no thank you, I have a baby and just incase something were to happen I need to be alert."
    "no thank you, I have plans the next day, and I want to be refreshed"
    "no thank you, I'm on a new diet and I used those calories for an eclair"
    "no thank you, I don't drink"

    Some people are very uncomfortable around those who don't drink (I know I am)...but that's something they will have to deal with I guess. I really want to quit, I don't even want to try moderation. I'm an all or nothing kind of girl. So, I'm going to have to aspire to "nothing".

    My new excuses...

    They all sound like good excuses to me. The one about being on medication is good, too.
    Wishing you a wonderful journey. ;-)
    Reach deep, find your will power.


      My new excuses...

      im allergic. who can argue with that? noone! oh and for people you know allergies can be sudden so you dont have to have been allergic before. hope this helps you.



        My new excuses...

        I would love to say, "no thanks, I'm actually a chronic alcoholic and I really start geting stupid when i drink. So best i stick with tonic water thanks". If only i had the courage to do that. Maybe one day i will. I'm fed up of the stigmatism this brings. Sorry, had to get that out. B


          My new excuses...

          Alcoholics are looked at much differently than other people, it's like it's a dirty word still whispered so the kids won't hear. And people have no issues with holding it against you either.


            My new excuses...

            hopefully one day that might not be the case, you never know.


              My new excuses...

              Hopefully. People are so judgemental I find; they love to point fingers and think they are better than everyone else. Not many people I find have compassion for others.


                My new excuses...

                Hi GG,

                I hope that you will find that most of the people here have lots of campassion for others


                  My new excuses...

                  betty boop;111617 wrote: Hi GG,

                  I hope that you will find that most of the people here have lots of campassion for others
                  Here I definetely do!! :h :h :h

                  It's people outside of this, you know what I mean.

