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Day Nine for the 311 Gang

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    Day Nine for the 311 Gang

    Hello. Day Nine continues, Hold on are the words that are in the loop in my head. Hold on.
    I am feeling good, no need to drink. That is in the loop today, too. No where to go, no where to hide, just hold on.

    Stay strong.

    Day Nine for the 311 Gang

    Thanks, Halfway, for starting the thread. I am feeling pretty good today, though it has not yet become easy. Tomorrow will be a big day for me -- it was day 10 during my last effort to reach 30 days AF that I succumbed to the voices in my head saying "go ahead, have a glass of wine with dinner." And, then it was a bottle later, and a morning with a splitting headache. Now that I remember how bad I felt, I think I'll drink another glass of water!
    Free at Last
    "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

    Highly recommend this video

    July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


      Day Nine for the 311 Gang

      free at last;1480003 wrote: Thanks, Halfway, for starting the thread. I am feeling pretty good today, though it has not yet become easy. Tomorrow will be a big day for me -- it was day 10 during my last effort to reach 30 days AF that I succumbed to the voices in my head saying "go ahead, have a glass of wine with dinner." And, then it was a bottle later, and a morning with a splitting headache. Now that I remember how bad I felt, I think I'll drink another glass of water!

      That was a totally different day 10, Free! And this can be your LAST DAY 10!!!! Tell those voices to shut up and listen to those of us here and to your real self who want you to just DO THIS - THIS TIME
      !! Like all of our mentors tell us, it never gets easier and your relationship with AL, toxic as it is right now, is the best it ever is going to be.


      Added later: Sounds like you are talking about last time not this time - I didn't read carefully. But anyway, I'll leave it here in case any troubles develop .


        Day Nine for the 311 Gang

        Thanks, NS, for the immediate advice. You have a way of responding with the right words. Yes, that was March 2nd-- I was in a different country, in a different headspace, and had less resolve to end this bad love affair--to use the analogy to Drinking: a Love Story. Cheers. Free at Last
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          Day Nine for the 311 Gang

          Thimking of you, free at last. Hold on! Eight days was my last record, so I am one day up on that.
          So in a way, this is Day One for me all over again. Believe me, it feels like a first day.

          Diet Coke for me. Do I even like Diet Coke? Guess I will find out!


            Day Nine for the 311 Gang

            Had a great run with friends last night. Released a lot of tension. Feeling good today. Great work group. Glad I have others along with me on the journey.
            :new: AF 3/11/13


              Day Nine for the 311 Gang

              Good job, all in. We are a great group!! Today is a hard day because I am alone. I was a sneaky drinker so I do better if I am out and about. Think I will go get that movie Flight to watch tonight.


                Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                That movie will help you stay on the sobriety path.

                Great job all in.
                Free at Last
                "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                Highly recommend this video

                July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                  Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                  How was your movie night in, halfway content? I'm right here with uin spirit the husband is away and i have a movie to watch, an orgy of delicious food and an overwhelming feeling of pride for not giving into freedom or lonliness. I was also a secret drinker in the end (well, until i drunk so much that i didn't care who saw me!) so i knew that tonight would bring with it a lot of temptation. But...i went to the shop and paid for my af goodies whilst looking right at all of the booze, then walked right past two bar! I did it! Another test passed enjoy your af night in
                  'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
                  Richard Brinsley Sheridan

                  1st goal: 7 days
                  2nd goal: 30 days
                  3rd goal: 3 months


                    Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                    Just returned home and the movie is just beginning. My husband is away too so the temptations to drink are enormous. I am sticking to the plan, though. Have to remind myself that this is what I want and what I need!


                      Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                      Doing the exact same thing. Nice dinner and now a movie. Loneliness is my worst enemy. Crazy though, b/c who wants to be around a drunk.
                      :new: AF 3/11/13


                        Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                        Hang in there Halfway and All In! Being home alone is especially tough for us but we are in this together which makes tonight a little easier for me to deal with
                        Enjoy your movie time (I'm yet to press play, having a nice time surfing MWO)
                        'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
                        Richard Brinsley Sheridan

                        1st goal: 7 days
                        2nd goal: 30 days
                        3rd goal: 3 months


                          Day Nine for the 311 Gang

                          Hello 311 gang, glad everyone is doing well! Let me know what you think of the flight movie, haven't seen it yet but here it is really good. I am so proud of where we are, and am looking forward to our 30 day party!!! We can do it, I know we can, am fighting the cravings from time to time but am just focusing on my husband and kids and how they mean more to me than anything in a bottle...

                          Keep up the great strength 311 Sending out hugs :l
                          On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h

