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I'm new here. Again.

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    I'm new here. Again.

    I participated on this board many years ago and left because there was so much fighting and character assault. It was hard for me to witness people I'd grown to care about being attacked. I decided to come back out of desperation. I lot of difficult things have happened in my life and I'm now drinking up to a bottle of wine most days. I've gained so much abdominal weight that I look like I'm pregnant. If it ever gets out that I am struggling with an alcohol problem, I will lose my professional license and my ability to support myself. I'm really scared. I don't know where to begin.

    I'm new here. Again.

    Hi Persimmon
    Welcome back. :welcome:

    I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time but you've come to the right place. Please don't be scared, there's lots of help for you here.

    There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
    You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

    I didn't come this far to only come this far.


      I'm new here. Again.

      I might be beyond help. I'm sixty.


        I'm new here. Again.

        If you're still alive you're not beyond help. It's truly never too late to get this thing beaten. There are heaps of us here in our 50's and 60's.

        Have you seen the toolbox thread? There's heaps of good advice in there. Let me know if you need help finding it and I'll see if I can post a link.
        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          I'm new here. Again.

          Rubbish !

          I am 55 drank half a litre of vodka a day for 23 years.....have been sober nearly seven months, never felt better, started exercising in January, lost 11 kg already, quit smoking forty cigarettes a day 8 days ago, joined a gym last Friday.

          So STOP with the age thing.....shake yourself and put the bottle down and regain your life.

          At 60 you could reasonably have another 30 plus years of active life. My inlaws are 95 and 98 and have only decided THIS YEAR to have their last holiday abroad and have stopped driving.

          You need to sort your head out and decide you want to LIVE not drown in wine


            I'm new here. Again.

            Hi Permission and Welcome Back :welcome:

            I think the age factor is another hold that alcohol has over some of us. I can't speak for others but in the past I got it into my head that my age was a reason why I shouldn't stop drinking (I'm 32). I though that I was too young to be an alcoholic, and I had the misconception that I should drink and party through my twenties and thirties and quit when I was 'settled' and 'grown up'. How wrong was I? You're in your sixties, I'm in my thirties and we are in the same boat, hope you stay around for some mutual support

            I also recently found out that my step mother's father who is in his 70s has been AF for over fifteen years! And he is the 'life and soul' of family gatherings!

            Stay strong
            'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
            Richard Brinsley Sheridan

            1st goal: 7 days
            2nd goal: 30 days
            3rd goal: 3 months


              I'm new here. Again.

              I hadn't meant to write rubblish, Kuya. I don't need to be shaken and I don't need my head straightened out. I had only been looking for a place where I could feel safe. A kick in the pants doesn't help someone who is struggling heroically but is afraid of buckling under almost unimaginable life stressors. I don't have another 30 years to live or most likely even three and it has nothing to due with having been drinking four glasses of wine over the last two years or having smoked. I've never in my life smoked a cigarette. I'm actually a very health conscious person.


                I'm new here. Again.

                Welcome back Persimmon.......your age doesn't matter......I'm turning 60 this year (yikes....seeing it in print is a shock!...LOL). I'm sorry to hear you have so many stressors in your life.

                You sound like you are really ready to change the things you can.....and going AF will enable you to deal more effectively with your problems. Please stick around and share with us what you feel comfortable sharing......start by reading through some of the threads to find the support you need.

                I don't post as often as I should.....but there are many here that will help guide you through making the right choices for you. Just start by going AF today, and take it one day at a time. Make it your CHOICE not to drink today


                  I'm new here. Again.

                  Hi, Persimmon

                  Hello, and welcome. You are right to come back. :l

                  I also came some years back and then left for the exact same reason you did - the in-fighting and the harsh words. And I came back for some of the same reasons you did, too. I believe that we did the right thing by coming back, and I believe that by sticking together those of us who want to feel supportive of others can do it. I know that Kuya tends to speak a bit sharply, but I believe that Kuya does it not to be mean but because of really caring. Some people respond well to hard love, others of us don't.

                  I also am of a certain age (57), so I really DO know where you are coming from. But we are NOT too old for anything. Each time you come back here you will find something and someone who is loving and supportive. Keep coming back. :h


                    I'm new here. Again.


                    I am in my mid fifties and have been a "social" drinker for thirty years. The last five years, my drinking became not only social but a private drinking affair. I decided to quit both the social and the secret shots and MWO is making it happen. I hope it can work for you, too.


                      I'm new here. Again.

                      Hi Persimmon - welcome back! You are NEVER too old to stop drinking. You can do this and we will be here for you. Please don't give up. Life sober is really living.
                      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                        I'm new here. Again.

                        HI PERSIMMON

                        Nah you're not too old! I'm 58 and I tend to think that I am old enough to know better.
                        Sort of like the concept that younger people are expected to drink more than us fossils.

                        I mean going out for shots and shotting pool might have been "cute" at 25 but at 58---not so much. LOL

                        I am glad you are back! I've been here for a while and there are disagreements from time to time but all in all it's a terrific place.

                        Please do stick around!


                          I'm new here. Again.

                          persimmon;1480853 wrote: I hadn't meant to write rubblish, Kuya. I don't need to be shaken and I don't need my head straightened out. I had only been looking for a place where I could feel safe. A kick in the pants doesn't help someone who is struggling heroically but is afraid of buckling under almost unimaginable life stressors. I don't have another 30 years to live or most likely even three and it has nothing to due with having been drinking four glasses of wine over the last two years or having smoked. I've never in my life smoked a cigarette. I'm actually a very health conscious person.
                          Why do you think you have only a few years? You are 60 years young. Even if you did, do you want to spend them drunk or happy and sober? None of us are promised tomorrow, we only have today and speaking for myself, I would much rather be unhappy and sober anyday over being drunk and hungover. I did the drunk thing for 10 years on a daily basis. I believed everyday that I wasn't going to live long anyways so why not just stay drunk. It's the alcohol talking and its a bitch. Now that I am 2 years sober I know that even if I just have one day left it will be spent sober and that makes me feel better than I could ever describe.

                          How long have you tried going AL free before? Can you try just 1 week and see how you feel?

                          You can do this, just try for one day at a time and read lots of posts here. Spring is here, lets go for a new beginning.
                          AL free since March 17th 2011...loving this life. No drinking no matter what.

                          Hi my name is Lori and i am so happy to be here.


                            I'm new here. Again.

                            persimmon;1480776 wrote: I might be beyond help. I'm sixty.
                            persimmon;1480853 wrote:
                            I hadn't meant to write rubblish, Kuya. I don't need to be shaken and I don't need my head straightened out. I had only been looking for a place where I could feel safe. A kick in the pants doesn't help someone who is struggling heroically but is afraid of buckling under almost unimaginable life stressors. I don't have another 30 years to live or most likely even three and it has nothing to due with having been drinking four glasses of wine over the last two years or having smoked. I've never in my life smoked a cigarette. I'm actually a very health conscious person.
                            WOW......good luck lady........ I apologise for not having psychic skills .............. :getwell:

                            Please put me on ignore immediately I would hate to inadvertently cause you any further offence.


                              I'm new here. Again.

                              Welcome back, persimmon.

                              I'm going to be 60 this year, so you're not alone with the aging bit. As you can see, there are plenty of us around.

                              I'm sorry if you have something terrible happening in your life. Feel free to share, if it will help ease your burden. There are many here who are wise, loving, and encouraging.

                              My best to you.

                              "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey

