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New and scared.....

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    New and scared.....

    I found you and am scared but is ruining my life....and my family's...I am repeating a viscous cycle of how i was raised....i swore i would never do this to my kids and look where i can i get out...does this work...please tell me it does...i read the book and it sound like a know the saying if something looks too good to be true it usually is...please give me some insite ...i am desperate to change before i lose everything...thanks for reading...buck:upset:

    New and scared.....

    Buck, glad you found us. I was ready to make a change in my life and this MWO community has made it so much better of a journey in so many ways. Good that you've read the book, time to make a plan and then follow through. If you plan to use the meds such as topa or campral you'll (ideally) need to see your doc. Do you know if you're going to abstain yet? at least for a while? I really felt so alone before finding this program. Congrads!
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      New and scared.....

      Hi Buckle,

      This is a great program if you are ready and willing to make the change. I am not on the prescription meds but doing everything else (CDs and supplements) and I have made HUGE strides. But nothing is a quick fix, you have to be :welcome: willing to make the change and it sounds like you are. Welcome!!!
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        New and scared.....

        Everyone who comes to this site about drinking comes with that awful feeling. And its healing to find out that you are not alone.. that your experience is shared.

        But many here have varied experiences... whether they are male/female.. working/ not working.. rich poor.. whatever and their drinking past is different and many people use various methods to help them. Not all are helped on this site, but that isnt the fault of the site... because this is a forum that is usually very supportive... we have to take responsibility for ourselves as to whether or not we succeed or fail.

        There are some on this site who are abstainers pretty long term and there are others who have found themselves to moderate.. there are those that are struggling making the decisions as to what to do for them. So, its not reading a book that will get you sober, its decisions about what actions you will take to get you sober and then sticking to it.

        Read around the forum and find what rings true for you. Post questions and opinions and talk to others about what they are doing.. then reflect as to whether or not you think its relevant for you.

        this is your decision.. and good luck with it... and I hope you get what you want from this site


          New and scared.....

          Thanks for the kind words...which supplements

          I will look around and read the posts is kind of hard to will at least fill my time tonight while i would be far as the supplements which works better for cravings the Kudzu or the L- Glut....are the ones from the health store the same as the ones will be faster for me to get them at a health food store than wait for a shippment....still scared but hopeful:new: :thanks: buck


            New and scared.....

            It is confusing when you start out cos there is heaps of information on the site.. maybe start out with the FAQ section.. and just go to topics that look like they may be interesting.

            Get lost in the voyage.. you cant drink while you navigate this site!!!!!
            Good luck


              New and scared.....

              Welcome Buck! Brigid did a great job painting a realistic picture around how this whole thing works. You've got to want to do it, and you would be wise to use this site to help you figure out what works for you and what doesn't.

              For what it's worth, I'd like to share my short experience as a newbie. I registered on this site a little over a week ago, planning to abstain. Like you, I was "scared but hopeful". Didn't receive the book & CDs as expected, and had a rough start ... 1 day AF, Day 1, 1 Day AF, Day 1 ... you get the idea. Got the book Thursday, and as you said, it makes the program sound like a miracle. Did all the CDs over the past few days, started my topa, have been walking, and I'm starting to feel really good, certainly much more confident than I was a week ago. My terrible fear of failure (already failed three times this week and I survived!) is slowing being overtaken by a feeling of strength that I can actually do this. I think facing your demons is half the battle. I plan to knock them down to size. Buck, it would be great if you join me in my quest!



                New and scared.....


                Welcome, welcome, welcome!!!

                Everyone must find there own way, but my favorite craving killer is the l-glut. Works for me, but may not work for anyone else. I am also taking all the other supps and the topa so it may be a combo affect. Don't know for sure, but something is definitely working. Tonight will be 11 AF.

                The sooner you start your journey the sooner ....... you know. Have fun and much luck and good wishes.
                Reach deep, find your will power.


                  New and scared.....

                  want to but dont know if i can...thanks for the support

                  Thanks of the words and am so appreciative of the support...would love to have friends to go
                  through this with....i will get the supps...some from health food store..and order the rest..what about the CDs....cant believe i have made it through tonight so far...thanks ..thanks ..thanks...:thanks: I will keep reading..please keep posting...buck


                    New and scared.....

                    Hi Buck and Welcome. Glad you joined us. It's not too good to be true if you want it to work. Just put your mind to it and it will work. Best of luck to you
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                      New and scared.....


                      It comes down to "how bad do you want it". There is no miracle pill. If there was then there would be no recovering alcoholics but recovered alcoholics.

                      Many of us have tweaked the program to our needs. Some take only the supps/some do the meds/some do cd's/some do all. That's because we're all at different levels in our drinking problems.

                      One thing is for sure-there is alot of support.
                      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                        New and scared.....

                        Buck, just as we are confouned and disgusted by the dark places our brains have lead us too, we will also be amazed at the wonderful healing and adapting power our very brains possess as well. We DO become what we think. Congrads on being strong so far...and keep surprising yourself!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          New and scared.....

                          Hello buckledown,
                          I can't add to whaat has been said except to say you now have friends to go through this with....


                            New and scared.....

                            Hi Bucke & :welcome:

                            Everyone else beat me to it will all the good advice, but I have to agree with everyone, if you really want to do it, then you can with the help of this site.


                              New and scared.....

                              Hi Buck! I am new here too and come and visit all the time now, and honestly it has helped me already. Reading all the posts from people and seeing all the love and support really has helped me be strong; normally I would be feeling pretty good right now..and right now I am having a nice glass of grapefruit juice and gingerale it! I still would like a beer or something, but when I felt like that today I put a jacket on my little bubs and took her outside to run around and play in the sunshine. I got a good dose of Vitamin D and exercise trying to keep her from eating things from off the ground..icky. She is my inspiration. It is very very hard, and come to this site often. I don't always post but I do read them all and it's very uplifting and warms your heart seeing everyone help everyone out.

