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New and scared.....

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    New and scared.....

    thanks GG

    how long have you been working at this on this site....are you doing any supps/meds....thanks for the kind words..buck


      New and scared.....

      May be two weeks total.. I'm not doing any of the supps or anything nor the tapes or books, I am trying this myself first. I've had some slip ups, but not nearly as bad as it would have been before. I'm finding myself stronger now then before, it's nice to know that you're not alone and you're not the only one fighting to be strong. I find that helps, well, it helps me anyway. And the people are really really nice and very inspiring (I know i spelt that wrong)... I have been really focusing on being a good mom and making sure I am there for my child. I have caved a couple times and grabbed the bottle of red but I find I don't beat myself up so much anymore about it, and since then I find I am wanting it less. And it has been because I have becoming here, sometimes you just need that extra helping hand.. PM me anytime you want. There are lots of people on here with children and know the stress that comes along with being a parent.


        New and scared.....

        Hi welcome, I have only been here 5 days and i feel the support i am a mom and i so well know the feeling to need to have a drink or a bottle. I am doing it for me, then for my kids, and everyone else. rudemama(though not really rude)


          New and scared.....

          Hi Buck,

          Just wanted to put my two cents in about how wonderful the kudzu/l-glut combo has worked for me as well as many others here. There is no comparison to the kudzu you can buy on this site. I have tried the health store version and it made no difference. You can do this. Keep posting!!!
          I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


            New and scared.....

            Welcome Buck!

            As they have all said, if you want it, come read the posts, read the book, get the supps, the CDs. Stick around and post often. We are all here to help support each other.


              New and scared.....

              am keeping on going...thanks again for the posts

              Wow...the support here is mind blowing...i have to remember that when I have been here for a while to keep giving back helps so the topa today from my wasnt that hard cause he knows my issues....took the 25mm...will let you know....i am going to look at a new gym that opened by my office later too...that should help relieve stress...every time i try to quit the stress leads me back to the wine....and then i feel like crap all over again...this support really does give you more strength.....surprising to me actually...i thank you so much ....and my family hopefully will too...especially me kids...:h buck


                New and scared.....

                smiling for you Buck!
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  New and scared.....

                  :thumbs: See? you're feeling better already ...Huh?

                  This place has given me back my life! Stick around it keeps getting better.
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    New and scared.....

                    Hi Buckle:
                    I've been here for about two months. I am using the Topa, the All One and the Kudzu. I was using the Milk Thistle but it gave me headache. Glad you got the Topa, it has really helped me. I never thought that anything would make the cravings go away, you know, just make that crazy voice that told me I needed a drink stop. But it did. My doc said that if she gave me the Topa then I needed to see a shrink to see why I started drinking in the first place, but I think that is a fair trade. Best of luck to you.
                    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                      New and scared.....

                      Hi Buckle. I read your post the first day you posted it, but at that time, I didn't feel like I could be much help. I just unloaded on the board, and am feeling a little better now thanks to the support of everyone here.

                      First of all - WELCOME. This is a great place to come for help, support and comfort. Secondly, I can relate to what you are going through. I also fear that alcohol is going to ruin me and my family. I watched my father and my step mother drink themselves into ruins for so many years. It floors me that I could follow that same path. I do know one thing for sure though... I don't want my kids to think that it's normal to drink in excess, or to drink every day, or to drink to get drunk. I don't want them to see me visit the liquor cabinet several times a day, every day. I don't want to hide in my room, away from my family so I can drink. I want them to live a different life than that. I want them to understand what I didn't.

                      You can do this as long as you stay determined. Our kids are well worth it. When you need some extra support, just log in and start reading and posting.

                      Best of Luck and hope to hear from you again soon.
                      :rays: mdb :rays:

                      Good at being AF. Not so good at Moderation.

                      Lots of work yet to do!

