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    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. I am 7 days sober. I really hope I can do this.


    Hi Tbarb!

    Seven days! You are on your way! All of us here have similar stories and can support you. This place is my lifeline and I am here every day. Stick around and if you like share your story.



      You can do it- I am right in front of you...this is my 12th day AF. Just take it one day at a time. 7 days is a HUGE accomplishment- you should be proud!!!!:goodjob:
      AF since 3/12/13.

      Completed over a year AF and fell off the wagon.
      Back to it, new day 1= 7/1/14

      I'm on my way.



        Hi Tbarb and welcome!!

        Huge congratulations on your 7 days!!!!

        I'm also on day 7 and the people here have given me so much support and advice. I can't say its been an easy week but i've made it thanks Mwo It's great to have a non judgemental place to share things and enjoy others successes

        i hope you stick around, we can support each other and get 14 days and beyond under our belt

        Again.....HUGE congratulations!!!!!
        'The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed'
        Richard Brinsley Sheridan

        1st goal: 7 days
        2nd goal: 30 days
        3rd goal: 3 months



          Thank you Ann. I really do not know my way around this site yet. All I know is that I'm pretty nervous about it all. I have been feeling a lot of anxiety which I'm sure is normal. Would loke to share my story but not sure where to post it.



            Thank you so much And Congrats on your 12 days! That is great.



              Thank you prettytulip., It's great to have someone that is on the same day as you. We can do this



                HI TBARB

                How are you doing on this cold Saturday night? I hope you have had a good weekend so far!

                I spent a little time in Maine in a town I loved-Belfast. It was Spetember and really beautiful weather.

                If you choose a forum like Just Starting Out or General Discussion you can just click New Thread and post away. It is nice to be involved here. I feel a great sense of friendship and community here and I think you will too. You don't have to struggle alone.



                  Hi Ann, not doing so well today. I feel so sick and have been sweating like crazy. It's been 7 days AF. I shouldn't be having withdrawals now should I?



                    Tbarb, I had flu like symptoms the first couple weeks of my quit. Many others experience this,'s not so much withdrawals, as detoxing...your body is getting accustomed to a new fuel. Stay hydrated...and stay the course. It should pass in another few days....By Day 13, I was feeling really good and hopeful for my new future! All the best, B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest



                      I so hope this sick feeling goes away soon. I was actually debating on weather to try tapering off instead of going cold turkey. This however, is probably my mind trying to find a good excuse to drink again I have fibromyalgia, so this really is going to be so hard.



                        Well, each day you will see improvement. I abused my body for 25 years, so in retrospect, a couple weeks wasn't asking too much to help it recover. You are doing great!! You've almost got this day done and dusted!! Don't listen to those crazy voices that want you to cave. This is Addiction Head, Dick Head for short....he will tell you anything to get a fix. Don't's all a lie!! Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest



                          Thank you Byrd, I will try and stay strong.

