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    Goodonya Doo.

    I reckon getting your head clear for those 30 or 90 days will do you and your body the world of good and only once you reach the 30 (or 90, if thats what you choose) days.. then think what next for you.. just take it one day at a time... thats what I did... I made myself about the first and only promise I've ever kept to myself.. and that was "if I drink it will be a conscious decision TO drink - not a passive decision".. I mean.. I know myself and I was being honest with myself.. one glass is not an option for me, cos I always know where the bottle is!!!!!.. so I had to just get straight with myself.

    Are you exercising.. also... exercise harder than you have ever done.. it hreally helps with the fight.. feeling physically stronger is a big deal.

    Also.. stop loving us and start loving yourself... thats what I found really hard to do.. but it was an essential part of my recovery. Not sure how you do it.. I'm sure your buddist stuff would help you here...

    And.. ('m like Danoz direct.. but there's more...) dont kid yourself.. if red wine is around you.. it takes a conscious series of decisions to get you to actually get the bottle.. pour the glass. ... pick up the glass.. put it in your mouth.. and swallow... so stay conscious and in control.


