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AF for 7 days. so sick:(

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    AF for 7 days. so sick:(

    I have a question, I have been AF for 7 days. Today I have felt so sick and, I am sweating like crazy. I shouldn't be having withdrawals now should I? :new:

    AF for 7 days. so sick

    Bless your heart, TBarb, the early days can be so rough on us. From my experience I wouldn't put it down to withdrawals it's just our poor bodies that have been abused by alcohol for so long that it's taking time to adjust.
    I know my first couple of weeks I felt like I had flu. There I was expecting to feel on top of the world giving alcohol the old heave ho and to be honest . My bones ached, my head ached in fact I just didn't feel well at all.

    I know it's been said before but I'll say it again. It took us years to get to a bad place with alcohol it's going to take a while to get out. But and this is a big but it doesn't take years to get out. A few more days and I'll bet you'll be as right as rain. If not a quick check at the doctors.

    I also want to say :welcome: to you and 7 days AF.:goodjob: Glad you found us.

    For now, plenty of fluids, small meals and plenty of rest. OK.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      AF for 7 days. so sick

      Yes, me too. I was sure I had the flu on my first quit, last month or so, then fell, then quit again and then felt even more sick during this last week ----but---- I am on day 10, now, of 2nd (and last) quit ----I now know it gets really much better after a little time.

      So hang in there, take care of yourself like you would someone else who is sick, and have hope for the future. It does get better. The sweats are the pits, but they disappear, and one day you'll go "hey, I'm not all sweaty" !!!! Really.



        AF for 7 days. so sick

        Hi Tbarb & congrats on your 7 AF days - great work!

        Like the others, I felt as if I had the flu for the first week or so when I quit. Just be sure to take good care of yourself, stay well hydrated, rest, get some fresh air, etc. You will soon be feeling better than ever

        Best wishes on your continued success!

        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          AF for 7 days. so sick

          Hi Tbarb

          I quit on 9 December and felt terrible until after Christmas. I was,sleeping at least ten hours a night, sweating,, shaky and generally unwell. As the others have said, it took years to get in this condition so it won't be a quick fix. You will feel so good though once you get past this phase so hang in there.
          AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:


            AF for 7 days. so sick

            yep, i felt horrible for a while after i quit, like a couple of months...tired and gets better though. if you have any heart racing stuff, you might want to go to the dr, as that can be dangerous.

            hang in there!


              AF for 7 days. so sick

              Hey Tbarb

              So sorry that you are feeling bad. I didn;t feel that bad for that long but everyone is different. You might want to stay well hydrated and eat healthy stuff.

              Your body is repairing itself, but if you don't get better pretty soon I would see a doctor.
              Can't hurt. Take care and stay strong!


                AF for 7 days. so sick

                Hey Tbarb, I am af for 7 days too, and even though I tapered first feeling crappy and flu like too. Having plenty of vitamins etc and trying to eat healthy, lots of soup and salad. Think it is helping anyway, and still feeling good that I am getting through this. Hang in there


                  AF for 7 days. so sick

                  I still am shaky and sweaty at almost 7 days AF, even a trip to the ER did some help. I just keep drinking Gatorade and the direhea is so bad I had to take pills too keep anything down. Stick it out, it is well worth it. Even though I still feel sick its a lot better than those nasty hangovers.


                    AF for 7 days. so sick

                    BOBBY!!!!!!!!!! You are coming up on SEVEN DAYS AF!!!!!!!!!! You know this is HUGE for us nesters!!!!! Keep up the great work and you'll earn your moon!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Cleo- CONGRATS on the SEVEN DAYS!!!!!! You have an award in roll call!!!!!



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      AF for 7 days. so sick

                      Congratulations on getting to seven days Bobby! Its been a real struggle for you but you've made it

                      AF since 9 December 2012 :yay:

