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waking up very shaky....

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    waking up very shaky....

    Hi Buck-

    It's ok to bail. I bailed out of plenty. You asked about the Secret. I recall there was a thread about 2 weeks ago in General (Oprahs Ugly Scret 3/18) about it.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      waking up very shaky....

      oh- no thinning or loss of hair with Topa. Sleep got better within 3 days.
      :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


        waking up very shaky....

        I had sleep issues for the first couple of days, now I sleep like a rock! Stick with it, the sleep is worth it in the long run.
        It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
        James Gordon, M.D.


          waking up very shaky....

          When I was drinking I slept 9 to 11 hours every night, solid. I quit and I am lucky to get 6 or 7, and that in fits and starts.

          I have always dreamt a lot. Lately in my dreams I have been unwittingly teaching myself ways to stay asleep. They never make sense in waking hours, but I have worked my consecutive sleep time up from 1 hour increments to a whole 4 and 1/2 hours. It was beautiful. Different strokes for different folks.

          I am doing the whole program; topa, supps (except for the magnesium) and the cds. Something is working for me. I hope something works for you, too.

          Good luck. Patience is your best friend. (along with all these great folks here.)
          Reach deep, find your will power.


            waking up very shaky....

            Way hey Buckle,by the time you read this you will hopefully have had the most restfull sleep in years, what a feeling it is, well worth waiting for. You will wake up feeling at peace and at one with the World, priceless....

            Lorna xx
            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


              waking up very shaky....

              Buck you are probably over the very wost of it. I started to sleep better after day 5 so hang in there. At this stage you really need the following nutrient to help your poor tortured body and mind: Magnesium, Vit C, B-complex (a good potent one). oil of evening primrose oil has been clinicaly shown to help and also Taurine. I'ts an investment but you will feel better faster with them. When I would dry out at home there was nothing I took that cured my tortured sleep sorry to say (but do try things). After I took the nutrients the pounding in my chest subsided and I felt at least like it was bearable. take care!
              You will also want to continue taking aminos such as the "amino complete" from MWO for maintenance for quite some time. ok, I'm done playing doctor.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                waking up very shaky....


                Just think that when you were drinking heavily you really were not getting a good restful sleep. By the sounds of what others have said, it won't be long before the worst is over. Then you will be able to have that deep restorative sleep that you used to have prior to drinking. I really look forward to that...waking up in the morning happy, well-rested--just enjoying that snuggly, comfortable feeling of being in bed waking up from a great sleep!
                Just think of those blissful nights of sleep soon to come (with no hangover to deal with the next day either)!



                  waking up very shaky....

                  Congrats on day 3
                  I am now experiencing the best sleep I've had for years. I'm on day 9, the first two nights I sweated alot.
                  I tend to go to bed at around 8.30 after I've got the kids to bed. Then I read which I haven't done for years as I've been incapable. At around 9.30pm I'm falling asleep, I'm going into such a deep sleep even hubby's snoring doesn't wake me. Also I used to get up around three times a night for the toilet and a big glass of water. Now I don't need to do that. The best thing is waking up knowing I haven't had a drink the night before, and feeling great, also remembering the conversations and promises I made to the kids.

