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Day 4!

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    Day 4!

    Contrats! Keep up the good work, if you haven't already, be sure and get the supplements and CD's you'll be amazed at how they can help. I also used to drink my self into oblivion at night alone. Hubby travels, and after I put my kiddos to sleep, it was hello liquour. And I'd keep on drinking unitl either passed out or was drunk enought of feel ready for bed. I felt as though I had more energy drunk, I'd clean house, sort clothes, etc. Then after I fell asleep, I'd wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety big time, it would last a good part of the following day. That has something to do with the progression of alcoholizm I think. Anyway stay close to the boards - good luck!


      Day 4!

      well done, i have dreded Monday mornings at work incase i made the same phone call to someone there, i dont call family anymore at the weekend because i dred saying something that i will regret, Ive been off work two days now due to alcohol missuse, and its only a matter of time that they will pick up on this pattern, i need to be strong at the weekend as this is when my drinking starts i can be sober all week, I am going to try and be sober this week and my husband is going to as well we are hoping to support each other any tip will be appreciated


        Day 4!

        Hello molleylea,
        Good luck with your plan for the week.
        If you haven't already done so, I'd read as many post as possible.
        There is loads of helpful advice there.


          Day 4!

          Well Done everyone, and :welcome: Molleylea.

          Keep reading and soak up the fabulous information that you can find here.

          Love & Hugs,

