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Needing a new way...

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    Needing a new way...

    This is my first post to any site or blog. Ever.
    I've read heaps but never found the courage or conviction to take the plunge of change. I drink every day of my life. Sometimes 3-4 drinks sometimes 8-10 a night. But it's every night. Drinking interferes with the person I want to be. Best Mum and wife ever, astute student (ironically I study natural medicine so I know the effects of drinking) avid runner, gardener, etc.

    I feel drinking zaps my motivation, literally sucks the mojo right out of me. It makes me lazy both mentally and physically, induces irritability and causes insomnia.

    Every night I lay awake from 3-5am while my family sleeps. It 5:16 am now.

    I can stop at a couple drinks most of the time. But I can't stop reaching for that first wine every evening. I drink wine or a cocktail while I cook. Then another while we have dinner. Then a couple more while I study or watch a movie.

    My husband has the same drinking patterns but it doesn't seem to effect him. He sleeps solid. He doesn't stress over his drinking like I do. I think he will drink heaps less if I cut down too.

    I also have had unexplained infertility for 8 years and I can't help but wonder if my drinking has contributed and if I have caused permanent damage to myself that may affect a future child if I am able to fall pregnant some day.

    So what is my goal!?! Drinking is such an integral part of my social circle. I don't want to go around my circle saying 'yeah I'm an alco so I had to give it all up.' I do enjoy a drink particularly the comfortably numb sensation but that doesn't come with a drink or two. That's after 4-5. And I don't want to drink that many so what's the use of drinking then? Seriously why do people drink one drink? It doesn't give you a buzz, it makes you a little tired and its full of calories. Surely it's not the taste.

    I can think of 20 more reasons I need to stop like my concentration and memory are bad. I don't want my daughter to grow up thinking its ok to drink this much. I don't want to do something while drunk to jeopardize my relationship with my husband or daughter. I want to be healthy and run marathons, I want to be a knowledgable practitioner who practices what I preach not live a double life!! All these things and more.

    Sigh. I am going to start my journey to sobriety today. Just not sure how I'm going to do it yet.

    Thanks for listening to my rant. Whoever's out there. (:

    Needing a new way...

    Just read your post & I think you are very brave to face this problem. I do not have much to add, but I do have a lot of respect for your courage. Wishing you strength in your journey.
    March: 23 days AF, April 26 days AF, May _23_ AF days
    May 29: back to day 1
    June: The battle continues......


      Needing a new way...

      You have come to a great place for support. Only you can figure out what your goals are. You set the goals and we'll be here to cheer you on and help you stay strong. I'm glad you found us. :welcome:
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        Needing a new way...

        Running Aussie;1485752 wrote:
        Sigh. I am going to start my journey to sobriety today. Just not sure how I'm going to do it yet.
        Hi Running Aussie
        welcome to MWO :welcome:

        It sounds as though you've already come a long way along this journey and you've done a lot of serious thinking about all the pros and cons of drinking, so you're already in a good place to start.

        Keep reading and posting here and you'll find lots of information to help you do it. There's a lot of support here for you. :h
        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


          Needing a new way...

          G'day RA and welcome!

          Here is a link to our toolbox. You will find lot's of useful stuff here.

          Check out the 'Newbies nest' thread and there's an Aussie/NZ thread called 'Underoos' if you want to speak with people in your time zone.

          Best wishes on your journey.

          G bloke.

          'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

          Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


            Needing a new way...

            Running Aussie, welcome. Your story sounds a bit like mine. Wine while cooking every night. Then i would start cooking before my husband came home just so I can get two down before he's in the door and then it snowballed. I stopped sleeping, stopped doing so many things. I had to stop. I got so much help here and I am now almost 7 months AF and loving it.
            It sounds like you are facing the fact that your drinking needs to stop, and you want it to. We are here for you. You can do this.
            we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


              Needing a new way...

              Thanks everyone for your encouragement. It's almost 5 PM now which is when I would normally pour my first drink. I have worked out today and drank sparkling mineral water with lemon. I just ate a cough drop so I won't crave the taste of wine. Going to stay strong and carry on. Any other tips for day one !?!


                Needing a new way...

                Running Aussie;1485752 wrote: But it's every night. Drinking interferes with the person I want to be. Best Mum and wife ever, astute student (ironically I study natural medicine so I know the effects of drinking) avid runner, gardener, etc.
                Hi, Running Aussie and :welcome: !

                You sure have thought through all of this and it sounds like you are READY TO GO!!!

                Enthusiasm and motivation are so important. I think spending a great deal of time reading and posting is critical, too. I spent, and continue to spend, a considerable amount of time on MWO. But then, I used to spend even more time drinking so I still come out ahead in hours in my day!

                Somehow, this really prepares you for the challenges that lie ahead and gives you the strength to conquer them. I got to the point after a few weeks where the thought of having to come on here and post a failure was so horrible to me, it served to reinforce my commitment already made to myself to quit drinking wine every single night!! Or at all, actually.

                We also have in common the disconnect between our education/jobs and our personal lives. Knowing the havoc AL wrecks on our biochemistry and metabolism and continuing to consume it in excess made everything worse, I think. It just seemed SO STUPID.

                Anyway, I'm glad you are here. See you over in the Newbies Nest.

                Love, NoSugar


                  Needing a new way...

                  Hi RA,
                  I'm new to this - today is my first post. My entire social circle revolves around coctails together. I tend to drink more than my friends on a nightly basis. It's not uncommon lately for me to finish a bottle and 1/2 of wine per night, and many nights its more than that.

                  I totally relate to the lack of concentration, focus, and memory (I've been drinking like this for the last 4 years). My productivity has remained higher than my peers throughout this time, which, of course, provides me with an excuse to 'escape from reality' each night after a hard work day. I'm tired of this excuse and don't ever want to 'drink to escape' ever again.

                  Last night I limited myself to 3.5 glasses of wine, and I slept like a baby and woke up bright and early before the sun came up. This tells me that I'm blessed with a high metabolism and drive, and I keep thinking ' productive will I be if I can cut this down to two glasses or less!??'.

                  Now the other thought - which I purge whenever it pops into my head: 'how much more productive would I have been if I hadn't drank every day for the last 4 years?'

                  In any case - my goal for posting here is simply to follow the lead of so many others on this forum - posting makes me think about what I'm doing. Hopefully I'm not too far down the rabbit hole and can adjust my habits without alienating my friends along the way.


                    Needing a new way...

                    Hi lake lover. Can totally relate. I noticed there are some great resources for getting your drinking under control or minimized if you don't want to give up completely. You are lucky to metabolize so fast! I read somewhere that some people have an enzyme in their liver that enables them to metabolize faster therefore drink more than others.

                    Yes! Imagine where you'd be with less drink and more motivation, you'd be unstoppable I'm sure. Some alcohol free days wouldn't go amiss for your health too.

                    Sending you best wishes for your journey. Please message me anytime. I've loved being a part of this community even for this short time.



                      Needing a new way...

                      I really identify with everyone in this post, and i am slowly realizing that the social situations that require a drink are not worth it .. my friends who i have the best time with have a few drinks once in a while, but wouldn't think it was weird if i didn't drink at all.


                        Needing a new way...

                        Hi S78

                        You are lucky your closest friends don't hold drinking as a priority. I've really been feeling lately that I'm just over that whole party scene and ready to move to the next stage of my life. Unfortunately many of my friends won't be joining me in the next stage and I'm feeling ok with that. But it's more than that, I have to stop drinking at home without my friends around too.

                        My husband is 5-6 yrs younger than me and he is still having fun and in the "work hard/play hard" era. I just hope he comes around soon because since I've been AF (5 whole days - hehe) it is harder to watch him drink to excess. I don't want us to grow apart.

                        - RA


                          Needing a new way...

                          My thoughts on this:
                          With my ex wife, I didn't drink to excess, but really enjoyed a beer or two some nights after work. She was visibly bothered by it (several times voicing how it was un-christian-like to always have beer in the fridge. It wasn't that she didn't drink that bothered me, it was the feeling of being judged that hurt.

                          My two cents is let him take his own path and do the best you can to focus on your path. Judgement from one's spouse is the thing that hurts in almost any personal endeavor, it makes it feel as though you're alone on your journey (from both perspectives).

                          Good luck and God bless RA


                            Needing a new way...

                            Hi Running Aussie,
                            A quick note to let you know you are not alone in this journey to a happy, sober life. I have been trying to quit for about three years but really got serious about it on Feb 21st. It's been a process of incremental progress for me--I am working to string as many consecutive AF days together as I can. I know the less I drink, the better I feel. The more AF days I can rack up, the less I want to drink.

                            Stay close and keep posting.
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              Needing a new way...

                              lakelover;1488781 wrote: My thoughts on this:
                              With my ex wife, I didn't drink to excess, but really enjoyed a beer or two some nights after work. She was visibly bothered by it (several times voicing how it was un-christian-like to always have beer in the fridge. It wasn't that she didn't drink that bothered me, it was the feeling of being judged that hurt.

                              My two cents is let him take his own path and do the best you can to focus on your path. Judgement from one's spouse is the thing that hurts in almost any personal endeavor, it makes it feel as though you're alone on your journey (from both perspectives).

                              Good luck and God bless RA
                              Thanks for the perspective LL. I keep reminding myself that just 9 short days ago I would have been right there with him and that helps keep the snide remarks in. I feel hurt that he's not supporting me but I can see now how selfish that is. It's a good thing I have the support of this site.


