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Needing a new way...

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    Needing a new way...

    free at last;1488968 wrote: Hi Running Aussie,
    A quick note to let you know you are not alone in this journey to a happy, sober life. I have been trying to quit for about three years but really got serious about it on Feb 21st. It's been a process of incremental progress for me--I am working to string as many consecutive AF days together as I can. I know the less I drink, the better I feel. The more AF days I can rack up, the less I want to drink.

    Stay close and keep posting.
    Thanks!! I'll try not to be too hard on myself if I mess up. I am determined to have an alcohol free April then go from there. I'm loving not waking up hungover every single day. I don't feel as great as I thought I would. Just now (on day 9) getting over cold/flu symptoms and I'm tired still. Same as before. I thought I would be full of energy and more clear headed but I guess all in good time.



      Needing a new way...

      Hello Running Aussie and welcome. Congratulations on deciding to take the journey to becoming alcohol free. My husband still drinks often and sometimes heavily. It really bothered me when I first quit and sometimes still does, but I have learned to secure my own oxygen mask. I too like you was afraid and sometimes I still am that my quit will make us distant from each other and sometimes in a way it does. I have learned to be happy with myself and to enjoy my own company particularly when he is drinking. I try very hard not to judge him and make the most of his sober time by having as much fun and be as joyful as I can with him, I guess I do this as a way of encouraging him and showing him by example how much being sober can be and is. Most of my "friends" are heavy drinkers as well, needless to say since I stopped drinking and moved onto the next chapter of my life many of them no longer want to hang out with me, and I am ok with that. I find I have much more time to pamper and be kind to myself.....I feel more like a human BEING rather than a human DOING. Sorry for the incredibly long rant. I really wanted to say hi and welcome.
      "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
      ~Author Unknown
      AF since February 4, 2013


        Needing a new way...

        First day....

        Hi Running Aussie,

        Thanks for this post. This is my first day here and I'm arriving from a very similar situation. Despite having a fabulous job and lovely family, alcohol has taken over my life. I have no strength or motivation to do any of the things that I want to do. The sad thing is that I watched my parents destroy their lives and our family with alcohol. As a child, I said I'd never drink. And now it's wine the moment I get in the door at night, and I drink until bed. More at weekends. I don't sleep, I'm anxious, depressed, and irritable. I've conned myself that being high functioning meant that my drinking was ok. Now I want to stop drinking and to take my life back.

        I'm trying to taper starting from now. The problem is that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to drink in a moderate fashion.



          Needing a new way...

          Want to Change;1489575 wrote: I'm trying to taper starting from now. The problem is that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to drink in a moderate fashion.x
          That is not a problem you need to worry about right now. Just get through today. Just worry about right now - the rest will sort itself out when you have had some alcohol-free time under your belt.

          If you need to taper, then write down your plan and follow it. Document each drink so you don't forget how many you have had. You can do this. It's not easy but it is sooo worth it.
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            Needing a new way...

            Thanks Siren. I really feel I've lost myself, I don't even know what to think most of the time..but focussing on here and now, and getting through this is the most important thing.


              Needing a new way...

              Dear Want to Change,
              You have come to a great place. Read several threads to get a sense of the community. The thread that got me back into working toward an AF life (I can't moderate). Was Need Company -- Day 1, Please and Thanks. The woman who started the thread, Snowflake, didn't think she could go one day without wine. She finished 30 days AF and then some. Best advice I know, read and post as often as you can, especially in these early days. And drinks so much water you can't imagine putting any alcohol in your stomach. Stay close.
              Free at Last
              "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

              Highly recommend this video

              July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                Needing a new way...

                Want to Change;1489575 wrote: Hi Running Aussie,

                Thanks for this post. This is my first day here and I'm arriving from a very similar situation. Despite having a fabulous job and lovely family, alcohol has taken over my life. I have no strength or motivation to do any of the things that I want to do. The sad thing is that I watched my parents destroy their lives and our family with alcohol. As a child, I said I'd never drink. And now it's wine the moment I get in the door at night, and I drink until bed. More at weekends. I don't sleep, I'm anxious, depressed, and irritable. I've conned myself that being high functioning meant that my drinking was ok. Now I want to stop drinking and to take my life back.

                I'm trying to taper starting from now. The problem is that I'm not sure I'll ever be able to drink in a moderate fashion.

                Hi Wanttochange

                Can I call you WTC (:

                I totally hear you. High functioning and to the outside world everything is normal. I am on day 11 AF (alcohol free) and its the first time since I was a teenager that I've gone this long. I didn't think I could go a single day but I have been taking it one day at a time and have just acted nonchalant with friends and family. Just said I am doing an alcohol free April. I have also agreed to go easy on myself for messing up and having drinks although I haven't yet. The great thing about this site is that most of the people are just like you and I. And a lot of them have a night of weakness and drink and everyone supports them to start over at day one again. It's a great site.

                My life already feels calmer and I have to say its awe-some not waking up hungover.

                Write as often as you want! Someone is always on to say hello and offer encouragement or help you through a tough spot.


