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Drinkig now?

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    Drinkig now?

    Hands up any unfortunate soul who's drinking with me right now?

    Why do i do this, why am i so ********weak,

    Sometimes i hate myself

    Drinkig now?

    Bright, you are not weak. You are here trying to make a change. That is a damn good start in my book. Keep making baby steps if that is what it takes. You really do not want me to get started on my "no negative self talk" speech, now do you?
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Drinkig now?

      Bright, hang in there. You are here and looking for support, that's a great start and DO NOT get Lushy started.

      Really you will be OK. Remember tomorrow is another day. I had to use that line on myself this weekend. Take Care
      "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


        Drinkig now?

        brightfield;112216 wrote: Hands up any unfortunate soul who's drinking with me right now?

        Why do i do this, why am i so ********weak,

        Sometimes i hate myself
        New to this place myself, keep trying. I am as depressed as anyone, just found this place and hoping to regain control of my life. Your not alone, just remember that
        Its strange being sober; huh, so this is how normal people are :H


          Drinkig now?

          CyberHugs to you Bright field, and to you Captain. As all other have or will say - YOU ARE NOT ALONE, whether I/we have a drink in hand or not, we are with you.

          Lorna xx
          Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


            Drinkig now?

            Bright - Forgive yourself, you are here which is a huge step.
            Captain - It will get better and you can have such giddy happy mornings that it will be worth NOT drinking the night before.


              Drinkig now?

              Bright..don't hate yourself! Being compassionate with yourself is a big the meantime, maybe you can get a big glass of water and pace yourself. Try to drink a glass between may even be ready to stop. Put it on the table in front of it to remind you to take it'll be 'taking care' of yourself and your liver to...a compassionate act. ((hugs))


                Drinkig now?

                trust me, i have been given the "no negative talk speech" HA HA.....take baby can do it. we are all here...


                  Drinkig now?

                  Hi Brightfield

                  hope you are up and about???good Luck today for alcohol free...Its a horrible feeling to have a drink in your hand and wish you hadnt drank it...been there enough times.

                  The great news is with support you can do today AF,,,,get your day planned ..may have to fill it full of activity and get on site reading pearls of wisdom from people on here that have walked a similar really helps.

                  No way could I have been AF on willpower alone...i use the site, prayer, support from hubby and a friend(They are doing the AF thing with me)Guess what I,m on day 37

                  In my wildest dreams I couldnt have imagined that..used to do a few days and fail to stick with it.

                  Good Luck and dont despair....people on here have made amazing progress either in moderating or could be your lifeline to change too?

                  Regards Cassy


                    Drinkig now?

                    Really good advice the have a glass of water inbetween filling your glass, going to try that, sound sooo simple but something I never even thought about doing before. Thanks.

                    Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......

