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No fooling -- April 2013 AF

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    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

    Day 5 for me and its 4:45pm here. Getting my proactive trigger blockers in place.

    Deep breathe, sparkling mineral water in hand, chromium piccolinate to stop sugar cravings.



      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

      Hi Running

      Day Five for me too... 9am here Bloody awful nights sleep again! still have a nasty cough.

      Day Five ..... Siren made me laugh out loud yesterday! Day Five is the brains WTF is going on day.

      Had to fight going into the booze section at frigging Tesco last night more out of habit, then a friend wanted to bring a bottle of Chardonnay to my house to share, said I wasn't well which is true.

      Keep strong



        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

        Notts - Glad to put a smile on your face! You and RA need to kick day 5's arse to show the rest of us how to do it tomorrow. Feel better - take care of that cough.

        RA - yes, you CAN do this. We all can - but not alone.

        I always complained that Pennsylvania didn't allow liquor or beer in grocery stores. If I want to stock up for a party (food, beer, wine), I need to go 3 different places. I have to drive 30 mins round trip minimum to buy beer and closer to 45 to buy liquor. Not a bad thing at the moment.

        I'm up early today - going to the gym for a swim. 1200 meters - ugh! I haven't been in the pool in ages. This should be ... interesting. Then having breakfast with my dad later. I'm hoping work will be quiet today after yesterday. I could do with a quiet day.

        I'm not sure if sleep was any better last night. I didn't wake up as sweaty at least. I was never a great sleeper but I'm hoping a combination of exercise and no AL will send me off to dreamland effortlessly soon.

        Have a great day Triple A's (Awesome April Abbers)!!
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

          Siren136;1487701 wrote:
          I'm not sure if sleep was any better last night. I didn't wake up as sweaty at least. I was never a great sleeper but I'm hoping a combination of exercise and no AL will send me off to dreamland effortlessly
          I am hoping for the same Siren. Exercise, no Al plus getting rid of this cough and I reckon I'll have my first solid nights sleep in years.

          It's almost bed time for me and my husband is out and I'm doing great. No cravings just calmly watching tv. I noticed today I have much more patience for my three year old and we are getting along better than ever. I'm so happy.

          But... The problem I'm having is that I have massive university work piling up and I can't seem to focus on it. Normally I would sit down with a giant glass of wine and power through my assignments no worries. Hoping day six brings more clarity and focus so I can get to it.

          BHOG (did I get that name right?) gave me hope in his big inspiring post when he said he thought he did his best writing when drinking and when he first stopped drinking initially he couldn't write but after a while he actually improved upon the drink-writing. SOOO here's hoping I can continue to be as good (or better) a student as when I was a big drinker.



            No fooling -- April 2013 AF

            prettytulip;1487533 wrote: Living in Spain is great Friedabee i'm british and my husband is from cairo so the lifestyleis a nice happy medium for the both of us here (and none of us have in laws round the corner ) keep at it with the spanish and save the money u would be spending on alcohol to start a spain/cuba fund
            That sounds like a great plan! I'd love to return to Cuba; see how it's changed. Have a wonderful day 4!
            Friedabee is "free to be!"


              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

              Another resource to try

              Good day four, Awesome April Abbers! Hope everyone passed an AF day three (always a difficult one for me). Had a bit of a rocky night and there's a long day ahead, so I'll hope to get more sleep tonight.

              I hope it's allright to discuss other resources here. I just discovered that the folks running the Smart Recovery site are providing podcasts on a variety of topics and these are available through iTunes. To listen to them on your smartphone, you need to download the iTunes app, or you can listen on your computer.

              I enjoy listening to podcasts about AL use and recovery, and the low-carb lifestyle, especially with a mug of tea before bed. Very relaxing and informative! Have a great AF day, all!
              Friedabee is "free to be!"


                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                Afternoon triple AAAer's - mid way on day 4 for me - sleep is not good at the moment, and I'm feeling a bit shaky. I've also got "the voices" going on - you know the ones - "ahhhh go on, you've not had a drink since Sunday - treat yourself" - well, feck off, I'm not doing it !!!

                I've got an appointment at 6pm with a personal trainer at the gym - almost cancelled it, but thought better of it. I've got an interview at 3.30pm - so I'm stressing about that, which is making the voices louder as a post interview treat. Where does this thinking come from ?

                Hoping we all have great AF day 4's and well done to those on day 5 - wish I was
                Trying again from 22nd September 2014 Keeping it simple. Keeping it real.


                  No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                  Hi everyone I sure missed chatting yesterday! It was Friday here - my first sober Friday!

                  I've slept through two nights now without insomnia spells. I am so happy!

                  I've just woken up to day 7, my biggest challenge yet. My best friends birthday following a kids bday party. Both circles big drinkers. I'm not going to moderate. Going to abstain and make it through April!! With you good people.

                  So tell me how all if you are going.


                    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                    Hi Triple A team!! I hope everyone is still hanging tough! Day 5 for those of us who started on April 1. I have to admit that I almost caved without MWO support for over a day. But then I took my dogs for a walk. Getting ready to start dinner soon. I hope everyone is doing great.
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                      Looks as if we lost a couple of posts from today. Great job, Siren, avoiding a slip! One of my triggers is a weekend day (although I did partake nearly every night). I'm now in the habit of taking my little dog for a walk by the water, beginning at the Saturday witching hour of 4:00 pm. It's lovely; breathe the air and blow away the cobwebs. Have a great, AF weekend, all AAAers!
                      Friedabee is "free to be!"


                        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                        Running Aussie - well done on day 7! You've got your moon. We're on your heels!

                        I MISSED you guys! SO happy we're back!
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                          Ok, have to be honest. I allowed myself to get upset and caved in last night. This is the third time I have tried to get 30 consecutive AF days, made good progress, and then screwed myself up. Spent some time soul searching -- do I really want this (yes), what am I going to do this time that is different (read my list of why I don't want to drink and write MWO or MWO friends before I do.). The bright side of this is that I know what it feels like to have several weeks of AF time under my belt and want that feeling back.

                          Appreciate your support -- don't give up on me. I'm not giving up on myself. I will get there.
                          Warmest, Free
                          Free at Last
                          "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                          Highly recommend this video

                          July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                            No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                            Free at Last -

                            Totally not giving up on you! From reading everyone's posts I can tell you are no different from all of us. We are on the same journey making occassional screw ups but for the most part successfully changing our lives for good. You've done great. I love how you've reassessed, recommitted and didn't prolong getting back on track. You should be proud of that.

                            Now you'll just have to extend your 30 days into May. No biggie but you can do it!


                              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                              Siren136;1488106 wrote: Running Aussie - well done on day 7! You've got your moon. We're on your heels!

                              I MISSED you guys! SO happy we're back!
                              What do you mean about the moon Siren? I'm new to all this


                                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                                Go check out the Roll Call - there is a 7 day AF prize waiting for you from Starfish!
                                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.

