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No fooling -- April 2013 AF

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    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

    nottoday;1486667 wrote: hi Cloonkeen and Mein Sonneschein

    cloonkeen wow 100 days how impressive is that.

    mein I'm on day Three I can't say the same for the cravings. I'm feeling agitated beyond belief. Just looked in the mirror and I looked a scary Mary. Even the other half just commented and he wouldn't notice if I was pole dancing nude in the lounge!

    Siren how are the shakes?

    Better, thanks Notty. I think "jittery" describes it better. But even that has gone down.

    Can I ask you guys - how do you experience a craving? It occurs to me, now that I have l-glut and kudzu, that I'm not sure what my cravings feel like so I'm not sure when to take it. For me it's like "Oh a drink would be really nice right now. Yes, I deserve a drink because I had a stressful day" and then I have one all of a sudden. More often than not, that turns into 3 or 4 or more depending on when I have the first one.

    I think I will take the kudzu at least at dinner and have the l - glut handy for the evenings, which is really when I like to drink. I'll just pop some under my tongue and make myself wait 20 minutes until the thoughts go away. And go do something productive to be busy.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

      Welcome everyone! We have a great group of people dedicated to making April AF. From day 1 to over 100 days -- we can certainly learn from and support one another. In reading the posts, sounds like we have a fair number of wine drinkers (my poison).

      Am thinking about our plan. Next time I think I deserve a glass of wine/or poison of choice, to celebrate, or next time I am frustrated and want a glass of poison, I am going to _______ (fill in the blank). For me, that will be spend 5 minutes meditating.

      What's your plan?
      Free at Last
      "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

      Highly recommend this video

      July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

        free at last;1486777 wrote:
        Am thinking about our plan. Next time I think I deserve a glass of wine/or poison of choice, to celebrate, or next time I am frustrated and want a glass of poison, I am going to _______ (fill in the blank). For me, that will be spend 5 minutes meditating.

        What's your plan?
        EAT!! or go to the gym/go swimming. Obviously all more than 5 mins though :H

        I had the most horrendous cravings as I was driving home this eve (day 8) but I've been so ill this past week and I'm beyond exhausted so I had a massive bowl of spag carbonara and now I'm off to bed. Definitely dodged a bullet tonight but hopefully tomorrow will be better if I manage to get some sleep tonight.

        Good luck to all april abbers, stay close :l


          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

          Thank you NS and Siren smiles all over the place tomorrow then!

          My bewitching hour starts at Five o'clock when I start to cook! I always have my first glass of wine then! You know It's been a long day I deserve this crap.... so plan is to prepare the meal earlier and the troops can ding it in the microwave!! Shouldn't imagine it will go down to well, for the time being keeping sober is priority over their digestion!! If I can then get to 8 o'clock I've cracked it!
          That's day to day, not sure about how I will deal with conflict or any stress my coping mechanism has always been the booze, need to get my head around that one and fast



            No fooling -- April 2013 AF


            free at last;1486777 wrote: Welcome everyone! We have a great group of people dedicated to making April AF. From day 1 to over 100 days -- we can certainly learn from and support one another. In reading the posts, sounds like we have a fair number of wine drinkers (my poison).

            Am thinking about our plan. Next time I think I deserve a glass of wine/or poison of choice, to celebrate, or next time I am frustrated and want a glass of poison, I am going to _______ (fill in the blank). For me, that will be spend 5 minutes meditating.

            What's your plan?
            What's most effective for me is thinking about how I'm going to feel after I've made the decision to use (I don't keep any AL in the house). It goes something like this:

            Think it through. What will be the consequences of using? How will I feel as I buy a bottle? How will I feel as I taste the acrid flavor of the wine? When I take the dog out, will I meet a neighbor who will notice my condition?

            How will I feel when I try in vain to sleep afterwards, as I rid myself of the toxin? Will this be the night I fall down the stairs? How will I feel in the morning when I face myself in the mirror, with my head aching and my stomach burning? How will I feel if I drink some soothing tea, instead?

            Not pretty, but reminds me of what using AL really
            is...not a relaxing drink, but a dose of poison.
            Friedabee is "free to be!"


              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

              Someone said this to me recently, just wanted to share, with all the pressure to drink around us I found it helps: "people who love you want the best for you, they just want to be around the best you" The best me is an AF me.......
              On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                Friedabee how true!

                The time I've spent in the wee hours full of anxiety and remorse, acid reflux from the vino gurgling away. Then the grappling in the bedside cabinet for the paracetamols knowing nothing will advert tomorrow's hangover from hell...
                A dose of poison indeed!!



                  No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                  nottoday;1486840 wrote: Friedabee how true!

                  The time I've spent in the wee hours full of anxiety and remorse, acid reflux from the vino gurgling away. Then the grappling in the bedside cabinet for the paracetamols knowing nothing will advert tomorrow's hangover from hell...
                  A dose of poison indeed!!

                  Nottoday, have you read the Allen Carr/Jason Vale books? The Vale is an update, IMO, of the Carr book, in which they describe AL as poison. In my early weeks, and after I read the Carr book, when I was really muscling the urge to use, I even slapped a large poison warning symbol on an empty bottle to remind me! Whatever works, I think! Best wishes to you in your journey, and thank you for your support within this great group.
                  Friedabee is "free to be!"


                    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                    I read Jason Vale years ago when I had a niggle at the back of my mind then decided I didn't have a problem yeah right !! I will dig it out again, I am just reading Caroline Knapp- Drinking a love story, her story really resonates with me.

                    I am thrilled to be part of this group. I feel very comfy here.



                      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                      I will NOT give in to the major crave that's hitting me now. It hits hard at 4 PM. When I get home instead of cracking the IPA, back to the cranberry and soda stream H20 - the killer combo for health and not feeling like a dip shit tomorrow AM.

                      Be good, all -
                      Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                      Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                      Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                      Go forward boldly and unafraid


                        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                        I just think of the people in the Rain in my Heart videos. Toni - who didn't think she had a problem but was bleeding from the stomach - my stomach really hurts sometimes when I'm drinking a lot.

                        Nigel, who got cirrhosis at a young age, went AF for 10 years and died of cirrhosis. I don't think I have cirrhosis, and I don't want it! But my liver hurts sometimes when I'm drinking a lot.

                        It's just not worth it. Plus if I ever really want a drink I'm going to go stand naked in front of a mirror and look at what AL has done to my body.
                        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                          x-post, Fin - good for you, don't give in!



                          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                            No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                            Fin;1486873 wrote: I will NOT give in to the major crave that's hitting me now. It hits hard at 4 PM. When I get home instead of cracking the IPA, back to the cranberry and soda stream H20 - the killer combo for health and not feeling like a dip shit tomorrow AM.

                            Be good, all -
                            You can do it, Fin! And you will be so glad you did!!!

                            You should get all your 30-day pals to post in the roll-call thread you started. I think it is a good habit/reminder. I didn't post last week and really missed it.

                            Hang in there, NS


                              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                              Was great to wake up and read all of your messages. My drink of choice is wine too but I also love whiskey port beer whatever! My big downfall is when I smoke cigarettes AND drink, I consume heaps of both and feel sooooo sick the next day.

                              But now I am on day 4 AF. Still feeling sick with the flu and not sleeping through the night but I am holding out for that AH HA moment when I suddenly feel great and the reason for not drinking becomes clear.

                              I have a birthday party to go to this weekend with all my big drinker friends. I am contemplating not going but I wonder is that a cop out and should I face it and just be strong!? What would you guys do? I will be day 7 then.



                                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                                nottoday;1486552 wrote: Siren let me tell you my hangovers recently have been horrific! I have totally useless all day! I am a bottle of wine girl a day, there is no off switch! Three days in and although I have a cold, I am far more productive and together.
                                We are travelling such similar paths. Happy to know someone else is going through what I'm experiencing.

