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No fooling -- April 2013 AF

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    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

    Thanks. I am glad to be on April No Fooling.



      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

      Do you have a "witching hour?"

      I do; from about 3:00 to 7:00 pm. A few days ago, I decided to set an alert on my phone for 3:00 pm with the message "THINK!" The alert tone is a human, two-tone whistle, which really gets my attention when I'm alone! Since I set the alert, I've found that I've already been thinking about AL at 3:00, and the reminder to "think it through" has been helpful. Would this help you, too? Stay strong, all and welcome to laststraw and jennich! No foolin': no drama here!
      Friedabee is "free to be!"


        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

        Dear Fellow "No Fooling Around" members-- I believe that was The Last Straw's" first description, which I loved! (Welcome TLS), happy to report I avoided serious temptations today--a great work friend is in town and our normal MO is to sit around the pool, drink a bottle or two of wine and catch up. She had one glass of wine and I had three...... glasses of soda water. I spent a lot of time on MWO last night because I knew today was going to be a make or break day for me. Got that out of the way and am grateful. No, I'm joyful!

        Been reading MS and Snap's comments about what to do after 30 days. It was NoSugar who encouraged me not to dwell on "not ever drinking again" but rather to rack up the days and see what happens, hoping eventually you don't want to go down the slope of "just one drink."

        Am feeling much stronger with this effort because I have accepted that AL is a bad lover, one I need to abandon and move on from. And, my DH deserves (and hopefully wants) more of my attention, companionship, sunny personality, and brilliant conversation that I have not been providing these past many years. So, my goal is to finish April, reach 30 days on May 4th and then keep going, ODAT until I know longer even think about having a glass of wine because it is not something I want, do, or need.

        Welcome to all and appreciate the great encouragement we provide one another.
        Free at Last
        "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

        Highly recommend this video

        July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

          Honestly? I am at day 80 and I still think about the future! And YES Mein! Your inability to make a decision about the future is a very common problem which I too suffer from....But I can't think about the future. I can only think about today. This is hard stuff. Living in the present AF is enough of a challenge for me. I resist the temptation to look to the future. I can't afford that right now.
          I just won't anymore


            No fooling -- April 2013 AF

            I totally understand, I can't think about the fact that I may never have a drink for the rest of my life either ( it seems like a bigger battle than I can take on at the moment) , I try to set small goals that I think I can achieve, my hope is that all these mini small goals will add up to a AF life....
            I've read comments about alcohol addiction and whether it is a result of nature and/or nurture factors. Sometimes I wonder if I have a chemical imbalance that doesn't allow me to process when I've had "enough" (when I drink I don't have an off switch). Any thoughts? And is it possible to take medication to fix this chemical imbalance if it exists????
            On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

              Halo: a chemical imbalance certainly makes sense to me! I too have a faulty on/off switch. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a pill you can take to balance that out.....

              Earlier tonight I was listening to the radio and the DJ wanted to pay tribute to Boston so played the theme song for the show Cheers. A corny song, but the lyrics made me think of MWO...pretty ironic don't you think?

              Making your way in the world today
              Takes everything you've got;
              Taking a break from all your worries
              Sure would help a lot.
              Wouldn't you like to get away?

              All those nights when you've got no lights,
              The check is in the mail;
              And your little angel
              Hung the cat up by it's tail;
              And your third fiance didn't show;

              Sometimes you want to go
              Where everybody knows your name,
              And they're always glad you came;
              You want to be where you can see,
              Our troubles are all the same;
              You want to be where everybody knows your name.

              Roll out of bed, Mr. Coffee's dead;
              The morning's looking bright;
              And your shrink ran off to Europe,
              And didn't even write;
              And your husband wants to be a girl;

              Be glad there's one place in the world
              Where everybody knows your name,
              And they're always glad you came;
              You want to go where people know,
              People are all the same;
              You want to go where everybody knows your name.

              Where everybody knows your name,
              And they're always glad you came;
              Where everybody knows your name,
              And they're always glad you came...

              source: Cheers Lyrics - Theme Song Lyrics

              I just won't anymore


                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                Jenniech, Thank you so much for taking the time to post those lyrics from Cheers, I loved the show!!! They ring so oh true, and the post really made me smile, the Newbie's Nest and this thread are integral to my maintaining my AF life, and I love reading the positive, funny and heartwarming posts as I get to know everybody's name, so happy to have you around have a soft spot for the members of the 311 gang: halfway, free, siren and I'm on my way, as they travelled with me to the 30 AF day mark
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                  Hi, Friends,

                  I'm repeating myself here but I don't know where I said this general thing earlier about giving up the dream of drinking again.

                  My realization that I was DONE was not a "light-bulb" moment. For a good while after joining MWO, I assumed I would figure out how to be a 'normal, social drinker'. But at some point I just realized that that was not going to happen-- that I was a confirmed unsuccessful moderator -- and that that part of my life is over. And the best part is that I am happy about it! That is not to say that things are always easy (e.g. today stunk!) but I am not conflicted or sad about my situation. For the first time in a long time, I HAVE NO REGRETS!

                  I am convinced that the processes of reading the stories of people on MWO and posting my reactions to those stories, asking questions about what I had read, and being offered truthful responses allowed this transition to happen and as a wonderful bonus, I got to know some wonderful people who I will always value so much. Posting about myself and my battle and reading the responses of friends here also taught me many things about me - good and bad. All of this got me to where I thankfully am now.

                  I encourage everyone to read, post, question, learn, and allow the power of a community help guide you to where you want to be.

                  :h, NS


                    No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                    Hey folks, new and was invited from another thread to post over here.

                    Happy to report I am 30 days AF TODAY!

                    Proud of this, but I haven't put myself in the situation of having a drink thus far.

                    Guess my real test will be this Friday. Going out to Tokyo to eat with wife and several friends this Friday. They are social drinkers (very much unlike me), and already heard a couple of them state they were going to get "wasted". Hmmm. This will be interesting. Will probably be my "pity party" day that someone was telling me about on here that happens around my point of recovery.

                    This may sound a little hippocritical, but I HATE being in the presence of drunk people unless I am one of them, lol. I know, makes no damn sense! Social drinkers just piss me off! I won't and can never be that. I finally get this after 25 years.

                    All I know, is I consider this upcoming weekend a true test of willpower. One sip is all it will take and this rabid beast of a drunken Sailor (yes, I am US NAVY, lol) is loose on society again. Can't and won't take that first sip, I'd rather take a bath in battery acid, or maybe take a tumble down a cliff!

                    Anyway, enough of me. Ya'll sure are a great bunch of people and a real inspiration!

                    Here is to permanent sobriety and Keepin' on keepin' up the good fight!



                      No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                      NoSugar;1493705 wrote:

                      My realization that I was DONE was not a "light-bulb" moment. For a good while after joining MWO, I assumed I would figure out how to be a 'normal, social drinker'. But at some point I just realized that that was not going to happen-- that I was a confirmed unsuccessful moderator -- and that that part of my life is over. And the best part is that I am happy about it! That is not to say that things are always easy (e.g. today stunk!) but I am not conflicted or sad about my situation. For the first time in a long time, I HAVE NO REGRETS!
                      I love this, thank you. You made me feel so much better about my current confusion. I'll try not to be so anxious about not having perfect clarity at the moment. I'm sure that I'm not the only one that needs to hear this!

                      18 days AF and it is with a heavy heart that I write today. I could not believe the news this morning regarding the explosion in Texas. So much pain and loss going in the USA right now. I do not know anyone injured by these tragedy's (the people that we knew at the marathon are physically OK) but the USA is still my home even so I don't live there. I feel for the families of Texas that have lost their loved ones and homes. Breaks my heart. Makes me want to fly home and hug my family.

                      Much love and strength to you all today!
                      Would you like you, if you met you?


                        No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                        Hi, Sorry I haven't posted, but have been unfooling around getting a bunch of stuff done, started, completed, and continuing to work on.

                        I've been progressing at the gym, doing more reps and heavier weights - feels so good.

                        It's so nice to hear what you all have to say. So many encouraging thoughts and words - feels so good.

                        Here's to a quick lunch and back to work!!!!



                          No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                          Rip - you can do this. Just think - if everyone else is getting wasted, you can be the one who makes sure everyone stays safe. You can drive people, you can just keep everyone safe and sane. That's your new role. Embrace it!
                          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                            No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                            Rip -- congrats on 30 days and sending you positive thoughts for continuing with your sober path.
                            Best wishes to all for a sober weekend (my weekends always started on Thursday night!)
                            Happy to report another AF day/night for me.
                            Free at Last
                            "What you seek is seeking you." -- Rumi

                            Highly recommend this video

                            July 19, 2013 -- the beginning of being Free at Last


                              No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                              Hi everyone!
                              Today is day 18. I can't remember the last time I went this long AF, maybe a few days here and there.
                              This time it seems so different. I think bc I know I can't moderate so basically the last 18 days I have done nothing but eat! And man can I put the sugar down LOL.
                              I am reading "The Fast Metabolism Diet" which I should finish this weekend and on Monday I will start the diet.
                              I will try to check in and post more than I have been


                                No fooling -- April 2013 AF

                                MYA - day 18 is great. The sky is the limit now that you know you can go that long without AL the creep.
                                It just gets better.


