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Thank God for all of you

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    Thank God for all of you

    I found this website and ordered the CD's and books and am waiting on the supps to come. I thought I was on the road, until stressed out last night, I hit the wine to take away my anxiety. Then of course this morning I feel like the lowest of the low. I know I am a good person, have a good job and half way intelligent (do intelligent people keep hitting themselves with a hammer over and over?)..... Anyway, I have tried AA and hated that. People just sit and talk about themselves. What I found this morning was true SUPPORT in reading threads. And that is what I need, as I cannot tell anyone or talk to anyone about my misery. No one can understand how I feel.

    I thank God for all of you and your honesty and sincerety. I can't believe there are so many of us that fight this.

    Thank God for all of you

    I understand how you feel....sort of hopeless and hopeful at the same time.
    Thanks for joining in.


      Thank God for all of you

      Welcome to you Piddy. We do understand. :welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Thank God for all of you

        Welcome Piddypat! sounds like you are ready to make a move in the best direction. congrads! Don't be shy and hit us with all your questions. I laughed when I read what you said about AA, when I went I thought I was in a first year character acting class with everyone trying to one-up each other with their stories. But it does work for many so I can't speak for others. I've found that having as many weapons in my arsenal at once has been the best approach...overwhelm the problem with tons of good, positive energy!
        be well.
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Thank God for all of you

          You'll find lot's of friends and support here.
          Reach deep, find your will power.


            Thank God for all of you

            I'm on day 4 and this site is pulling me through...we can do this together....keep up the good work and keep reading....getting statred seems to of been the hardest part for me....:goodjob: buck


              Thank God for all of you

              Welcome Piddy!
              LOL-people sitting around talking about each other-too funny.

              Around here you'll usually find us congrating each other or offering alot of support and info. Wouldn't want it any other way.
              :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


                Thank God for all of you

                :welcome: aboard Piddypat! (love the name)

                Glad you're here. It just keeps getting better now.

                And yes, of coarse intelligent people hit themselves in the head all the time! I do!:H
                :l Judie
                The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                  Thank God for all of you

                  Welcome piddypat, lovely to have you here .....

                  I used to use wine to stave off anxiety and took a while to realise that it in fact made it worse, for me, finding this place is the best thing i ever did....

                  Keep coming there is always some one here ....

                  All the best ...


                    Thank God for all of you

                    Hey your not alone

                    I have been beating myself over the head a lot these last several weeks. I have managed to be AF for several days without really missing it (sometimes I do) and then comes the weekend and I am a goner again. I have managed two weekends AF so I know I can do it. It is just so frustrating to start all over again for a few days.

                    Anytime you need to talk let me know.



                      Thank God for all of you

                      Welcome Piddypat. Yes, I do think intelligent people hit themselves with a hammer over and over! Its because we are intelligent that we do that, mad isn't it?! Anyway, stop hitting now and enjoy the benefits you will get from all the people here who feel or have felt just like you. All the best. Bella xx


                        Thank God for all of you

                        Glad you are here Piddy, we are all in this together!!
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          Thank God for all of you



