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Hello I really need help. I'm new here

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    Hello I really need help. I'm new here

    Hi and another:welcome:

    My son's name is Will, so can I adopt you online? You sound like a really nice young man. I'm glad you found us.

    Re the counselling. Everyone has stuff and they will help you navigate through yours and don't be embarassed, it's a tune up for the mind and brain.

    You didn't let anyone down. You are new at this and need time to get things sorted out. The MWO program consists of taking supplements to reduce alcohol cravings, cd's that you can listen to which are helpful by way of hypnosis and the love and support of everyone on the boards here because we have all struggled with the same issue.

    Stick around.
    Enlightened by MWO


      Hello I really need help. I'm new here

      Hi will, welcome on board...already you are making some great moves...seeing your Gp and maybe a councellor!

      Maybe you have had your confidence knocked along your journey so that you dont feel "good enough" without a drink when you go out?

      Maybe you will decide to take up sport or a hobby / sometimes you ahve to move away from the regular drinking friends for a bit..or meet them in different sport stuff, cinema, etc where the object of the game is not to get sloshed?

      you have made an amazing decison to get help...especially as major physical damage hopefully wont have been done as yet??

      This site has many young people on it so seek out the help here...i,ve had to use this site for the last 7 weeks daily to help me to remain Alcohol free...i love the feeling of being really Helps.

      good Luck and always rememeber you are "good enough" in God's eyes!!!go for it!

      regards Cassy


        Hello I really need help. I'm new here

        Hi Will,

        Good to hear from you this morning You have let no-one down - not us, not yourself - it's all part of the process. Don't expect miracles over night and cut yourself some slack. It will take hard work and absolute commitment, but your determination to do this is obvious, so you will - no question! -

        It's great that you seem to have such a good relationship with your Mum - having such a source of support will be invaluable - and we're always here too, so keep coming back! it doesn't matter how many times you cave in, just pick yourself up, learn from it and move forward- If it means staying in for a while, do it - read this website, get RJs book if you haven't already, give yourself some time to maybe arm yourself better to be able to face really challenging social situations - and maybe look at ways to change those social situations - could your mates come round to you for a change? Could you find something to do where the end goal isn't drinking as much as possible?

        Anyway, just take it a small step at a time, and believe in yourself - if you want to get back your life, you will - you just need to find what will work for you...

        Many :l
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
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