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Im so glad iv found you

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    Im so glad iv found you

    iv been reading through these" cries for help" and all the wonderful replies that have been posted. i can relate
    to the "drinking alone" "never going out" "getting drunk every night".iv been drinking every night for three weeks now and im shaking so bad i can hardly type. i hate myself and im on a constant guilt trip. Iv been drinking for years, my mother was the same and shes been sober for 15 years, my father died an alcoholic. i hated living with them and their drinking. now im doing the same thing to my daughter and its breaking my hart.any advice for me please?

    Im so glad iv found you

    Hi Rainbow & :welcome:

    Read and post as much as you can, there are so many different suggestions here that you are bound to find something that works for you.

    You have made the right decision by dealing with and it is possible love.


      Im so glad iv found you

      Welcome...i too was raised by alcoholics and swore i would never do that to my here i am trying to get better for 2 kids...i cant believe i am doing this to them...i TOTALLY understand how you feel... # bottles of wine for me a day for i dont know how long....the guilt is overwhelming....i am only 5 days into this program and it seems to be working for me...this board has been wonderful and so supportive i cant even put it into also give me back so much to post for can do truly the book if you havent already...i read it and it seemed like a miracle to me but i am doing the steps and it is happening for me...You should be so proud of yourself for even putting your story up and reaching out,,,i know how hard that can be....It will get better if you want it to ...keep posting and reading this board...there is so much great info here and a great place to use your time instead of drinking ....Believe in yourself and tell youself that you are going to get better for you and for your will happen....:welcome: :goodjob: buck


        Im so glad iv found you

        welcome rainbowchaser, my advice to you would be to read theMWO book. And get the supps too. You have been very brave just talking here to people who understand. This really will keep you motivated to continue and read some of the posts as they are all an inspiration. You will get there. love Bella xx


          Im so glad iv found you


          Get the book (can be down loaded), read it. It suggests supplements as well as taking meds (Topamax or others take Campral) and hypnosis cd's. Staying close to the boards helps as we try to help each other as best we can.

          Poke around & read a little.

          Glad you found us.
          :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


            Im so glad iv found you

            Hi and Welcome Rainbow!!!

            I was going to suggest the same thing about reading the book and trying the supplements and the CDs. This program really addresses the biochemical issues of a drinker's brain. You can do this. We are here to help you break the cycle.
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Im so glad iv found you

              Hi & welcome Rainbow - as the others have said, read the book & as many of the boards as you can - this is a great place you have come to & a very brave step in doing so.


                Im so glad iv found you

                Hi and welcome....your here and support is just a type away! come here everyday, or every hour...whatever you need to get you help! Read her book and get yourself some supplements in hand. Even go to the local book store and get self help books...they really hit the nail on the head! (atleast for me they did) I never thought I would ever get to this point of being an alcoholic...but I am here and getting rid of it! My daughter and mother even go to alanon-meetings! so, stay here and get all the help you desire....were here for you!


                  Im so glad iv found you

                  This is the kindest, gentlest place -- a great place to quit drinking and start living. I haven't been at this real long (39 days AF) but find that the book, the boards and kudzu have really helped. I haven't yet used the CDs but plan to when, and IF, I ever decide to try moderation (something at which I have not been very good at in the past).
                  Welcome! You are going to love being a part of this.
                  Mama T.
                  Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                    Im so glad iv found you

                    Hi rainbow,
                    As has been said, you shouldn't hate yourself.
                    It's hard to see just now I know, but inside every problem drinker and alcoholic here, there is a kind and decent person just bursting to have a proper life.
                    You have done a lot today to help yourself along the road to peace.
                    Stay with us a while and I'm sure you will come out of the experience feeling miles better about yourself.



                      Im so glad iv found you

                      Hi Rainbow, welcome. Never, ever, hate yourself. You really have found the place to be here, support and advice in abundance by those who really really know. No B--llshit here either, just genuine lovely folks. Start your new life from TODAY - welcome again.

                      Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                        Im so glad iv found you

                        I see the 'Rainbow' right behind you Rainbow..keep checking've taken the first and biggest step today!
                        Best of Luck! Dianne


                          Im so glad iv found you

                          Thank you all for your support, it means a lot to me, what lovely people you all are

