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    First time - please respond

    Hi all - my name is Barb..I am in desperate need of help...been drinking a long long time and it has finally ruined my life. Losing my home life along with every thing else. Glad I found this place and hope it helps me. All input is welcome and needed.::new:
    We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!

    First time - please respond

    thank you so much fan for your quick response - it is greatly appreciated.
    We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


      First time - please respond

      Welcome Barnie Ellen ,
      As Fan says, read as much as you can and choose what you think will work for you - this is a great place for support & advice & the people are wonderful & non judgemental.



        First time - please respond

        Welcome Barbie! This is a great place you have come to and the program really works. Wishing you the best.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          First time - please respond

          Hi and glad your here as well. do all fan requested to get you started. Is there anyone that you can talk to around your home? That really helps to get you started. Also, post here frequently when you need help or answers. Everyone here is great and very helpful and full of support. Good luck to you and don't give up!


            First time - please respond

            Hey Barbie, a step at a time, as fan said the book and the supplements are a great help.Where in MD.? are you? I'm in northern VA.


              First time - please respond

              Hello Barb, glad you found us.. Have you read any other posts yet??? If not, have a read on some of the boards, this one is good, also the General Discussion board.. Just get a feel for the place, then when you are ready you can tell us a bit about yourself if you want to...

              I have been here for nearly 6 months now, and in all that time I haven't had one drink, so this programme really works.. I must add though, its no magic cure, you have to put in the work, but, you will never be alone, there is alway someone here to listen, give advice, offer a helping hand or even a shoulder to cry on.....

              There will be some one else along in a little while, just keep on reading and posting..

              Catch ya soon.
              Love, Louise xx

              A F F L..
              Alcohol Free For Life


                First time - please respond

                :welcome: Barbie,

                Fan summed it up brilliantly.

                Hang in there..... you've taken the first step towards an exciting new life.
                A BushBaby with Attitude


                  First time - please respond

                  Wow, is that a record???

                  Barbie posted at 4.22, Within 11 minutes she had 8 replies....
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    First time - please respond

                    Welcome Barbie. You have just found a lot of " new best friends"

                    AF Since December 2006


                      First time - please respond

                      I am in Southern Maryland, La Plata! Maybe you are not so far away. Let me know
                      We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                        First time - please respond

                        Thank you so much - already I feel so much better and that I am not alone. WOW! I am glad I stumbled onto this place - must have been angel sent.
                        We live our lives in chains and dont even know we have the key!


                          First time - please respond

                          Hi Barb,
                          You've come to the right place.
                          Thanks for joining us. We need all the help we can get.


                            First time - please respond

                            Hey Barbie,
                            Just another welcome -- I went AF 39 days ago with the help of this program, the book, the boards and kudzu (I'm a real fan -- for me it is a miracle). We're all here to help one another, you'll find it is a great place. We are all rooting for you.
                            Mama T.
                            Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                              First time - please respond

                              Hi Barbie & :welcome:

                              This place is amazing, keep reading, It really does work xx

